Wednesday, October 06, 2004

The World at 4:30 AM

I should only just now be waking up. Instead, I've been awake for an hour and fifteen minutes. The only thing productive I have done? Read a chapter in Les Miserables and put my lunch together. That's it. How fantastically boring, no? I'm just so pissed at waking up this early.

Now, I am a morning person. But I also need my sleep. I haven't gotten enough sleep. I'm going to be a royal nightmare come about 1:00 this afternoon, which is just in time for my sophomores from hell. This should be...explosive.

Much to my dismay, I think I'm becoming a coffee drinker, simply because my sleep schedule has been wonky for the past week or so. I'm not sure if the coffee is even might just be the act of drinking something that is waking me up. Who knows.

Today's plans include entering interim grades in the computer and searching for Egyptian myths online, along with organizing some of my materials that are currently just piled up in my classroom. The type-A in me has been going crazy because of this.

I think I'll grade binders when the Seniors & Freshmen come back. Yes, excellent.


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