Monday, March 22, 2004

Sleep, sweet sleep

I actually got good sleep last night; no dreams or undue mental stress keeping me awake. All the factors of the stress are still around, but I made some headway on my paper that's due Thursday, and might actually have a topic, so that's good.

Still, I am not in a happy place right now. Blame it on hormonal shifts, which is partially accurate, but I am feeling overwhelmed. School is dumping a lot on me right now, which I could probably handle, if I didn't have this all-consuming, gripping fear of not being employed AGAIN when this is all over. I just put myself into more debt (another source of anxiety) to get a job, and if it doesn't work...I don't know what I'm going to do. You know the B+ in student teaching might be a sign saying I'm barking up the wrong tree, but I *want* to do this now. I miss some of my students from the fall; I'm eager to get kids to read and write and talk about things. But there is that nagging fear...once again, I've made the wrong choice; once again, I've wasted another year and more money on something that won't pan out.

Your a dog.
You are the Dog. Brave and Strong

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