Thursday, December 23, 2004

Do not ask me about Wednesday.

I think we'll just leave it at that.

Today was a 1/2 day, and I spent it watching the first 75 minutes of "The Princess Bride" with three different classes. Surprisingly, not a lot of my students have seen it.

Conversation with a freshman (during the Wesley/Inigo fencing scene)

Student: Ms. T, are they speaking Spanish?
Me: No, they're speaking fencing.
Student: Well, why isn't it subtitled then?
Me: They're speaking English, but they're talking about fencing.
Student: Oh.

And, God bless one of my other freshmen. I saw him in the cafeteria today during the Freshmen Pizza Party (I didn't have his class today). Conversation as follows:

Student: Ms. T, did you bring in "Star Wars?"
Me: We don't have class together today, C; you're going home after this.
Student: Darn it. Yours was the only class I was looking forward to.

That ALMOST made up for yesterday.

So, after I get home, Dad and I go shopping. We left at approximately 1:45; we did not get home until 5:30 due to traffic, parking garage morons, and a non-functional traffic light at a large intersection in town.

Oh what fun it is to ride.

The polka-muzack Christmas music is back. I'm getting my jingle bell on. Yeah baby.

Here, have some quizzes:

Which Elemental Goddess are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

Which HP Kid Are You?

What's Your Outlook on Life?

brought to you by Quizilla


At 12/24/2004 3:46 PM, Blogger Likestrek said...

I'm surprised not many of your students have seen PB. That was a pre-break must all through my years of school but of of course we have established that I'm older than dirt...


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