Friday, March 26, 2004

We're having Thanksgiving Dinner tonight

Yesterday's meals:

Breakfast: Women's oatmeal, soy milk; grape juice
Snack: Apple
Lunch: Roast beef w/veggies on whole wheat wrap, carrot sticks, 4 thin mints
Snack: apple
Dinner: 1/3 frozen pizza, salad, veggies from yesterday; 2 tagalongs
Water throughout
Walked around campus, as usual. Starting on Monday, back to exercising hardcore, mummy or no mummy.

Handed in my last paper for History yesterday. Felt kind of good. Now I can focus on my internship paper this next week, and then my paper on Diarmuid and Grannia throughout April. This on top of all the other homework I have to do and, of course, trying to find a job.

Been very lazy lately. Kelly whines, I'm just lazy. Haven't written, haven't read. I need better weather, I need warmth. I was built for warmer climes, I think. 'Cause yesterday it was in the 50s and I was still walkin' around in a sweater & winter coat. Today is supposed to be in the 60s, but I don't really believe them. They lie, lie! If it's warmer, anyway, I can sit outside and force myself to do work because there's no TV. TV is my huge downfall. Well, that and the internet.

The dog is eating the catfood. I hate dogs. Cats are so much better. They purr, they meow, they cuddle. They rarely deficate or urinate somewhere they aren't supposed to.

I got my car back last night. Went in for an oil change, came out with a new water pump. Need new brake pads the next time I go in. Woohoo, car ownership. Where is my flying car, btw? The Jetson's lied too!


Which high class ho are you?
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White Dragon
You are a white dragon, pure and noble, you would
help humans if they desprately need you. YOu
are kind and wise with a heart of gold.

Which Dragon resides in your soul? (cool pictures!)
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