Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Not a good day

I guess today is one of those reasons why you are supposed to have lesson plans. I have taught two classes today, and they both freakin' self-destructed. The problems begin with the fact that I'm trying to teach these kids how to write essays in a topic I know nothing about; I don't really even know how this paper is supposed to look at the end. So the kids flounder hopelessly about, although some of it is just laziness on their part. It's not like they've never written a paper like this before. I dunno. I know the kids wish I wasn't here; I mean, they applauded when the woman I'm covering for came into the classroom. This is the same problem I had when I was student teaching; the kids see her and so therefore do not totally recognize me as an authority figure. I am also "mean" and "strict". I know I shouldn't let it get to me, but let's face it--the problems are repeating themselves. Therefore, it must be me.

So what do I do about it? I've only got 35 minute classes tomorrow because it's a half day. It's clear that I can't just let the kids roam free on this task because they don't (for the most part) complete the task. So tomorrow I have to figure out a way to use the class time in the most efficent manner possible. They have to write a (roughly) 6-8 page paper. Okay, so if I have the kids pull out their brainstorming from Monday, I will ask them to number their "bubbles" to correspond with the guides from their worksheet. Then I will have them match up their sources to the same guides. Finally, they will need to work on creating bubbles/finding sources for the ones they don't have. Bada bing, bada boom, they can start writing. Right?

Now that I've bored you all to death with my lesson plan for tomorrow...Boyfriend arrived safely in Orlando, has been having much fun. I'd envy him terribly, except we're having beautiful lovely weather here today. I worked out yesterday, although it was only a 1/2 hour of walking. Mom and I will probably continue to do that for the rest of the week, and then start the evil ladies next week. It's been way too long since we've worked out and I think we'd die if we jumped back into 'em right away. Food consumption blew yesterday, but so far I've done all right. Still, this part of the day coming up is the worst; the time between getting home and eating dinner. 'Cause I want to eat now, and dinner at my house isn't until like 6:30 or 7. I know I could make my own meals, but I like the quality time of hangin' out with the folks. I look forward to the day when I have a certain amount of autonomy in this area. I look forward to the day when I'm really employed. Gosh, that'll be lovely. Tonight, I'll work on my applications and get 'em ready to send out tomorrow. It's cuttin' it a little close, but it's the best I can do.


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