Do not ask me about Wednesday.
I think we'll just leave it at that.
Today was a 1/2 day, and I spent it watching the first 75 minutes of "The Princess Bride" with three different classes. Surprisingly, not a lot of my students have seen it.
Conversation with a freshman (during the Wesley/Inigo fencing scene)
Student: Ms. T, are they speaking Spanish?
Me: No, they're speaking fencing.
Student: Well, why isn't it subtitled then?
Me: They're speaking English, but they're talking about fencing.
Student: Oh.
And, God bless one of my other freshmen. I saw him in the cafeteria today during the Freshmen Pizza Party (I didn't have his class today). Conversation as follows:
Student: Ms. T, did you bring in "Star Wars?"
Me: We don't have class together today, C; you're going home after this.
Student: Darn it. Yours was the only class I was looking forward to.
That ALMOST made up for yesterday.
So, after I get home, Dad and I go shopping. We left at approximately 1:45; we did not get home until 5:30 due to traffic, parking garage morons, and a non-functional traffic light at a large intersection in town.
Oh what fun it is to ride.
The polka-muzack Christmas music is back. I'm getting my jingle bell on. Yeah baby.
Here, have some quizzes:

Which Elemental Goddess are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Which HP Kid Are You?

What's Your Outlook on Life?
brought to you by Quizilla
I'm surprised not many of your students have seen PB. That was a pre-break must all through my years of school but of of course we have established that I'm older than dirt...
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