Thursday, October 21, 2004


The double-posting (now fixed) was totally unintentional. Blogger was being less-than-cooperative when I went to post.

Parents leave bright and freakin' early tomorrow morning for their flight to CA. I always feel very weird when I'm home alone (brother's presence not withstanding) and because the BF won't be around either...well, I'll at least get a lot of work done.

I'm of two minds when it comes to this whole Red Sox victory thing: either it's a sign of the apocolypse or better things are coming to the world. Not to be dumb, but what's going on in the NL penant race?

Watched "The West Wing" on tape this afternoon...actually almost cried at the end of the episode. I'm feeling very political at the moment (as often happens when TWW is on) and have decided that both of the front-runners for president are morons on many different levels. I am thereby wondering if I should write my cat in as a more viable option. Or my father. I secretly think my father would be a fantastic politician, simply because he's SO personable. He's a little right-wing from time to time (okay, often) but...I don't know. It always surprises me that the bf doesn't want to go into politics.

Had several (or perhaps one disorganized) dreams last night. In the first, I dreamed the Red Sox won, which I didn't know 'cause I wasn't watching the game last night. In the next, BF's parents had a tarot card reader at their house and BF, BF's best friend and I were all sitting down for a sort of group reading. So I asked her what was so special about March 20th. She informed me that BF & I were going to have a lovely wedding that day. Then I asked her why bf's best friend and his wife weren't reproducing yet and she said it would be very sad in their house until my bf & I had a child, then they'd have one too. Weird.

Now, this is all coming from, at least on some level, two discussions bf & I had recently about friends of his who are getting married/thinking about getting married/planning on proposing. It was very interesting because he said of one friend (who is dating a woman about 5 years older) that he, the friend, was being stupid about it because women have "expiration dates." I didn't mention MY expiration date, aren't you so proud?

But, any interpretations of my weird-ass dream would be appreciated.


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