Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Go home, have some wine, don't do any work

Those were my mentor's specific instructions at 3:30 this afternoon.

Clearly, I had a day.

So I am sitting here, after eating a double portion of two-bean enchiladas (very yummy, btw and terribly easy) letting dishes soak and contemplating how to get my brother to help me with the garbage/recycling. Oh, and drinking a $14-reduced-to-$11 bottle of wine. Quite yummy.

I actually DO have a plan for my students for tomorrow. Not anything overly concrete, but it will get me through 4 single-period classes. I have a couple of doubles on Friday (groan) but I'll worry about that tomorrow.

How I WISH I had a DVD player in my classroom. I'm going to show "Merlin" to my seniors, and there is a copy floating around the department on VHS, but I own it on DVD and should be able to show it as such, goddamnit. I'm seriously considering taking my brothers X-Box next week, even if I have to bring it back to him everyday. Although one of my juniors (Bless his heart) offered me his portable DVD player. I have his brother as a freshmen, so I might remind him on Friday to remind his brother and see what happens. We shall see.

"The West Wing" is on again tonight. Yay! I don't watch a lot of TV religiously, but I am so very happy when my shows are on. It makes me vedy, vedy happy.

Okay, off to do dishes and take out garbage. Hope everyone is alive.


At 10/29/2004 1:21 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

hi Karen, yes I am alive. Shall we go through accountability procedures? 195 here :)


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