Monday, October 18, 2004

Having a day

I would like nothing more than to wake up and have all my papers corrected and this cycle to be over. I get this intense feeling of dread whenever my larger senior class walks into the room, and I'm not sure how to make it go away. These kids are just...there's obviously something I'm doing wrong. But I've been observed with these kids twice, and been told both times that it's not me. Still, that doesn't make it any better for me, or the kids who I can see are trying to do the work, even if they don't enjoy it. Those are the kids I would hug, if I wouldn't get in trouble for it.

My shoulder hurts like hell. It feels like I was lifting weights wrong, or slept on it funny. I also have a large bruise on said shoulder from an...overly-amorous boyfriend. Fun is.

My Vikings did win last night, so that was nice. I think we're 4-1. Or 5-1. I can't remember. And, despite my best of intentions, I'm watching the Red Sox-Yankees game. I'm not a fan of either team, but I do wish evil thoughts towards the Yankees, much like my voodoo doll for the Patriots.

Oh, one good thing did happen today, and while I don't think I had anything to do with it, it was still nice to see. One of my seniors came in and he was about halfway through with Demons and Angels by Dan Brown. I asked him how he was liking it (he kept picking it up every time there was a down moment) and he said this was his second day of reading it. I mean, that made me happy to see this kid reading. I'm hoping that carries over to next quarter when I'm having them do assigned outside reading.

Planning the menu for next week while the rents are gone. Getting to make stuff I know my father would never eat in a million years. Whee. Just have to remember to eat more veggies and fruits. And workout. God, I have been so bad lately.

Is it Friday yet?


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