Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Oh for the love of...only Tuesday?

You know how sometimes the week just seems to drag? Yeah, well I wish desperately that it was Friday. I've had positively ridiculous days at work the past two days, and I cannot forsee improvement in the near future. I issued three detentions today, and I have to call home on a slew of kids. And the kids that I find least aggravating the department head said HE would have thrown out. Can't wait to talk to him. Might be looking for a new job next year.

I can't get ANYTHING done because my grandparents are here. They're not getting any younger, so I want to spend as much time with them as possible. But part of me needs to set up shop in the library in one of the nearby towns and not leave until all my planning is done. At least one of the other teachers and I are planning our sophomore unit together, so I'll know what I'm doing for the next six days (starting Friday). At least with one class. Still haven't put together my myth unit. Too much other crap to do.

On top of that, I'm all menstrual and my back and neck hurt and I just want to curl up and watch Star Wars on DVD. Or work on my relationship, 'cause it's suffering. I love having a new job. Who said teaching was easy? Can I slap that person?

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Where'd my weekend go?

I'm suffering from Anathema Syndrome. I consumed a Coolatta and a cup of tea today, so I'm a little wound for sound at the moment. Should be sleeping, have to get up at 5:45. Watching football instead.

Grandparents are here from Canada. This means I have gotten jack done when it comes to work. I graded papers during Charmed (one of the better episodes of late, the fact that I didn't see the first 15 minutes notwithstanding) and looked at what I'm planning on doing with my freshmen for tomorrow. All the goals of putting together my mythology unit have gone the way of the dodo bird. Maybe I'll stay a little later at school tomorrow and get some crap done.

My Vikings won today. I'm now 2-1. 2-1 is not a bad way to start the season. I'll take it, certainly. UCONN also HAMMERED the Army on Saturday. The Huskies were winning by about 24 points at half time, so bf & I left. In the long run a bad idea because we ended up getting into it. Partially my fault, as he had me driving stick and, well, it's hard and I don't like it and it's frustrating. So I wanted to be done because I was sick of screwing up. I'm a perfectionist, what can I say? When I don't get something the first time, I get mad at myself. And if anyone has ever tried to learn something from a significant other, you know how it can be. I wish my cousin HAD taught me while I was in Canada. Would've been much less stressful. It just degenerated from there.

I'm starting to put weight back on again. Gotta go back on the "diet" again. It's hard to eat right at home. I wish my mom wouldn't cook some of the stuff that she does. I wish I had more self-control. Although Shape magazine says that it's not low-carb or low-fat, it's portion control. I guess I need to learn better portion control. If someone would just put a portion on my plate and then take the other food away and not let me at it, I'd be okay. But if there's more there (especially pasta/rice), I'm going to have more of it. I know this is broken-record stuff, but it's still an issue and I haven't figured out how to fix it yet. Like so many things in my life.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Bad news and Good news

1. The bad news is that my football team lost on Monday night to the Eagles. We are 1-0 now. At least it's not like my father's team...they're 0-2. Ha ha.

2. The good news is that I got my Star Wars DVDs today in the mail. Oh sweet joy. It is taking a lot of restraint not to pop them in and watch them now.

Speaking of SW DVDs, there was this scathing article in The Hartford Courant today about how the movies pretty much suck and that even fans of old don't like them anymore. It was very strange. Angered me. I figured I'd do a little tirade here about it.

Leila, do you remember professor K's email address? I think I need to email her about my myth unit. I'm starting to put together what I want to teach the kids about mythology, and I don't want to do anything else now. Still, I hope to have enough stuff together that I can show it to my mentor and have some assistance. I need to go get a book on Egyptian mythology. Whee!

Hope everyone is having a good week.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Girls Lie Too

(I think this song is really funny, so I'm posting the lyrics to it.)

Girls Lie Too (Performed by Terri Clark)

So she can’t go out tonight again:
Her sister’s sick, she’s gotta baby-sit.
Yeah, that sounds like a pretty good excuse.
Now you didn’t hear any of this from me,
But things aren’t always what they seem.
Brace yourself, this may come as a shock to you.

Girls lie too,
An' we don’t care how much money you make,
Or what you drive or what you weigh:
Size don’t matter anyway.
Girls lie too:
Don’t think you’re the only ones,
Who bend it, break it, stretch it some.
We learn from you,
Girls lie too.

We can’t wait to hear about your round of golf.
We love to see deer heads hanging on the wall,
An' we like Hooter’s for their hotwings too.
Other guys never cross our minds.
We don’t wonder what it might be like.
How could it be any better than it is with you?

Girls lie too,
An' we don’t care how much money you make,
Or what you drive or what you weigh:
Size don’t matter anyway.
Girls lie too:
Don’t think you’re the only ones,
Who bend it, break it, stretch it some.
We learn from you,
Girls lie too.

Yeah, girls lie too:
We always forgive and forget.
The cards and flowers you never sent,
Will never be brought up again.
Girls lie too.
Old grey sweatpants turn us on.
We like your friends and we love your mom.
And that's the truth,
Girls lie too.

Yeah that's the truth,
Girls lie too.

No, we don’t care how much hair you have.
Yeah, that looks good!
Comb it over like that.

Thursday, September 16, 2004


Had a double period with my mentor today, where we discussed various and sundry things, including the sub caller, my goals and objectives for the year (I can't believe I have to write this ON TOP of everything else) and units for the seniors. I have the most leeway with the seniors (this year) because they aren't following the Stepford-System yet, so we basically just have to teach "World Lit." How nice and terribly broad. But you all know what that means, yes? I get to teach Mythology (Celtic and Norse...woohoo!) and King Arthur and Shakespeare. I'm sure I'll branch out into non-European stuff at some point, but the thought of being able to teach stuff I love has made me terribly happy. Plus, I can show parts of Star Wars for the mythology unit. Whee.

I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. I'm also glad I got paid today. I only got paid for the first week I worked, though. I'm wondering if my next check will be bigger, or if there was a second one somewhere the business office lady didn't see. I'll have to ask tomorrow. Still, I can now pay for my rear main seal, car insurance, and student loans, and credit cards. Well, the paycheck won't cover all of it, but enough that I won't be dipping too far into my sad fundage.

I ate a huge bowl of macaroni and cheese when I came home. I felt like a pig, but it tasted really good, even if it was two days old. Whatever. I'm going for a walk when Mum comes home, so I will work it off on some level. I guess. That's what I'm telling myself at any rate.

Hope my readers are healthy (or getting there) and have fun and exciting plans for the weekend.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Hump day

This is from my astoundingly wonderful friend, Amanda, who has been with me since high school:

I think you need to sit him down and tell him that, and explain that if you don't have a diamond on your hand by Christmas, you're going to be buying yourself a Christmas present in the form of a brand spankin' new boyfriend.

I love the way this woman phrases things. She's an infinitely better writer than I am, far smarter, and speaks several languages. If I could combine her and my cousin and turn into that person...well, I'd be happy as a clam. Except, not a clam, 'cause I don't like seafood. But you get the idea.

Had a pretty good day at work, my mentor told me my lesson plans were good and not to worry, I'll be fine. Everyone says I appear to be adjusting pretty well. It's nice to have that support.

I miss reading and writing something fierce, but I can't figure out how to fit it into my life along with everything else I have to do.

My mother and I are both craving garlic bread. We also both looked up at the same time the other day and saw something new in one of the hutches in the living room. Creepy. BF would hate to hear that.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Well, when the hell is it my turn?

You know how good news can sometimes make you want to cry? Well, my best friend just called me to inform me that her boyfriend has proposed and she, of course, said yes. I am so very happy for her, because she had a rough couple of years there and she deserves to be happy. But certain things about this situation bum me out:

1. I do not have any nuptial news of my own to share.

2. She waited until Tueseday to call me (why didn't I find out Sunday night?)

3. I have a feeling I might not make it into the bridal party.

I know all of the above reasons are very selfish, but they brought me down. If it had been me...well, she would've been the second person I called, after I called my mother. And while her sister is obviously going to be her maid-of-honor, I've got a sneaking suspicion there won't be room in the party for me after she puts in all her other, more "important" friends.

So now I'm depressed.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

It's that time again

That's right folks, it's time for football Sundays. My boys don't play until 4:15 this afternoon, but I doubt they'll be televised on the east coast. If they are, I might have a heart attack watching the game.

Went to the Mark Twain house yesterday and looked at Victorian clothing. Did you know that Mark Twain used to put kittens in the pockets of his pool table when he was losing so the cats would play with the pool balls and to limit the number of pockets his opponent could play into? Funny, I thought.

I've got my freshmen and seniors for one more day before I meet my sophomores and juniors. I honestly have NO idea what I'm going to do tomorrow with my kids. None, not a one. My seniors are supposed to have time to read their summer reading books, but I don't think a lot of them are actually going to bring it to class. My time with the sophomores and juniors will be a little easier to plan, because it's all "welcome to my world" stuff for the most part.

My parents are at the clinic in the town next to us. Why, you ask? Becasue while my father was out in the woods getting everything ready for deer season, he got is hand in the way of his friend's buck saw and tried to cut his finger off. Yes, this is the gene pool I come from. Dear Lord.

The anniversary party is getting crazier. Mom & I actually looked at wedding cakes today, and we've also been talking about seating arrangements and invitations and stuff. Gotta say that I wish I was planning a REAL wedding reception, but you know.

I'm trying to get the bf to make a decision (well, on lots of things) but specifically on my April vacation and if we are, indeed, going to try to go to London. I want to travel (funds or no funds) and I'd like to travel with him. BUt I don't want to just talk about it, I want to DO it.

Jared of Subway fame is putting weight on again. I think he's started getting the meals that include the chips and soda.

I've been eating like crap once I get home lately. I ate 1/2 a medium pizza yesterday for dinner yesterday, Taco Bell the day before for dinner (plus 1/4 of a bagel and a midori sour earlier that afternoon) I've gotta get back on the wagon with the food, and really make the effort to walk when I get home. I did it last week pretty regularly. It's just a habit to get back into. But it takes me so much time to plan, that I feel like I'll never get anything done if I do that too.

"Charmed" starts up again tonight. Yay! I miss my TV shows during the summer.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Mid-week ramblings

It's Wednesday, halfway through a short week. Not to jinx myself, but the days have been going by pretty quickly. I'm still having trouble motivating my seniors, but I'm being assured it's not just me, and so if I don't let myself worry over-much about it, I think I can keep some of my sanity and not do any heavy emotional eating.

I was a good girl and went for a walk today and yesterday. They weren't very long walks, but it was definitely a step in the right direction. I've been eating well (more or less), but not with the stringency (is that a word) of mid-summer. This is probably why I've plateaued at my current weight, but at least the numbers aren't crawling back UP, so we have to look at the bright side.

My mother just read a recipie which involves making fudge out of pinto beans. We are intrigued, yet strangely disturbed.

I'm getting very bad about making phone calls again. I keep intending to call Dendera to see how she's holding up without Kelly, and I should call my best friend because I haven't spoken to her in about two weeks or so. But it's 8:20 right now, and I really don't want to do ANYTHING but veg in front of the TV/computer for a while before hitting the sack. By the time I get all my correcting/planning done (which is usually around now) I am, quite frankly, too pooped to pop.

Football season starts tomorrow, with the horrible Patriots v. Colts game, which is cruel and unusual on several levels that I don't think I really need to go into. Suffice it to say I will be watching the game in "enemy" territory, as some Patriots' fans who are friends of mine have invited me over for the game. BF was invited too, but he's got to work on Friday (not like I don't, but I only have a 5 minute drive back to my house; his is 40).

I wore new shoes (which I just spelled "shews"--my seniors must be contagious) today and now my heels have blisters.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Oh, for the love of...

Does everyone remember that lovely little sinus infection I acquired back in April that left me incapacitated for several weeks? Guess what came back yesterday. I at least didn't get the dizziness and nausea that preceeded the first one. Still, this was not a good way to round out the first week of teaching. And because I have not insurance yet, I can't go to the doctor for anti-biotics to break this thing up. So I must self-medicate with OTC stuff and just hope like hell it goes away.

So, because I am sick I woke up at 6:15 this morning instead of sleeping "in" 'til 8 like I had planned. I am feeling moderately better at the moment, although I'm still all stuffed up. The cat is keeping me company. Isn't she sweet?

I'm watching "The Musketeer" right now, which I haven't seen since it was in the theatres three years ago. It's a pretty good movie. Went to see "Paparazzi" last night and it surprised me. I could see the bf acting like that if some camera people got all up in his game. Although he would have been a little more...subtle in his revenge.

I'm glad for the three-day weekend that will hopefully allow me to recover. Football game today. Woohoo, UCONN.