Monday, October 11, 2004 there anybody out there?

While this weekend was 90% non-productive and about 10% aggravating, it was good to have three days off in a row where I could get stuff done...or not, depending on my mood. I watched "Far from Heaven" and "The Eighteenth Angel" on our fancy-shmancy movie channels, and actually did some lesson plans. Then mother and I contributed to resurrecting the economy as I blew boucoup dollars at Kohls, Clinton Crossing and the Westbrook Outlet. I am mostly happy that I have work pants that fit (some are even size 8s...what!) and a whole bunch of new sweaters. No skirts this trip; nothing was really saying "buy me" as I walked around.

I actually did some writing yesterday, although it was crappy fanfic writing that I haven't even gotten around to posting online yet. It's going to be a story of indeterimate length, so I'm not sure if I want to post it now, or wait until my ass gets around to finishing it.

I have to drive down to Hamden tomorrow for this lecture (part 1 of 3) on the BEST program. ............ As you can tell, I'm lacking in some enthusiasm here. Mostly, I'm pissed because this means I won't be able to walk tomorrow, although I will get to see the BF since I'll be pretty close to his house and will be getting out at 6:30. Kelly is trying so hard to keep us all on the straight-and-narrow when it comes to the eating well/working out thing, so I want to do my part.

BF bought me roses on Friday night, although I did not see him until Saturday so the roses were already peaking by the time I got them. They're open now and really quite beautiful, so I do get to enjoy them for a few days before they start dropping petals.

Am thinking about having a fall party on Oct. 23. Anyone within the borders who knows where I live or knows how to find that information out is welcome. Nothing too confirmed yet, but the 'rents will be out of town, so I get to play house for 5 days and feel I should make the most of it.

My Vikings won yesterday (beating bf's Texans) and I was terribly gleeful. Stupid Patriots keep winning though, which is REALLY starting to piss me off. I am beginning to wish ill-will towards Tom Brady and am considering a voodoo doll to remove him from the situation. Need to check in on far that'll put me back as far as time in Purgatory though, so again with no confirmed plans. ;)

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend doing whatever it was they did. If you want, let me know I'm not talking to myself.


At 10/12/2004 10:59 AM, Blogger leila said...

I'm not in the least interested in football, but Tom Brady is HOTT.

At 10/12/2004 2:44 PM, Blogger Likestrek said...

As long as the Pats aren't playing the fav teams of your family, what's it to you if they win? I vaguely recall that your father likes Miami but they really suck so perhaps he should change that...

At 10/13/2004 7:56 PM, Blogger LadyVader said...

The Patriots suck because they dicked around the entire state of CT and I therefore hate them. Much like the Yankees, I am sick of them winning.

At 10/14/2004 4:58 PM, Blogger Likestrek said...

Don't get me started on how much I hate the Yankees but I will say that it'd be nice for New England if one of our teams went on a winning tear like that. It'll be many moons before the Celtics win their 17th(?)...


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