Friday, March 19, 2004


This is the result of not working your abs in a week; they hurt for two days after the workout.

I have a paper due next Thursday that I have not even started. I also have the write the paper for my project (with help from my group-mates) by the first week in April. 'Cause I like to pile all the stuff I need to do into two weeks. Oh yeah, and my Celtic paper that's still really not going anywhere. Why did I decide that going back to school was a good idea?

Today is the bf's birthday. He is 25. He can now rent a car and get lower car insurance rates. Woohoo.

We are at about day 5 of the never-ending snow. I am probably going to have to shovel the driveway before I can go anywhere today. And I do have to go out. More internshipy goodness.

Not feeling my normal chipper self. Although I suppose I'm not usually chipper. Maybe it's this strong desire for winter to be over, but I'm finding myself in an unpleasant emotional state. I'm wondering if getting some of this school work out of the way if I'll feel better.

Okay, you can all pretty much tune out at this point; I have to complain about the webboard I'm a member of. 2 months ago, the owner & one of her closest friends on the site at a falling out; mass exodus of membership followed. Now that friend has re-joined part of the site because she missed some of the people & discussions, but didn't want to get involved all the way again. Well, people are still pissed at her. I don't know everything that happened; I think both sides are to blame, but both sides are right too. And it's not liberal bull-crap, that's the way I see it. Then people jumped down MY throat when I said that to someone bitching about this other member's re-joining of the site. The bitcher doesn't even frequent that part of the site, so wtf is the problem? Gah, it's so stupid and of course I shouldn't give a rat's ass 'cause it's just a website. But still.

Pirate Monkey's Harry Potter Personality Quiz
Harry Potter Personality Quiz
by Pirate Monkeys Inc.

You are Galadriel's Mirrorball.  A gift to her from Sauron in the days when he masked his evil, you wreak havoc among the weak-minded.  The elven queen herself has been seen sneaking aw
You are Galadriel's Mirrorball. A gift to her from
Sauron in the days when he masked his evil, you
wreak havoc among the weak-minded. The elven
queen herself has been seen sneaking away to
her secret glade to dance the night away to
wicked music. You may be the downfall of

Which completely non-existant Lord of the Rings object are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


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