Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Did you vote? 'Cause I did.

Yup, even got the little sticker to prove it. My votes were counted around 6:20 EST. Only 13 more hours 'til the polls close. Oy.

Anyway, had to post this WEIRD dream I had before I go off to get professionally developed. In this dream, I was in some sort of library with all these people. However, Denderawas the only person I knew who was there. For some reason we were trying to get from one of the book cases to another using a rope bridge of some kind. But only part of it was connected; there was this huge opening on one side. The bridge kept swinging; I kept almost falling to the cold tile below. We eventually got the whole thing settled, then Dendera and I had a heart-to-heart about...something, not sure what. This guy starts talking to us, who in the dream we knew and was somehow interested in Dendera. She blew him off, we crossed the rope bridge (again) and then we were down on the ground sitting there giggling about boys. Talking about her relationship with M. and how really he had just been a warm body in a lot of ways, although she got her anatomical pieces mixed up as to which he had. (Let me tell you, hearing Dendera say...er, cat, is very funny, even in a dream) Everyone around us was looking at us very strangely.

So yeah. Weird ass dream. That will give the Goddess of War something to think about as she waits oh-so-patiently for the votes to be counted.

This post brought to you by a need for female companionship and poor sleeping patterns.


At 11/03/2004 12:14 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

oh god. Oh god oh god. There is an hour left till the polls close or whatever and it's not looking good. Wah. Anyway. Your dream sounds very funny. I bet it's a product of your talking to both of us separately, and hearing her compare Marc to her Micah (I know how you are about names on blogs, but she and I use 'em). Just can't resist though: HAHAHA. Micah may not have a 'cat' but he sure is a pussy. Heee!


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