Tuesday, July 27, 2004

It's just the PMS that's talkin', and I'm not even here

Man, am I beat. I mean physically, emotionally, mentally beat. My allergies have been rip-roaring the past few days...so bad, in fact, that I had to resort to Benadryl. Which knocked me out cold, but leaves you kinda hazy the next morning if you wake up to an alarm and not of your own accord. My vacation to Canada, even with the 13 hour car-ride, is going to be very nice. Really wish I had time for another trip to Texas, though. :(

Finished "The Clan of the Cave Bear" this afternoon. Man, that Broud is a freaking DICK! I mean, I know we're supposed to dislike him, but he's such a putz. Anyway, I have other books to get to now, but I will be picking up the next one when I have some spare cash.

I have an interview Thursday at 12:15 at my old middle school, so everyone wish me even MORE luck than you wished me before. I obviously don't know the logistics of it yet, but I did go to the school, so unless they've changed too drastically, I know how they work. Also, as mentioned earlier...commute = ideal. Think of all the money I'd save on gas!

The septic tank fiasco continues in my backyard...two men on back-hoes are illegally digging holes in my back yard. Father is "supervising" and moving large rocks from ditches with his bare hands...he's going to throw his back out, swear to God.

We're pretty sure we're going to put down Max next week. Well, my mother is going to put down Max as Dad and I will be in Canada. He's getting worse physically, and my father doesn't have the cojones to do it himself, so Mom is going to have to be the bigger man. Or something.

Gotta prepare a final exam now. Woohoo.

My sphere is Guardian (Person of great Love and Altruism), and my class is Defender (Peaceful, yet Potent).

I am a Warden.

To be a Warden is to be the ultimate Guardian. Whether a physical Guardian or an essential Guardian, is up to you. You may be both. To be a physical Guardian is to be a living, breathing testament to the love you carry for a person, or people, whose lives you will always defend if you possibly can. To be an essential Guardian is to be a living, breathing testament to the security that your wards seek, and will look to you for your always kind, always nurturing support.

What kind of Warrior are you?

Oh, and I finally figured out how to do this on my laptop. Yay!


At 7/28/2004 5:25 PM, Blogger Likestrek said...

Ok, ignore my warning about the Valley of the Horses if you so choose since you're ignoring my blog now as well I've been waiting for the day when you'd leave me too. 6 years meeting only once. That's gotta say something. On a happier note, we'll be going back to Toronto at the end of August. I'm sorry to hear about your cat. If you need to talk about it, drop me a line.

At 7/28/2004 6:10 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

Man, you're having a lousy week. Month? Summer? I'm sorry things are getting so shitty, and I hope your vacation to Canada really is a good one. You deserve it.

We really are serious about having you down here. There is that room by the laundry room, you'd have to ask the cats if they were willing to give it up, but it's got a door frame and I now know how to install a door. Think about it, please do :)

At 7/29/2004 4:34 AM, Blogger LadyVader said...

I'm pretty serious about moving down there, but I can't move without guaranteed employment. So if you pick up a newspapre and see a job that screams "Karen!" do let me know.

At 7/29/2004 4:44 PM, Blogger Likestrek said...

To everyone reading this: I apologize. I'm having similar problems with unemployment. The Lady knows all my relationship problems... To sum up: I too am having problems and decided to air them out here. Again, I apologize.


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