Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Oh for the love of...only Tuesday?

You know how sometimes the week just seems to drag? Yeah, well I wish desperately that it was Friday. I've had positively ridiculous days at work the past two days, and I cannot forsee improvement in the near future. I issued three detentions today, and I have to call home on a slew of kids. And the kids that I find least aggravating the department head said HE would have thrown out. Can't wait to talk to him. Might be looking for a new job next year.

I can't get ANYTHING done because my grandparents are here. They're not getting any younger, so I want to spend as much time with them as possible. But part of me needs to set up shop in the library in one of the nearby towns and not leave until all my planning is done. At least one of the other teachers and I are planning our sophomore unit together, so I'll know what I'm doing for the next six days (starting Friday). At least with one class. Still haven't put together my myth unit. Too much other crap to do.

On top of that, I'm all menstrual and my back and neck hurt and I just want to curl up and watch Star Wars on DVD. Or work on my relationship, 'cause it's suffering. I love having a new job. Who said teaching was easy? Can I slap that person?


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