Sunday, March 14, 2004

You may already be a winner.

Last night was a good ol' fashioned hootinaney at my father's club. I walked away with a cake dish, a collage picture frame, and two candle holders. BF took the picture frame home to put in his office, once he goes through my pictures of us and has his father make copies. Felt kind of special, I have to say.

Today I'm celebrating St. Patty's day early with my brother's godfather's family. Their daughter is a year and a half...very cute. Has the name I always wanted to name a little girl. So I named the main character of my opus that instead. Every bf I've ever had didn't like the name. *sigh*

BF is going on two trips in the next couple of months: one to Iowa and one to Orlando. Don't want to go to Iowa; want to go to Orlando, but it's all businessy so I can't. He's going to stop in Minneapolis for the first leg of the latter trip; I told him he must purchase me Viking gear if he is in Viking land. I may attempt to treat myself to tickets to a game this year if they're playing anyone in the area. I'll definitely be on TV; I'll be one of the 1/2 dozen purple jerseys.

I'm posting quiz answers, but I'm a little upset that I can't get any original answers. Feeling quite sheepish in that regard. Or lemming-ish. Whee, making up new words.

What's your life as a movie? Made by

Hero; congradulations! You always save the day,
even though you may be an inch away from death,
have no fear, the producers can't make you die

Who do you play in in a typical movie?
brought to you by Quizilla

Take the Which Evil Demon are you? quiz, and visit Castle Diqueria


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