Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Whee! Tuesday Inebriation.

That's right folks, it's Tuesday evening and I'm drinking. Granted, it's just wine, but still. Can feel my fingers getting all tingly and the brain is not working so well at the moment. Hell yeah, I'm ready to teach tomorrow. Sure.

With the boyfriend leaving for Maine on Sunday, I'm feeling very strange. I'm glad for him, but pissed about him leaving. I'm going to stay at his house tomorrow and Friday to get in some q.t. with him before he leaves, but I'm still feeling all...I don't know, like it's no good. I'm hoping this proves the proverb of absence and fonder hearts and not the opposite.

I have't made my lunch for tomorrow. Nor have I packed any clothes for an evening with the bf. Nor do I really care. I am so apathetic to life at the moment. This is probably not a good thing.

I do like my job. I think I need to say that. I don't go into work (not like with student teaching) dreading what's to come. I just feel so...underprepared. I don't feel smart enough to be imparting wisdom onto others.

"The West Wing" premiers tomorrow night. Thank freaking God. I want to know WTF is going on. I miss Josh, Donna, President Bartlett et al. How else am I supposed to understand the inner workings of US government if the TV doesn't teach it to me?

Teeth kind of numb...interesting.


At 10/19/2004 10:23 PM, Blogger leila said...

My favorite thing about your tuesday of inebriation is that you posted this entry twice. :D The gods of wine are proud ;)

At 10/21/2004 10:18 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

I am absolutely seething with jealousy. Where's my Tuesday inebriation? :P

Hope you have a fun weekend before he leaves. Email me, chica. It gets lonely out here surrounded by a bunch of black-and-white, in-the-box thinkers. I'm surrounded by Boring.


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