Saturday, July 24, 2004

Expletive deleted

Yeah, when it rains, it freakin' pours.  Literally too, as we have a rainy weekend ahead of us here in good ol' CT, but besides that.  I didn't get the call yesterday.  I didn't get ANY call yesterday.  How freaking rude is that?  The bf said I should have called them, but you don't call people when they say "you'll hear from us tomorrow," because, hi, they're the ones who are supposed to call.

I was so pissed off yesterday about it.  Despite attempts to keep my spirits in check, I was indeed excited about the possibility.  I might very well call them on Monday when I get home from work if I haven't heard from them by then, just to figure out whether I should set up an interview with MY middle school or not. 

I don't understand what happened.  I mean, everyone was so friendly, the team leader seemed to think I was going to get hired...what happened?  What did I do wrong in that third interview?  I was exactly the same...what didn't they like this time that was just fine and dandy before?  I am so freaking sick of job interviews.  The one I went on yesterday (did I jinx myself by not trusting this middle school?) was all right, but the curriculum sounds a lot like where I did my student teaching--regimented with little room for deviation.  Definitely not what I'm looking for.  But what if they call and want me...I mean, what do I do then?  I can't say no...I still have no one willing to hire me.  WHAT AM I DOING WRONG??????  AACH!

On a slightly ligther note, I went to see The Bourne Supremacy yesterday evening.  Very good movie.  Matt Damon is definitely the more talented of the Matt & Ben pairing.  Catwoman came out this weekend but...well, you'd have to pay me a lot of money to make me go see it.  I can't take what they've done to my beloved Batman storyline.  I'm boycotting.  The bf's father will go see it, though, and he'll say it was the best movie ever.  The man goes to see every movie.  The perks of being retired, I guess. 

Despite the wet conditions, I am going for a walk this morning.  I haven't worked out in almost a week and I feel like crap because of it.  Eating habits have been poor as well (just ate 2 oversized whole-grain blueberry pancakes...mostly because I could).  I don't know how I'm going to keep it all off when I'm in Canada because...well, they eat like Canadians. ;)

Hoping the rest of you had better Fridays than I.

The Crow
Well, well. The next question should be is your
name Alex Corvis, Ash, or Eric Draven.  The
Crow has brought you back to set the wrong
things right.  So what're you doing here? You
rose from the dead for justice, not to take a

Which superhero are you?


At 7/24/2004 2:02 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

Ick. What a rotten day. Those assholes!
I am typing with one hand because my computer is broken, so we will call you later. *hugs*

At 7/25/2004 4:57 AM, Blogger Kelly said...


Didn't call, cause I got called in to work. So you know, my laptop has shit the bed and is currently awaiting an AC adaptor transplant. Let's hope another computer croaks soon!
Anyway. Yeah. I hope your day has gotten better... give San Antonio a call anytime.

At 7/25/2004 9:06 AM, Blogger LadyVader said...

S'all good. I was out playing pool last night anyway. Wow, do I suck at that game.


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