Sunday, December 26, 2004

Yay for Boxing Day

Hello to everyone on the post-Christmas side of things. Or are we pre-Christmas again? Guess it depends on how you feel about tinsel and fruitcake.

Had a very low-key day yesterday, which means I read a lot and Dad and I watched a whole bunch of bad movies on TV. When Mom came up, we drank champagne, then we opened presents. I got these really cool pens that look like swords, and a white cape I'd been eyeing in a catalog for months. Forget the veil--if I get married, I'm wearing this cape. My brother spent too much money on me and the BF continued the jewlery set he started our first christmas together; a beautiful necklace.

So, on to a book review. No one should read "The Pearl Saga" by Eric Van Lustbader. Trust me. The writing is of mediocre fanfiction quality, it speeds through entirely too quickly, and the end just sorta...stopped. After three books, he really should have tied up all the loose ends; another series would be beating a dead horse. So if that's what someone was planning on reading it...stop. Find yourself some trashy romance novels. It'd be more worth your time.


At 12/27/2004 5:02 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

I have never heard of the series you mentioned, but will be sure not to read it.
Christmas sucks, hooray for another 10 months without it.

At 12/28/2004 11:06 AM, Blogger Likestrek said...

I read his Bourne Legacy a new story featuring the Jason Bourne character. He really broke no new ground. I suppose that could have been the stipulation put forth by the Ludlum estate but it sounds likely now that was just part of it...
Your brother spent too much money on you? Thats a new one...


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