Friday, October 31, 2003


Every halloween, I get this song stuck in my head that I learned when I was in third grade. "H-A-double L-O-double U-double EN spells halloween" It's cute.

Not a bad day, but didn't really have a good week. Lessons felt less-than focused, students seemed less than thrilled. And the head of my program is coming to watch me teach on Monday...the nail biting may now begin.

On the positive side, one of my seniors gave me a note yesterday and in it it said that she thinks I'm going to be a really good teacher because I'm not rude, and even when I'm disappointed, I say it in a way that's not overly harsh. So yay for that.

You are an angel.

What legend are you?. Take the Legendary Being Quiz by Paradox

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Now I know what my students must feel like when they just don't care about an exam so they don't study. Of course, it probably doesn't bother them when they aren't really sure about 50% of the questions. I mean, it's my own fault: I should have gotten the book from someone to study from after mine got lost/swiped. But I'm having enough trouble just doing my student teaching planning; that class has to be a lower priority.

I hate the f'ing class anyway.

I'm trying to write lesson plans but it's not working really well. My two good days from last week have not carried over to this week. I'm not being concrete enough again. Or I'm giving them too much time to do their work. Possibly both.

God, I wish I could write. Or sleep, or both. Simultaneously...wouldn't that be fun?

ole bluey
Ole Bluey!

What adorable creature are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Tuesday, tuesday

My freaking TV...I try to set it to record 24 and Charmed and it keeps shutting off. WTF?

Went out to dinner last night with friends from school; am going out tonight with best friend and her new boyfriend. Haven't met him yet...should be interesting.

Having an okay week so far, although my Monday lesson blew serious chunks. I'm going to kill some of my students because they're so lazy, and I don't want to call home tomorrow, but I'm going to have to.

Also, taking my midterm tomorrow. Suckiness.

You belong in Ravenclaw! Outspoken and loved deeply
by all.

Sorting Hat
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Sunday, October 26, 2003


F'ing Vikings. They lost to the goddamn Giants, at home. The Giants are 2 and freaking 4. I'm flying to Minnesota to wack them all upside the head with a clipboard. Or possibly something my bag of school supplies.

F'ing Vikings.

Saturday, October 25, 2003


While waiting to get my Depp fix in "Pirates", I am happy to watch "Sleepy Hollow." Christopher Lee is in this movie...and the guy who plays Palpatine. Just thought I'd share. In case, you know, you ever need to play six degrees of separation with Johnny Depp and, say, Carrie Fisher. Anybody who does the math gets points. I will also be writing copious amounts of lesson plans to try and make myself less stressed out this week as I am supposed to take a midterm exam on Wednesday.

Very stressfull UCONN football game today; they won though, so that was a bonus. I get to get all stressed out again tomorrow, however, because my Vikings are playing the Giants and, as such, will be on TV here.

Should let you all know--after my horrific Monday through Wednesday, I managed to round the week out on something of a positive note. My problem class is still a problem, but they seem to be (more or less) responding to the structure I'm kind of sort of providing. Helps that my co-op teacher is in the room again after his on-and-off absences due to surgery.

Boyfriend and I are getting along well; he's looking for a job, which couldn't please me more. He seems happier, I'm happier; everyone's happy. Whee.

You should be something mystical or something from
the Renaissance period. A Fairy, Elf, Knight,
princess. ALl very cool costumes.

What Should You be for Halloween?
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

I'm getting better

Well, I'm feeling better about my love life, so that's a huge freaking improvement. And I've now conversed with my best friend 2 times in three or four days. And I might actually get to see her this week. Reality sucks when it separates people.

Got my mid-term evaluation today...B-. This tells me two things: 1) I don't suck as bad as I thought I did and 2) I'm not performing to my type-A, anal-retentive potential. So now I've got all these strategies for teaching and I keep thinking "Could you NOT have told me this s#!^ sooner?" I'm supposed to be writing really detailed lesson plans right now...but I knew you all might be worried about me. Or at the very least you would have noticed my absence on some level.

Now I must go and do work.

Oh, before I go...two things. 1) Indiana Jones came out on DVD today and I wish I had it. 2) PotC comes out 3 days before my birthday...sweet!

Sunday, October 19, 2003

Freakin' eh

You suck.

I'm pretty sure that sums up my entire weekend.

My best friend finally called me to talk. It was nice to hear from her and feel like everything from the first part of my life hasn't completely abandoned me. I'm not even PMSy, but I am just so...upset right now. I'm not having a good time with my student teaching, I haven't written in weeks, and my social/love life is just beyond sucky. I don't know what to do about any of it.

I am losing weight though.

Hello, (insert name here)! The whole world would
know you by your birth name. You would not have
a special name, or you would not be unknown.
Everything you do would be recognized. You
would leave things in the open. You hate
getting caught in things you do, since it may
tend to happen a lot. That is why, I must say,
that you would probably get caught faster and
easier than usual. You may just be famous for
your slaughters, and then forgotten after
you're off the streets.

What Would Your Serial Killer Name Be? What Would the Public Know You As?
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, October 17, 2003

Fri-day, Fri-day, Fri-day

It was only a four day week, but man it felt really long. Maybe it's because one of my co-op teacher's absence but I'm like...nyah. Ever get that feeling?

Observation went more or less well yesterday. Good in that my seniors actually were doing what I wanted them to do, and came up with good yay there. But then I felt like a pill because I hadn't been doing that already. And of course my 7th period sophomores were just insane, one kid had to be escorted out of the room...and well...yeah, you can imagine this went well.

Just had to go find the dog after my brother left the door to the garage open...along with the garage door. Thankfully he (the dog) hadn't gotten too far and was more than willing to climb into my car for the ride back home.

Grandparents are here, so excited. They brought pictures of my cousin's chubby baby. He's SOOOOOOOOO cute.

Your soul is bound to the Second Totem, Luna:
The Wolf

Luna appears as a pair of coral colored wolves.
She embodies empathy, nurturing, insight,
and warmth
. She is associated with the
color coral, the season of spring, and the
element of wind. Her downfall is pathos.

You are most compatible with Doves and Ravens.

Which Animal Spirit Totem Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


What is your life rated? (PG, PG-13, etc.)
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, October 15, 2003


Okay, I want to complain, for just a moment, about headlights. Why is it that car manufacturers are insisting on making them brighter? Why is it that drivers don't know how to turn off their high beams for oncoming traffic? I find it nearly impossible to drive at night on non-street light roads because oncoming traffic headlights leaves me flashblind. Curse my blue eyes!

I was bad and skipped a meeting tonight. I have decided that I can't do my tutoring this semester. Which is unfortunate, because I'm abandoning a good writer. But it's not worth the wear and tear on my car for an hour of know? So I have to write my letter of temporary resignation.

Okay, I'm officially panicking about my observations tomorrow. My co-op teacher sat with me for 1/2 an hour this afternoon and we tried to come up with a good lesson for these seniors that refuse to do their homework. Who knows what'll happen, but as this is my mid-term evaluation, I am not happy.

Okay...latest Budweiser commercial with 12-inch hotdog? Yeah, that's disturbing.

All of a sudden, I can't wait for my trip to it time yet for that?

You are a Light Jedi
What Type of Jedi Are You?

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I'm not sure I should post this where my students can see it, but....

You're goin' down! FOR KIDNAPPING!
Please rate if you liked!

If you're a goth please visit and join
up cause it rules!

What Would You Go to Jail For? (Many outcomes)
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

This post brought to you by...Scatter brain

I feel like somewhat less of a semi-qualified semi-professional: My co-op teacher and I are once again co-teaching my 7th period sophomores because I cannot seem to handle attitude/discipline problems in that class. To be fair, I have not been yelling and screaming at them like I did to my 5ht period kids that one day. 5th period kids have behaved since then....hmm...

Grandparents will be here tomorow. Hooray! I was so bummed about my lack of Canadian travel this summer, I am glad I will get to see the g'rents for a week or so. Doesn't make up for not seeing the cousin's baby, but I'll live.

On a bummer of a note, my friend's baby is back up at Boston Children's getting his heart operated on...again...much sooner than was expected. His functioning half...well, isn't functioning as well as it should be. Any good thoughts and/or prayers are really appreciated at this point.

You know, what is the point of having a co-writer if that person does not a) write or b) respond to what you have written. If I wanted this kind of lack-of-response, I'd share my work with my seniors.

University supervisor is coming in on Thursday and will be seeing my 7th period darlings as well as my lacking-emotion seniors. I am not expecting a spectacular review.

I am so *SICK* of going to bed at 9:30 at night. Why couldn't I have gotten a student teaching positon even 20 minutes closer to where I live; then I could get up at 6. That extra half hour works miracles.

You are Prue!
Wonderful!You are Prue.You are the protective big
sister.You are powerful and strong.Your take on
being a witch is neither good nor
take things as they come.You might lighten up
though, feel free to live and enjoy'd most likely be happier.

which Charmed character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Okay, and this I don't understand at all:

You're Captain Jonathan Archer. A man of
curiousity and heart, you'll drop everything to
investigate something new and exciting. You're
inquisitive, clever, and laid back. Sometimes
you can end up way over your head in your quest
to make new discoverys, and you don't know when
to quit. As a captain you do an excellent job
of gathering information and making new
friends, but you also make enemies through your
many mistakes.

Which Star Trek Captain are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, October 13, 2003

The end of the 3-day weekend

My boyfriend bruised my mammary gland. There is only one word for this, and it's not even a word: ow.

So, if you want to read my Father Lando story, go to and go into "The Gym" in the Workshop. I'm getting favorable responses to the little story; it's not my best work, but it is work, so we have to look at it that way, yes?

I'm wondering what my day is going to be like tomorrow with my 7th period sophomores; I'm really hoping my co-operating teacher comes back so I can talk to him about it. I'm also curious about how much of the homework my seniors did.

University supervisor is coming into observe me later this week. At least she's not coming in for the 7th period kids...yet. I hope the seniors are peppier this week when she comes in. Last time they got me in trouble :(

You're a.....Rubix Cube!
Wow! You are one complicated toy.
You're cubes are bright and colorful, but to play,
you must have lots of logic to figure you out.

What 80's Toy Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, October 12, 2003

Useless information...whee!

I really have nothing profound to share in this blog. I went to a friend's apartment last night and had an excellent dinner. Drove back up to Storrs this morning to tutor someone in English. Came home, wrote lesson plans and watched football. Go Chiefs! Sad that my mom's Colts lost...they're 5-1 now :(

I might be writing more bad fanfic tonight. But it will be funny. Hopefully. Quirky at the very least. Think Lando and delivery room. After that, hopefully ilikeswords will be online and I can talk to him about something I wrote a week or so ago.

And now for the good stuff:

I think this quiz is stuck; how could all of us be the same woman?

You are...Beatrice from Much Ado About Nothing!!!
You meanie. You hate men for no good reason
(and believe me, we are all wondering why).
Your entire family thinks you are a silly
goose, even your skanky maid. Get over
yourself and marry that handsome devil

What Famous Shakespearean Lady From A Comedy Are You? (10 Possibilities!!)
brought to you by Quizilla

I've never read this play. Guess I should put it on my list.

You are Much Ado About Nothing. You're hilarious,
witty, and somewhat similar to Ron Weasly of
the Harry Potter movies...hmmm...

What Shakespearean play are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


You're pie! You're sweet, wholesome and good-natured. No wonder you're a family favorite. You're nuturing and down to earth too! Still, there's more to you than meets the eye and your best%
Which Delicious Sweet Baked Good Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, October 11, 2003

Did you miss me?

You're Hamlet, Prince of Denmark! Probably the most
famous heroic figure of all time, Hamlet is
haunted by a vision of his father's ghost, who
tells him that the new king, Hamlet's uncle,
was the real killer. Hamlet is often in thought
so deep no one can detect his intentions, and
is bound by a promise to avenge his father. A
very witty, poetic character who likes to use
colorful language, Hamlet plays the complex
thinker with a newfound obsession. People tend
to think he's mad - and he's not really sure if
they're wrong, although they probably are.

Hamlet quotes:
"Your worm is your only emperor for diet: we
fat all creatures else to fat us, and we fat
ourselves for maggots; your fat king and your
lean beggar is but variable service, two
dishes, but to one table: that's the end."
"To be, or not to be: that is the question:
whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the
slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to
take arms against a sea of troubles, and by
opposing end them? To die: to sleep; no
"Here, thou incesuous, murd'rous, damned Dane.
Drink off this potion. Is thy union here?
Follow my mother."

Which Shakespeare character would you be?
brought to you by Quizilla

WTF? Hamlet????? Must be because I've read the play so many freakin' times.

Anyway, had a bad day Thursday, followed by another bad day Friday. Today I have painted the bathroom and gone grocery shopping. The bathroom is supposed to be tinted purple and just looks off white. Hrm.

Have to write lesson plans. Which I felt more enthused about it. But I don't. *sigh*

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Not that I have ADD...

...but it always kicks in after my class on Wednesday night. It was good tonight at least; we got to talk about things that are actually bothering us. I can't believe he's giving us a freaking midterm and final for this class. Like we don't have better things to do with our time.

What else? I'm wondering if I can be really selfish and use my seniors as a way to get myself writing. That doesn't really make much sense, does it? Well, I'm wondering if I demonstrate the things I'm asking them to do if they might be able to do them more accurately, or at the very least understand what I'm asking of them. And this gives me an excuse to do some writing, and who doesn't need that, right?

Violent Vulcans and it's on the P'on Phar (or however you spell it). Joy.

Parent-teacher conferences tomorrow. Can you sense the excitement?

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

And the important stuff...

I got "the question" today: No, not the one that comes with jewlery. I got "why do we have to read this book?" followed by "Why do we have to analyze it to death?" I thought I handled the first question with grace, but the second could have used a better answer.

My co-operating teacher (or one of them) is going for surgery tomorrow and he didn't really talk to me today. I'm a little worried about how the week is going to go because of that.

My class tomorrow, followed by parent-teacher conferences on Thursday. I think I might get a chance to write tonight if I get all my homework done. Whee.

Well, at least my name is unique to me

600 x 800
You are the forgotton dream. Once they awaken, you
are gone, they do not remember, and they never
will. You are lost and lonely, seaching for
someone who cares.

what kind of dream are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're a Dialogue/Character Writer!

What kind of writer are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Riyo - "Logical Change"
People of your personality type should visit:

What would your Japanese name be? (female)
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, October 06, 2003

Do I blame the dog or my muse...

...for the fact that I woke up at 6 am on my day off? I think I'll put equal blame on both, but am more upset with my muse because all I got out of her was a really bad poem and about one page of prose. And, of course, the co-author is MIA, so I can't even share my one page of bad prose with him. *SIGH*

Want to read my poem? Here goes:

Moments (No one else can share)
Easter eggs
and fishing derbies,
swimming pools
and rented movies

silly clubs
and stupid dares,
grand schemes
and dyed hair

game dinners
and field trials,
first loves
and biking for miles

college brought on
(better) friends,
people more like you—
people not like me

New job
New home
New love
New life

with (better) friends—
in the loop friends—
and a phone call home
to give me all the late (breaking) news

Besides this, the dog is barking and whining at absolutely nothing and I want to smack her around a bit. Just a bit, because she is awfully cute.

My Vikings won yesterday...5-0 baby. I guess this means I should try to give my sophomores minimal homework tomorrow night.

Was watching football so I didn't get to watch "Charmed" and forgot to tape it...thank God for Tuesday night reruns, right?

Fun with lesson plans today. Whee.

Saturday, October 04, 2003

Yeah, this post is pretty pointless.

The cat is sitting on my stomach while I try to type on my laptop. As you can imagine, this not the easiest thing in the world. Still, she's cute and she purrs, so we forgive her for being slightly inconvenient.

My first three-day weekend started yesterday at 3pm. And, of course, I'm jam-packed with stuff to do: besides lesson plans, there's a UCONN football game today, an engagement party tomorrow, and I have to fit in an hour of tutoring up at UCONN at some point. Whee.

Have done no writing, but did go see "School of Rock" last night. OMG, too funny. An excellent way to spend an hour and a half of your life; I might even send my parents to go see it...and they never go to the movies.

Hey, does anyone know when Pirates of the Carribean is coming out on DVD. That's another one my parents desperately need to see.

Oh, and in-house nurse, what's the gram-age of saturated fat a person of my condition should (or should not be) consuming?

Thursday, October 02, 2003

Thursday means almost Friday

A student actually came to me after school for help...and one was looking for me earlier in the day, but I wasn't where I usually am so she couldn't find me. *beams*

Glad that the week is almost over, and that I have a three day weekend for two weeks in a row. Although teaching involves a lot of "after hours" work, it does have lots of mini-vacations built in, so that makes it bearable. Maybe I'll get a chance to write..ha!

Okay, more lesson plans, and then perhaps Sleepy Hollow.

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Hump day

Well, today went better than the past two days, at least in my opinion. My co-operating teachers seemed to be less than thrilled. I mean, they weren't pissy or telling me "Dude, you suck," but they didn't seem as excited by the student responses as I was. Hrmph.

Had to sit through my own class tonight. It was actually fairly helpful, although I'm still not sure how well I've got this objective-assessment thing down yet. More trial and error, I suppose...I feel really bad for my students.

Oh, if anyone has any poems that deal with Justice or Good Samaritan/Bad Samaritan type issues, I'd really appreciate titles and authors being thrown my way.

Off to write lesson plans The West Wing.