Saturday, October 23, 2004

S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y night

It's 10 of 8 on a Saturday night, I am already in my pajamas, I've taken a Benadryl and had two glasses of wine, and can only imagine that this is going to be an early evening. This is me, partying like a rock star.

Graded 70 journals this evening, and I have 80 more I will have to grade early this week. Thankfully, it's mostly just counting entries and giving 5-points per. Still, have to flip through the pages, and I won't even get started on paper cuts. :) I still have papers to grade and lessons to plan, and I still have to fit in saying goodbye to the BF as he leaves Monday for the beautiful state of...Maine.

I'm finding myself to be in a very weird space right now, and it involves coasting. I don't find myself to be happy or sad, content or discontent, I I can't seem to get excited about anything. I'm a young woman, and I therefore decree this to be a bad thing. I haven't been productive enough for the Type-A in me, and I don't know if I'm ever going to catch up. I'm hoping this week will help, but if not...well, there's always Christmas break...right?

You are the Goddess of Air. Many people find it
hard to describe you, even those who know you
best. You are a sweet person, but can get
emotional at times. When a person is being
extremely competitive or insulting to any
person, it really pisses you off. You become
passionate about things you like, but are
indifferant to things you don't know about and
won't take great lengths to try and learn
something new. Despite this you are a very
intelligant person and people are drwn to you,
however guys don't fall for you easily so when
you are in love you get very passionate and
will do almost anything to stay in love.
Becasue of this you need a guy that will put up
with both your passion and your indifferance,
and who will laugh and be serious with you. A
guy like that can be hard to find but don't
give up on love, there's a perfect guy out
there somewhere for you. Just be careful you
don't fall in to a bad relationship, and always
listen to your gut instinct, it is usually
right. Be yourself and that will get you far
in life.

What are you goddess of?
brought to you by Quizilla


At 10/23/2004 11:41 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

LOL Karen. "Partying like a rock star" - you crack me up.
That's a lot of journals to grade. I'd help you if I could; it sounds like a calming activity which would help me relax. Boring, yes, but still.
You're not really coasting. It feels like that because now you've started your job and there's no grades or degree to work for. You're learning about your new career every day though. Maybe setting a few more concrete goals would help out with that type-A stuff? I know how you feel though. Try and have fun this weekend.


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