Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I am...

...a morning person
...not happy with my weight
...a wanna-be-writer trapped in a pragmatist's body
...a mother-in-waiting
...highly uncomfortable with new people
...afraid of being alone forever
...willing to wait for something that's worth my time love with a man who's not quite sure about me
...more attached to my cat than is probably healthy
...addicted to the color blue
...hopelessly lazy when it comes to diet and exercise
...ready for a change
...afraid of making a mistake
...scared that my students are right and I do, indeed, suck
...a homebody
...someone who likes to get out and dance
...a traveler with no income to do som
...not as smart as I want to be
...sick of earning what my brother is given
...someone who gets frustrated with her father
...a feminist who wants to stay at home
...very much like my mother
...a push-over
...terrified of confrontation
...someone who has over-estimated her own abilities for far too long
...willing to take 'no' for an answer
...skeptical of compliments
...confused about how to make myself better
...not-so-hopeful that I CAN make myself better

(This post brought to you by two days of professional development that asked us to become better people.)


At 11/04/2004 11:35 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

You forgot "a goddess" as well as "good chums with a lady pirate," for which I am seriously insulted at being forgotten :(
Not really. You're too hard on yourself though, despite the few positives you included. I think you're right though, you *do* need a change. I hope a good one is coming for you soon.

At 11/04/2004 2:41 PM, Blogger Likestrek said...

For the most part, if your students don't think you suck, you could be doing something wrong. Cheer up. My life sucks way worse than yours. No matter how much they may not be that great right now, you have a job and are in a relationship. Believe me that's better than not having those things at all.


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