Friday, October 15, 2004

Your son/daughter is very bright, but...

...I found myself saying that A LOT last night at the parent-teacher conferences. All in all, it was a good night, but VERY long, as I did not get home until 8:45. Yeah, then up again at 5:45 to repeat the whole process, woohoo.

I ate dinner alone at a restaurant for the first time last night. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, although the waitstaff definitely kept giving me strange looks. I tipped the waitress rather well, so I don't think it was too bad. Still, I wish I'd had a pen and paper with me, I might have actually gotten some writing done.

Not much else to report. I'm going to get my hair cut in about 15 minutes, and then I'm off to see the bf to do...well, lord knows what. I'll definitely be ready to crash in bed tonight. I'll probably go for a good long walk tomorrow to try to get some of this tension and crap out of my system. I've been eating really poorly lately, and I'm fed up with myself.


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