Monday, August 09, 2004

Reward for Returned Muse

Due to the unemployment illness which does not seem to be affecting other people I know, I have lost all inspiration. Everytime I think about writing, it just makes me want to curl up and read or take a nap. I know that is exactly why I should write, but I am, nonetheless, feeling rejected by my muse.

Allergies. God, do I hate allergies. I wake up and I feel like a cross between a fountain and a fog horn. Or perhaps a goose. Regardless, this makes it very difficult to accomplish anything because I'm constantly stopping to blow my nose or scratch my eyes. (Case in point, I stopped typing twice during that sentence for my eyes).

After the disasterous effects of a weekend at my grandmother's house, I have decided to get back on the bandwagon of healthy-ness. Although my eating was horrible Saturday, I did go for about an hour-long walk. Eating was better yesterday, and also included a walk. My arms are totally grossing me out due to their "sudden" flabbiness, so I think I might do some weights today. I hate weights. Mostly because they bore me.

Laptop has found a new way to annoy me: kicking me offline every ten minutes or so. This is not a very productive way to get anything done, so now I'm using my parents computer with even more frequency than before. Laptop is still good as a portable typewriter, but who knows how long that will last. I need to play the computer file shuffle and burn with the boyfriend before BOTH my computers go the way of the dodo bird.

I have some phone calls to make and letters to send today re: employment, so hopefully something will pan out this week. The clock, she ticks, and she ticks for me.


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