Monday, January 03, 2005

New year, new discipline

It seems I have to come up with a new set of rules/consequences/procdures, etc. for my classes. I got micro-managed by my v.p. today, so now I have to do everything he says. So I'm re-arranging seats for everyone, standing at the door and refusing to let anyone in with food or a hooded sweat shirt, and giving detentions for everything. I don't know how this is supposed to be effective, but that's what they're telling me.

As I was driving home, I thought more about something that Leila said awhile back about being a professor. I think that's the kind of teacher I'd love to be. Because discipline problems are pretty freakin' negligible in college--if they don't want to be there, they just don't show up. But that would require more schooling and more money on my part and...well, I think I might just be frustrated at the moment. I guess I'll try being a hard-ass tomorrow and see what happens. I think I'm going to get observed on Wednesday (but with my freshmen) so hopefully they'll be good. Actually, with this particular class, if I tell them it's going to happen, I'll bet they behave for me. Good kids, love 'em, they're my favorites.

Was supposed to go to the gym today, but as I got out of work late, I figured the place'd be packed and so I opted, instead, to simply come home and unwind for a bit.

Hope everyone's Monday was better than mine.


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