Tuesday, December 14, 2004

I don't WANNA plan lessons

I totally just stepped on my cat's paw. Oops.

There's a cycle change tomorrow, which means I get my fiasco sophomores back and my lazy juniors. I've got them sort of figured out; well, at least one of them, but the sophomores...oy. I'm going to start To Kill a Mockingbird and I'm trying to figure out how best to do that. I think I probably won't get into the book tomorrow; I'll most likely wait until Thursday to dance that dance. But I still need to keep them busy for 50-100 minutes tomorrow. Some of the kids have to finish a test still, but what to do with the buggers who a) finished or b) won't take the opportunity to finish because they're morons? I mean, I hate even having to GIVE them more time, because they had enough. But a lot of the good kids didn't get a chance to finish so...well, I guess I gotta give more time.

My house is FUCKING FREEZING! And as much as I am woman, mighty and strong, fire-starting is not one of my fortes. Not much of a Druid, I guess, but still. That's what Daddy's are for, yes? Yes, they start fires when you are incapable of doing so.

Depending on what I get done in the next few hours, I may actually go Christmas shopping. Can you believe I still haven't done it? I think this is a record-late start, even for me.

Sarie, I need the address you want your present shipped to, darling.

I want to thank EVERYONE who is watching the melee that is going on and is concerned. Not sure if that really covers it, but I think that's all I can say about it right now.


At 12/15/2004 1:11 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

I honestly do think fire starting ability is linked to the y chromosome. Women can do it, but men don't seem to have to learn how.
Anyway good luck with lesson plans. Watch out for cats underfoot, even though it's usually their own damn faults.
We love you.

At 12/15/2004 11:58 AM, Blogger Tusc said...

It's not really a genetic thing. We're actually taken aside as youngsters and taught everything from how to light fires to how to wage global thermonuclear war. Obviously, only the advanced pupils get to the Joshua stage, but lighting fires is a 100 level class. From there we get copies of the Jolly Rodger's Cookbook and learn homemade explosives and other slightly anti-social abilities. Ever wonder where all the cats go in the neighborhood when you have more than one 12 year old boy? That story about coyotes is just a cover... somewhere out in the woods is a practicing colony of young boys armed with BB guns and the dark taint smearing grease over their faces as they prepare to yell "fire in the hole!" and sacrifice their latest "Piggy." But I've already said too much... I hear their footsteps outside my door coming to silence me... But I'm prepared. They haven't taken urban evasion and survival yet...

Ok, so I'm bored and I'm at work. Sue me. =P

At 12/15/2004 12:03 PM, Blogger Likestrek said...

If it makes you feel any better, I haven't finished my shopping yet.
Honestly, eventhough I'm male, I'm not the greatest fire-starter. I'm really good at putting one out though...

At 12/15/2004 12:20 PM, Blogger Tusc said...

Nature's fire hose? I think the closest you want to get one of those to an actual fire is if you're with a special person on the rug in front of one. Trying to use it to put out a fire (usually an indicator of intoxication) sounds like a good way to singe the nozzle!


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