Thursday, July 29, 2004

Who needs sleep?

I must be taking a lesson from the book of Kelly because I went to bed at 10:30 last night...woke up at 4 this morning. That is not enough sleep for a person of my constitution. Yet here I am, awake, looking at emails and blogging. It was a combination of cat, over-active brain and...that je ne sais quoi that keeps one up at night. M.f.

Kind of worried about the status of my laptop. It's been very slow to do everything lately. My desktop is slow too. I simply cannot afford to get a new computer at the moment.

Started and finished Dan Brown's "Angels and Demons" last night. I actually think it was better written than "The DaVinci Code" and brings up a lot of interesting speculations about science, religion and God. So if any of you are interested in that sort of thing *coughAnathemacough* pick it up.

So, had this weirdo dream last night, in which I was dreaming about ballet...only I was bald. And then, in the dream, my mother woke me up because my cousin was on the phone. I was also having a dream about small children when the cat started pawing at me because she wanted under the covers.

Accoroding to good ol'

To dream that you are dreaming, signifies your emotional state. You are excessively worried and fearful about a situation or circumstance that you are going through. (Well, that's dead, balls-on accurate.)

To see or wear ballet slippers in your dream, represents your understanding of the principles of balance and grace. You carry yourself with much poise and get along well with others. (Ironic, as with PMS comes excessive clumsiness.)

Alternatively, baldness symbolizes humility, purity, and personal sacrifice. You are at a stage in your life where you are confident in fully exposing yourself. (I've got personal sacrifice down pat!)

To dream that you are having a telephone conversation with someone your know, signifies an issue that you need to confront with that person. This issue may have to do with letting go some part of yourself. (I have issues with my cousin? Who knew?)

To see children in your dream, signifies your own childlike qualities or a retreat back to a childlike state. It is an extension of your inner child during a time of innocence, purity, simplicity, and a carefree attitude. You may be longing for the past and the chance to satisfy repressed desires and unfulfilled hopes. Take some time off and cater to the inner child within. (Yes, but my inner child wants to eat doritos and ice cream all day.)

This will probably be my last blog for about a week. My internet access in Canada will be sporadic at best, so it is unlikely I will have time or ability to blog. Rest assured, you will, read, about the whole sordid trip when I return.

I have a couple of job leads I'm going to work on when I get home today after my interview. A friend from grad school emailed me about a job at HER old high school. Also finally got a letter from the tech high schools in the state saying they need a copy of my certification and this form filled out by a former employer. I don't know how clear I can make it to people that my certification is pending. Dummies.

Depsite lack of exercise this week, the bf told me that he thought I was getting skinnier. I'd like to think that it's true. Not sure though. Haven't noticed a huge difference in my clothes, except my workpants. But now I can't remember if they ever REALLY fit me the way they were supposed to. Well, whatever. I'll need to buy more when I get home.

I keep feeling like there's something else I was going to tell y'all. Oh yeah, another one of my friends is getting married. *looks at own left hand* Yes, I think that about sums that up.

I'm hoping to get some writing done while on vacation. Arthur et al have been quietly whispering questions to me this past week, and I've been jotting them down. No answers, of course, just questions. Evangeline popped up as well and made herself known again. She is still being relegated to episodic character rather than full-blown novel, because I simply cannot come up with a decent overarching objective for her (g_d, I sounded like a teacher right there).

I will miss you all terribly. I hope you miss me a little bit too!


At 7/29/2004 8:49 AM, Blogger Anathema said...

I read Angels & Demons awhile ago actually :) I liked it quite a bit...was it better written than DaVinci? I don't know. A&D didn't have me quite as hooked...but then I wasn't exactly rushing to put it down either. I'm reserving judgement til the 3rd book in 'series' comes out. I tend to see Dan Brown as a conduit through which to bring up cool issues and discussions with friends :)

Of course we'll miss you silly girl!

At 7/29/2004 4:48 PM, Blogger Likestrek said...

I too hope your trip goes well. As for your computer problems, why is it everything falls apart when there's no money to pay for it?

At 8/03/2004 3:32 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

Come back already!


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