Thursday, September 16, 2004


Had a double period with my mentor today, where we discussed various and sundry things, including the sub caller, my goals and objectives for the year (I can't believe I have to write this ON TOP of everything else) and units for the seniors. I have the most leeway with the seniors (this year) because they aren't following the Stepford-System yet, so we basically just have to teach "World Lit." How nice and terribly broad. But you all know what that means, yes? I get to teach Mythology (Celtic and Norse...woohoo!) and King Arthur and Shakespeare. I'm sure I'll branch out into non-European stuff at some point, but the thought of being able to teach stuff I love has made me terribly happy. Plus, I can show parts of Star Wars for the mythology unit. Whee.

I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. I'm also glad I got paid today. I only got paid for the first week I worked, though. I'm wondering if my next check will be bigger, or if there was a second one somewhere the business office lady didn't see. I'll have to ask tomorrow. Still, I can now pay for my rear main seal, car insurance, and student loans, and credit cards. Well, the paycheck won't cover all of it, but enough that I won't be dipping too far into my sad fundage.

I ate a huge bowl of macaroni and cheese when I came home. I felt like a pig, but it tasted really good, even if it was two days old. Whatever. I'm going for a walk when Mum comes home, so I will work it off on some level. I guess. That's what I'm telling myself at any rate.

Hope my readers are healthy (or getting there) and have fun and exciting plans for the weekend.


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