Friday, March 12, 2004


1. List in order, your top 5 most desired super-human powers: I think if I say "The Force" it sums it all up; oh, and being able to freeze things
2. What do you like best about yourself, emotionally?: Sensitive to other's feelings
3. What do you like best about yourself, physically?: My lower back
4. Do you bathe in the mornings?: if I work out
5. Do you bathe in the evenings?: shower, usually
6. How many times, in a week, would you say you've washed yourself?: 7
7. Do you flex in the mirror?: Uh, no
8. Do other people find you attractive?: Rumored to be true
9. Do you find yourself attractive?: On my good days
10. List 5 things you hate about yourself: my weight, my hair, my skin, my teeth, my indecisiveness
11. List 10 things you like about yourself: intelligence, sense of humor, organizational, I don't have a lot of things I like about mysef
12. List 5 people you care about online: Just online? Josh, Alan, Carol..that's it for people I don't know offline too...pretty much
13. List 5 people you care about in real life: Kelly, Sar, Jer, Brett, Katie
14. Overall, do you love yourself?: On good days
15. Are you more happy, than not?: split down the middle
16. Have you ever been hit before?: by my brother, yes
17. Where were you hit?: all over
18. By what?: sibling's fist
19. Did it hurt?: i'm sure at the time, yes
20. Is the glass half-empty or half-full?: it's a glass, with stuff in it
21. In what color do you see the world?: Technicolor
22. Why?: *shrugs*
23. How often do you swear?: several times daily
24. How often do you swear at other people?: once or twice daily
25. How does this make you feel?: Rather stupid sometimes
26. Are you on some kind of medication?: Yes
27. Do you think you need it?: Well, it's either that or enter the world of parenting
28. Right now, who/what do you feel like hugging?: my cat
29. Name 3 songs you'd listen to right now: "This Land is Mine" by Dido, "Sunday Morning After" by Amanda Marshall, "Big Balls" by AC-DC
30. List 3 people who's voices you'd like to hear right now: Brett's, my best friend's, my cousin's
31. What is your favorite noise?: kisses
32. What is your favorite word?: aseinasinasylic acid (totally spelled's Asprin)
33. What is your favorite color?: blue!
34. What is your least favorite noise?: It's not you, it's me
35. Least favorite word?: loneliness
36. Least favorite color?: yellow
37. Do you value your friends?: Clearly, otherwise I wouldn't keep 'em around
38. Do you value your family?: 99% of 'em
39. Do you value your stuff?: Well, yes
40. Do you self-mutilate?: Does shaving count?
41. Do other people mutilate you?: I think I'll refrain from comment ;)
42. Have you ever been beaten up before?: By Tom Hanks
43. Have you ever beaten anyone else up before?: Not with any lasting reprecussions
44. What's your favorite animal?: Cats
45. What's your favorite desert?: Ice cream
46. How old are you... mentally?: probably fluctuate between 16 & 30
47. What's your favorite "smiley face"?: ;)
48. People most often refer to you as: me?
49. What is your favorite quote?: "Didn't the Oedipus bells go off?"
50. What will you do now??: help mom w/dinner


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