Monday, July 26, 2004

Angry at Myself

No employment for this Lady. Have discovered that I am continually botching the "classroom management" question and am therefore not getting hired. Wish I had known this a couple of weeks ago. I'm upset. I'm angry. I kind of feel like crying. Where is my good luck regarding employment? I feel so good about teaching, way better than I did in September, and my energy is high (lady I interviewed with told me that was a plus, along with my ideas for the classroom) but I've blown this wonderful opportunity because I don't know how to answer one question. Apparently, I was THE candidate, but now they're reopening the search. M.f. my friends, m.f.

So it's back to the lab again. Going to interview either Wednesday or Thursday with the hometown middle school. Will send out more applications once we get more printer paper, so that probably will be Wednesday. I need to write a thank you note to the school I interviewed with on Friday, although I now know that I blew THAT interview too because of the same freakin' question.

Suddenly, Texas doesn't sound so bad for a year.


At 7/26/2004 1:59 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

You should come down! You can even have my room from september till februarish.
Those idiots. How can they base your job on one stupid question when all your other qualifications are so brilliant? Tell them to manage this: .i.. ! (that's the closest symbolic representation I can come up with to the gesture I want to express.)

At 7/26/2004 8:10 PM, Blogger LadyVader said...

The temptation is SO unbelievably there. I actually emailed someone from about a job that was posted. But besides having to sleep on the couch after February, I'm wondering what I would do with my cat. I hate to leave her here, but 4 cats in that house might drive us all crazy. ;)

At 7/27/2004 4:24 PM, Blogger Likestrek said...

One of the main questions that gets me is the how I handle difficult patrons. With my past intership I finally am able to answer that question. In the past, I just directed them to my supervisor which is what I was supposed to do but employers want more of a take charge person despite policy...Anyway, with all the teaching jobs I see listed you're bound to be employed before I am...


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