Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mother f'er

My laptop is being stupid. I am pissed. My tab & control buttons are not working at the moment. Also, all my internet "buttons" (Refresh, Home, etc) are not lit I'm offline or something. Which, obviously, I am not. Son of a biscuit!

We got snow. Lots of snow. I still have to go to my internship today. Blah.

Cordelia just broke up with Xander. Poor guy.

Speaking of vampires, I finished "Dracula" last night. Let me say, the ending lacked something. Someone dies (hope I'm not spoiling it for anyone) and it was kind of...well, weird. Anyway, I wish someone would make a movie that was pretty true to the book because it would have some great scenes.

You are Moloch. You trick people into believeing
you're someone else then hit them where it

What Buffy Bad guy are you??? (with pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

You're human Inuyasha! When out of demon form (and
consequently, out of your comfort zone), you
feel vulnerable, awkward, and confused. This
self-hatred of your human state leads you to be
tempremental and self-conscious, ultimately
distancing you from your friends. You tend to
associate being human with being a weakling,
and you hate nothing more than feeling
helpless. Keep in mind that this so-called
weakness isn't one at all; merely another facet
of your fascinating personality. Your friends
will continue to be there for you if you'll
only let them. Besides, it's only one night out
of each month, you big whiner. So chin up.
Sunrise isn't that far off ^_~

Which Inuyasha Are You? Now with pictures! ^_^
brought to you by Quizilla


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