Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Random conversation

BF: like it?
Me: very image-filled
BF: I know, I'm an adjective whore
BF: but I tossed it together fairly quickly
Me: Adjective whore...i like that
Me: i'm a dialogue slut, personally

I have ADD tonight and do not feel like doing anything. Really should be doing lesson plans but I just want to sit around happy. 'Cause I'm really happy today. That just dawned on me. I think the Xmas spirit (despite my shopping procrastination) has finally bit said grinch on the ass.

And don't YOU all feel special; you got two posts from me in a single day.

The adoration may begin.


At 12/16/2004 12:25 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

the adoration may begin... haven't you been adored enough this past week? ;)
Anyway, funny you should mention ADD as I just got diagnosed with it yesterday officially.

Thought I'd share. More to come.
Love ya.

At 12/16/2004 11:19 AM, Blogger Likestrek said...

I had a major case of ADD myself about two days ago. I couldn't sit still all day.


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