Thursday, December 30, 2004

Adieu, M. Orbach

Jerry Orbach, of "Law and Order" and "Dirty Dancing" fame, died Tuesday. This guy has always been there, and he was young, only in his 60s, so this is actually quite sad. Just wanted to make everyone aware.

I did weights at the gym yesterday, so of course all my muscles hurt today. I will be good and go back today for more fun with the treadmill, but I will have to force myself to go on Friday, as Mom & I must grocery shop. Old Mother Hubbard had more in her cabinets than we do.

Went to see "The Life Aquaitic" last night. I'm still not really sure what I think of this movie. I laughed a bit, but I think it's one of those things that'd make a lot more sense with a buzz on. As Bill Murray's character was smoking up throughout the entire thing, that might be the intention. Still, Willem DeFoe (who is quickly become one of my favorite wacky actors) did a good job...actually, everyone did. The movie was just...very strange. I still need to see "The Phantom of the Opera;" I can't wait. My father once said (of the stage show) that "If all musical theatre was like that, I would have season tickets to the Bushnell." Now, anyone who knows my father understands what a statement this is from him.

Watched "King Arthur" yesterday too. The Director's Cut is a little bloodier, there was an extra scene or two...not much of a change, however. Still, I don't think the movie is as bad as some people did. Actually, I really enjoyed it. Not your traditional take on the story, but it's nice to see a strong Guinevere. And the landscape (Ireland, btw, for those interested) is of coure stunning. Did you know the actors did 90% of their own stunts and sword work, including Keira? Did you know she was only 18 when they filmed it? I wonder if Clive Owen was a little skeeved out by their love scene. No, probably not.

[Edited because I don't want to anger anyone.]

Here, a quiz, courtesy of Leila's blog:

100 Years by Five for Fighting

"Every day's a new day...
15 there's still time for you
Time to buy and time to choose
Hey 15, there's never a wish better than this
When you only got 100 years to live"

2004 was about thinking and reflecting - but isn't every year?


At 12/30/2004 10:26 AM, Blogger Tusc said...

At what point did I declare any intention of writing deep musings? For that matter, at what point have I discussed the blog? I'm afraid that anyone looking to find something deeply profound in my writings will be a bit let down. I fully intend for it to be as irrelevent as possible. Ramblings, my dear. Ramblings. Those nonsensical rants born from misaligned brain waves that often scare you. You know, like when I haven't slept for a week.


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