Tuesday, July 20, 2004

A whole lotta babbling (I'm a freakin' brook)

First, some thank yous:

To the Goddesses, for being some of my oldest friends. Also, for getting me back on a healthy track when I was having a lot of trouble staying on. For helping me shed some excess emotional baggage that was not my own, and for letting me stay at your house for a week rent-free.

To Anathema, for getting me through the last year without the nervous breakdown I'm sure everyone thought was coming. For listening to me bitch and moan about my lack of employment. For almost taking me to see "Spiderman 2" and for carpooling.

To Leila, for making "Celtic & Norse Mythology" that much more interesting. Also, for reading my blog even though you don't have to. :)

I think that's it.

Now, onto your regularly scheduled post:

I've been having a pretty easy time *knock on wood* writing lately, and I think it might very well have to do with the fact that I'm writing a story where the characters are so entrenched in people I actually know. My "Gathering" tale is coming along rather fabulously when I write (if I do say so myself). Perhaps that really IS the trick to writing, working off what you know. Of course, you can't be so blatant most of the time...or so they say. I ask, why not? So what if your mother recognizes herself as the villainess...hey, least she made it into the story!

I'm procrastinating right now. I've been procrastinating all afternoon. This might be the "burn-out" Kelley was talking about when it came to teaching summer school. It's not that I'm sick of the kids or the class time, I just don't feel like planning. It's SO tedious sometimes. Okay, most of the time.

Still haven't heard back from any place I interviewed last week. Grr, Arg, Etc. Sent out my certification stuff today, however. Let us hope that process goes smoothly. To whomever you pray, pray to them for that.

Oh, Kelly & Sar...interested in posting your SW fic at a place with the average IQ is higher than 50? Let me know.

Addendum: I think I may be the only person from my graduating class who doesn't have a job. *grumble*


At 7/20/2004 4:45 PM, Blogger Anathema said...

You helped me get through the last year without the nervous breakdown I'm still in shock that I didn't have. Also for carpooling...and for proving there are friends on the other side of college. And that it's possible to have friends without the drama. *sniffs* Ok, gonna go before I really get sappy.

At 7/20/2004 4:50 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

There's a fanfic site whose authors have IQs above 50? Where is this place? I most definitely would like to, since some of the people who'd posted my Han and Leia stories have abandoned their sites by now.

Oh: and you're welcome, anytime ;)

At 7/21/2004 11:45 AM, Blogger Likestrek said...

I will overlook the fact that didn't mention me reading your blog when you have apparently stopped reading mine but I will comment on the Gathering story: Wasn't I the villain?

Take heart, I'm always the only one without a job...


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