Saturday, May 01, 2004

Sorry for the delay...

although it appears that my blogging was missed on some level. Woohoo, go me.

This week was the last week of classes; exams are next week (YIKES!) On top of that, I was getting up at 5:45 every morning to teach classes I wasn't getting paid for, but needed to teach for experience. Quite honestly, I don't feel that super spectacular about myself as a teacher still. My lesson plans do not suck (yay me) but there's something about the way I act in front of a class...I don't know, I don't seem to command much respect. The kids I was teaching were really good, and for the most part pretty bright, but...I think it's because I was replacing someone they really loved.

So, technically, as of Thursday, I started my life as a long-term sub. Of course, I have only taught one class in that time and supervised one study hall, but whatever. The woman I'm in for is actually still teaching one of her classes, at least until they finish "Hamlet." But if she gets busy, I'll get to take over. Woohoo. If there's a Shakespeare play I know better than good ol' Hammy...well, I don't know what it is.

Of course, this is now all up in the air because the guy who was supposed to be out for the rest of the year recovering from pancreatic cancer removal couldn't get the tumor removed. So they're going to be radiating & chemoing him, and he seems to think he'll be able to return to work. Why? Because apparently his job is his life; he has no family and few friends. Does he not realize how crappy he's going to feel? The moral of this story is: have a life outside of work, because you won't always be able to work.

Today I have to start preparing for my exams. They're going to be HARD. There's a LOT to remember, and I'm not sure I have the brain power left. Having a Dendera moment, this pisses me off because I was a REALLY GOOD undergrad student, and the thought of having 3 B's on my graduate transcript is pissing me off on all sorts of levels. Study study study is the way to go, I guess.

Health update: after suffering for an entire week with pain in my right sinus cavity that transfered itself to my teeth, I finally got to see a doctor. That's right folks, I've got 1/2 of a sinus infection. Whoo hoo, more drugs. Because I've been feeling like crap, and also because my schedule was totally wonky this week (my mother says I use the word "wonky" a lot now. Discuss.) I have not exercised in... ... ... Well, you get the idea. I have been consuming 1-2 servings of fruit a day, however, along with minimal exposure to meat/animal products and roughly 3 servings of veggies a day (more, depending on the veggie at dinner). The result? Another 2.2 pounds lost. Why do I count in 2.2 pounds? Because the scale we have is French (my mother bought it many moons ago when we were overseas) and it does everything in kilograms. So that brings me down to 140.8. Holy sh!t. I can't remember the last time the scale said ANYTHING like that. And yes, Kelly, I know it's mostly water weight, but still. Whee!

If not this week (another whacky schedule w/exams et al) then definitely next week we begin beating ourselves up. I need a knee brace.



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