Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Death and the art of babbling

I had several dreams about death last night. In the first one, John Kerry had died and so John Edwards was running for president instead. In said dream, everyone I spoke to was suddenly going to vote Democrat instead of for Bush. This has something to do with several people (including Mom) telling me that if Edwards was the pres-candidate, their votes might swing the other way.

Next, I dreamed that, for some reason Dendera had died. So I flew to NY (?) for the funeral, but then she was there, and Bulky's mom was the one we were having the funeral for. Bulky's grandmother was there, talking about how glad she was to see me and that it was nice to see the group rounded out, or something like that. Very very strange.

Don't want to jinx myself, but today was a pretty good day. Had an o-k observation by my mentor, along with passable classes with my other students. Maybe Mom is right and they're finally settling into "yes, I really do have to do school work" mode, which should last until just after April vacation with my seniors, and the others will taper off after Memorial Day.

Boyfriend and I will not be going to London in April because 1) his vacation time for this year won't carry over and 2) the couple we'd be going to visit are going to be new parents in February, so our company will be overwhelming at best. Ah well. I suppose we could still go, but we'd actually have to pay for accomodations. Discussions need to be had.

Should be at the UCONN game tonight, but I think it was a wise decision on Bf's part that we not go. 'Cause I have to get into school early (again) tomorrow to make photocopies. Did I mention I jammed the photocopier Tuesday morning and it was busted for the ENTIRE day? Yeah, go me. I rock.

I just finished reading Don't You Dare Read This, Mrs. Dumphrey, which is a book I'm going to be teaching to my kids. First of, sad. Second of all, the author really captured the voice of the sixteen-year-old girl. It wasn't like reading Whale Talk where I kept saying "What 18 yr. old guy talks like this?" I'm wondering if my boys are going to appreciate it, but it will definitely be a quick read for them, so it will get us through the end of this cycle and to the end of the marking period. Good, yes? Then I can maybe teach them a "classic." I didn't imagine how much I would miss novels.

Okay, there was this REALLY stupid on commercial for about paying for college. This father & mother are trying to send their son to an Ivy League school and the father is freaking out about how to pay for it, and starts selling all this stuff. You know what...get a freaking student loan! If you're going to go to a school your parents can't reasonably pay for (like moi), expect that you're going to have to take out some loans, buck up and deal. Mommy & Daddy aren't going to be there forever if you want to be a real adult.

Sorry, touchy subject with me.

I've been eating like a pig the last few days, and I've only gone for one walk. I'm feeling the Treadmill urge return, along with this sudden desire to do Pilates. I'm actually looking forward to the 'rents vacation so I can cook what I want to eat and not worry about hearing "make sure you get enough protein" if I skip the meat with dinner.

Maybe my cat won't crawl all over my head tonight and keep me up. Not likely.


At 10/15/2004 2:38 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

The dreams aren't really all that strange. You have Sarah filling in as me who was filling in as my Mom, for one. Your "return" (not that you ever *really* left) to the Goddess Syndicate, that's what Grammy was referring to.
Maybe your dream about the presidency is prophetic. Wouldn't that be freaky and awfully swell besides?
okay. I need a nap.


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