Sunday, July 18, 2004

Am I talking to myself?

Blogs are great, but they're crap for your self-esteem when virtually no one comments on your life. I guess maybe my life leads something to be desired.

The worst thing about growing up is the separation of close friendships. I've been saying to myself lately that I need to call my really good childhood friend, or email my best high school buddy, but then I think "well, wouldn't they contact me if they wanted to chat?" Or are they thinking the same thing I am? I've been burned one too many times in friendships because I gave and gave and got nothing back. Who wants to expend energy like that all the time?

Gotta say that I'm pretty torn about the trip to Canada. Part of me wants the bf to come because I think he needs a vacation, but the other part of me thinks that the break will be good. I mean, I know we had the break with me in TX, but I don't think it really counted because we were in contact rather continously. Plus, he's been just...weird lately. Weird in not a good way. Weird like I don't know what to do with him. Just babbling, forgive.

Went to see "I, Robot" tonight. Actually not a bad little flick. Will Smith was, well, Will Smith, but that's a damn fine man and...well, shower scene. I'll just leave it at that for imaginations to run wild. Interesting plot, good action...B+ movie.

Have really no clear idea of what I'm doing with my students tomorrow and part of me just doesn't give a flying pig. I've got a general guideline based on their papers that I corrected, so that's a start.

Didn't workout today (bad Lady Vader), but am back on the wagon tomorrow, followed by cash checking, thank-you-not sending and certification mailing. Busy busy, that's me.

Hope all is well out in blogger land.


At 7/19/2004 9:48 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

Karen, nah it doesn't count as falling off the wagon. Sorry as well for not being in much contact... my weekend has passed by in a haze of horrible bodily fluids for which I had to provide care. As such, it was hard for me to come up with any interesting antecdotes that were not about poopy, dead bodies, or vomit. But um... yeah, exercise today, that makes you feel good. Yay. Also a good idea: reading something enjoyable.

At 7/19/2004 11:49 AM, Blogger Likestrek said...

Sorry for not commenting but I figure you've heard my rants on similar subjects so why rehash them?

At 7/19/2004 5:37 PM, Blogger LadyVader said...

I want to! Curse financial obligations! Curse them to the seventh circle of hell!


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