Monday, October 25, 2004

Just another manic monday

Let's recap, shall we?

BF left for Maine this morning. I had my post-observation conference, and it was happy to discover that all my mistakes had nothing to do with being a rookiee and everything to do with being a rookiee to the system. So yay, go me. 'Course, now the A.D. is going to be teaching with me for 2 periods on Friday. But whatever.

Cooked for the first time out of the cookbook that Bulky bought me. It was a wanna-be meat loaf and actually came out quite well. While the brother wouldn't eat it, he did say it smelled good. So yay for that, I suppose.

I have to crank out some serious lesson plans tomorrow, including a decision about how I'm going to teach Celtic mythology in three days. When the seniors come back on the 4th, though, I'm going to be showing them "Merlin" in preparation for our King Arthur unit. This particular mini-series is a good 4-hours long or so, and that gives me PLENTY of time to plan the rest of the unit. Like what literature I'm going to read with them. A minor problem. I should be working on that now. Thank g-d tomorrow is my last BEST seminar thinga-ma-jig for awhile. I desperately want my Tuesday nights back.

My boys won. 5-1. Woohoo.


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