Sunday, November 30, 2003

I love the 80s do you lose 48-17 to the g-d Rams? Oh wait, these are the Vikings...and they have lost 44-0 in a play off game.

The countdown begins as of tomorrow...2 weeks until I'm done. I am going to miss the kids, and most of the people in the department, but I will not miss waking up at 5:30 in the morning. Did you know sleeping in to me is 7:15 in the morning? WTF?

Really, that is about it.

You are Vizzini. You are an intellectual
phillosopher who makes Plato and Socretes look
like morons. Perhaps you are over confident in
your brain power, or perhaps you should never
underestimate a man in black. You always have
a plan and people turn to you for ideas on how
to make money.

Which character from The Princess Bride are you? (with pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Pink Donut
You are a pink donut. You are sensitive, and also
very sweet.

What kind of DONUT are you???
brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, November 29, 2003

Thanksgiving--My Family Style

Okay, so whatever moron decided to gun his motorcycle engine at 1:30 this morning and wake me up needs to be castrated, stabbed with dull, dirty knives and then shot in the stomach. I have been up since 5:30 this morning because of that guy and the sleep I got between 1:30 and 5:30 was not what one would call solid.

Mom and I up and purchased some exercise DVDs today, in the hopes of getting our asses in gear. I mean, if the stuff is in the house, how can you not use it? You don't even have to go outside if it's cold. Let's see how I feel about it in 4-6 weeks when said DVDs arrive.

We're doing Thanksgiving with my family today--well, my immediate family (minus brother), plus the mechanic and his wife, and a SINK couple my parents have been friends with forever. Oh, and the bf. Of course.

I made dessert. :)

Friday, November 28, 2003

Gobble gobble

So, I hope everyone had a passable Turkey day. Mine was pretty good, although the holiday funk ran into me (or I ran into it) last night. I think it is actually more related to the impending doom that is my student teaching grade and how I am not feeling confident at all about that. Just when I think I'm doing okay I either: a) get observed or b) blow up at my seniors for being uncooperative, rude, spoiled brats. 'Course I didn't tell them any of that, but I wanted to. Oh, how I wanted to.

Also, of course, is the impending birthday, which I am not really looking forward to. For one thing, I'm not sure my mother'll be able to buy me PotC because she didn't pre-order it. *sigh* I will be requried to go even longer without the benefit of Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom's presences.

Feeling fat...and unmotivated to exercise. I think I need to get through this student teaching thing and then I'll worry about working out. Must try to eat rather well for the next two weeks, which is difficult as it is now time for fa-la-la-la-overeating.

Did you know one of the malls in my area has 5 jewlery stores? Big ticket jewlery stores. The bf and I walked past each one of them at least once while we were Xmas shopping on Wednesday. Nothing raises the bloodpressure like seeing jewlery you'll never get to wear :)

You are the Quizilla Quiz:
"Title of Quiz"
Your maker was an idiot and he/she forgot to name
you. You could be about anything but nobody
will ever click on you so it doesn't matter.
If I were you, I'd>GO HERE

What sort of Quizilla Quiz are you? (fun)
brought to you by Quizilla


What Type of Drunk are you? (pics and many results)
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, November 24, 2003

A note to all the boys out there...

If the booty call-ee has to drive 40 minutes on a week night, you ain't gettin' any.

I had to rewrite my self-evaluation because I didn't reflect enough. So what should have only taken 5 minutes spiraled to twenty. I'm ready to be done. I don't mind the teaching; I just hate all the class stuff that goes along with it.

Your soul is bound to the Rose Bud: The

"I keep all of my secrets somewhere inside
and though I haven't let myself shine to the
world, I'm good for something but too good to
give to you."

The Rose Bud is associated with innocence,
curiosity, and confidence. It is governed by
the god Cupid and its sign is The Dewdrop, or
Puppy Love.

As a Rose Bud, you may have grand ideas about love
and you may well be inexperienced. You tend to
be optomistic, idealistic, and curious, but
it's just because you like being a positive
person. You also may have high thoughts of
yourself, and can come off a bit conceited, but
it's just a mask to hide your lack of

What Rose Is Your Soul Bound To?
brought to you by Quizilla

Oy, students

They checked out already...and it's Monday. Sheesh.

Lessons didn't go over well, but they didn't suck either. Still have to send my self-evaluation to my supervisor, but I'm going to finish my soup first and then enjoy some online stuff.

Not much else going on.

You are Neo
You are Neo, from "The Matrix." You
display a perfect fusion of heroism and

What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Desdemona-you are kind, innocent, loving
Pretty, cute, innocent and kind. Sweet, yet
tainted... You do not know of the many evils of
the world, your heart is pure but stained by
the evil forces around you.

Which Othello Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, November 23, 2003


A win! My Vikings actually won. God bless Michael Bennet, how we have missed him. (Michael Bennet, not God.)

Went to Chruch today; haven't been in months. It felt a little strange to be there, but good at the same time.

I am so happy this is only a 2 1/2 day week. I'm going to be showing clips from Gone with the Wind to my sophomores; a brilliant idea I had about showing these kids what life in the South was like...or at least, what people in TKAM wanted life to be like. And, hey, exposing kids to GWTW. How can that be a bad thing?

Saturday, November 22, 2003

You know, I thought my observation went relatively well on Friday. But then.... I saw my supervisor and my co-op teacher talking in the hall as I was dashing off to another class. I heard the sup. say something like "what I'm seeing is..." but they came to a dead stop as I walked by. Now I'm nervous. What did I do wrong?

Shopped 'til I nearly dropped today. No, not Xmas shopping you silly people--birthday shopping! For me! Mom takes me out every year a little before the bday and I pick out some clothes that I want. Only came away with 2 bras, a watch and a pair of boots but...well, the boots have been my white whale since July. See, I have thick calves--not fat, but muscular--and the boots I was looking for had to go over my claves do to the skirt...well, anyway, had a bit of trouble finding them until today. They're actually a 1/2 size too big but I'm willing to deal.

Stopped trying on clothes halfway through because I got totally disgusted at how fat I looked. Here's the thing--I like to work out in the morning. Haiver, in order for that to happen, I'd have to get up at like 4:30. That ain't happening. But when I get home from school/work, I'm just so glad to be home I don't want to get changed to workout. I'm so lazy. And fat. Blech.

Complete tangent #1--Hey, is the Texas trip still on?

Complete tangent #2--"The Cat in the Hat" sucks. Very disappointed; glad I only paid $5 to see it. (Well, 10, paid for the bf too). OH! I saw a drug bust yesterday while waiting for said BF to show up at the movie theatre. Plain clothes cops bought drugs, then "real" cops came--much yelling "GET DOWN ON THE GROUND" and the police dog kept jumping in and out of the cop car window. That was the best part.

You are a Water Apple. These tarty pink fruits grow
in bunches. Tbe skin is thin and waxy, and is
eaten with the crisp, slightly sour translucent
flesh. Water apples are fibrous and ironically
contain only a moderate amount of water. You
are beautiful and friendly, but can often lack
a sense of humor.

What Tasty Tropical Fruit Are You? (With Pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, November 17, 2003


Well, today could have gone much less smoothly; but since I only had to teach 1 1/2 classes today, I wasn't at the full height of my stress. The rest of the week will be all about writing. As in, teaching writing. Whee.

Let's see...oh yes, my Vikings suck hard vaccuum. If it were up to me, Daunte Culpepper would have walked his ass home from Oakland yesterday. 'Cause 6 turnovers is totally unacceptable. Actually, 7 by the end of the game. My parents' teams both won, so yay there.

Not much else going on. Still psyched about my concert tickets.

you are protein! tough, sometimes mean, and can be
seen as cruel by certain people, but those that
come to love you will do so forever!

erm...what food-group are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, November 16, 2003

Okay, now my mouse on my laptop is being exceedingly finicky--it only responds if I click this one particular corner if I want to move the cursor/open a file/etc. Besides running slow. I have virus scan...there is no virus. My laptop is only a couple years

Beyond that, I cannot seem to get these lesson plans written. I found one that I'd written over the summer and it was fantastic and yet somehow all my lesson plans right now suck. I'm so discouraged because whenever I pick a direction I want the discussion to go in, it always falls really flat and dull. Part of me is like "why plan? I'll just let the kids use their journals to facilitate discussion." That works so much better most of the time.

I'm tired. I was awake until 1:30 in the morning, then got up at 8:30, but since I had another body in bed with me, I didn't get much solid sleep.

And the one football game that's on right now is not very interesting. And the tag-team writing isn't advancing. In 2 hours, there has been no advancement. Grr.

Movie Junky
Ain't nothin' wrong with checking out the latest
flicks. People know they can ask you a review
of a movie when it comes out because you've
already been there. You sound like fun, want to
catch a flick?

What Are You Addicted To? pics .. by Midnight
brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, November 15, 2003

I hope this is indicative of the rest of my weekend

I won tickets to the BNL concert! Hot-freaking-damn! A friend from my grad program will be my date, as Guster will also be there and she is like, uber-fan.

My laptop is being really stupid. I think I'm going to have to drive down to the bf's house so his friend can look at it. I hate to interrupt their gaming day, but I need a functional lap top.

So yay for concert tickets!

happy eyes
Happy Eyes--- Well well, nice to see some body
who's got all this positive energy within them!
You don't really let things get to you, do you?
Good for you... but maybe sometimes you should.
Other wise all the things that have happened to
you over the years may surface in one huge

What Eyes Do You Have??(many outcomes-- with pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, November 14, 2003


"Master and Commander" is a pretty good movie. Russel Crowe may be a twit, but damn he look fine with long hair. Reminscent of Johnny D, only older.

Pep rally day at my student teaching placement; as you can imagine, I got jack done with my students. After yesterday, I don't know what I expected.

If I'm in the wrong profession, could someone have the decency to tell me this? Don't let me wander around doing something I'm not going to be good at. My mother, God bless her, says no matter what grade I have in my student teaching, I have the personality and could convince any school system to hire me.

So sweet.

Bloody hell! Your Ron! Brave, funny, sidekick, and
sooo jealous (of Vicky!). Your the best! Your
just confused half the time...
Just find your Gryffindor courage when your stuck
in a fight with Hermione (who else would it be
with?) or anything else. Bravery will be your
middle name!

Which of the Potter trio are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Thursday, November 13, 2003

My day sucked... this post will only contain really important information. I can get it to you in 3 words:

Barenaked Ladies Concert

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Short post

Only a three day week, and yet I'm beat because of my Wednesday class. Imagine fingernails on a chalkboard, off-key singing, and little yippy dogs all at once. That pretty much sums up how this class makes me feel.

I love "That 70's Show;" it makes me really happy.

"The West Wing" is on tonight also, more goodness.

Your a summer funloving and honest you dont like to
work alot and love to party hard not to mention
you have many friends. Warning though you can
sometimes be stuck up and not know it.

What Season are ya??!!
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

A quiz

You have a guy that you can like and trust. Don't
take things too fast or you might loose him.
Try to hang on as long as you can. He's a
keeper, unless he starts acting weird.

Is your boyfriend an ass-hole?
brought to you by Quizilla

Ah yes, a day off

So what did I do so far? Woke up at 6:30 because the dog broke one of my mother's dishes, then I cleaned up piss from said dog because my father "forgot" to let him (the dog) out before he went off to shoot God's little creatures.

I am so SICK of writing lesson plans. Hate it hate it hate it. And I have to present in my class tomorrow about assessment...yeah, feeling less than enthused about that.

Getting together with the boyfriend today....not sure what we're going to do, but we have the whole day. However, it is going to rain...thbbt.

Going to be one of those days.

Sunday, November 09, 2003


my teeth hurt.

This is the worst part about getting a cold/sinus infection for upper teeth hurt because my sinuses are so sensitive. It's icky.

Let's SO glad I don't have to teach until Wednesday. I was very unhappy with my life on Friday and I think I really need this mini-vacation. Perhaps I'll actually get something done besides lesson plans. Strangely, however, I doubt it. I want to write, but feel like the call has come and gone. I need to be in writing classes again. If I had money, and time, I'd just sign up for random writing classes at local colleges. Maybe I should get my PhD. Do you think I make a better student than a teacher?

Oh, speaking of. One of my students was a little upset with me because when I said "pairs" I meant "two people, not three or four." So he called me "a mean teacher" because I wouldn't let he and 2 other people work together. Want to see a group full of kids turn on a classmate? Have him call the student teacher mean. Yeah, I thought there was going to be a ruckuss. But it did make me feel loved. :)

Wednesday, November 05, 2003



?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla


William III
You are most like William III of Dutch descent, who
later became King of England. His background
is of the Orange family, a noble family that
his grandfather, William the Silent (I) was the
leader in the resistance against the Spanish,
allowing the Dutch Protestants to create the
United Provinces (Netherlands).

How Do You Measure Up With Past and Present World Leaders?
brought to you by Quizilla


Right now, I would like nothing more than to write for hours on some completely trivial but enjoyable topic. Alas, that cannot happen, as I must do work. Lots of work.

I'm so tired. And I think I'm coming down with a cold. Thank G-d next week will only involve three real work days. I have to go in on Monday, but there won't be any students around, just teachers. I'm not sure I really even HAVE to go to this thing on Monday. Must inquire about that.

I miss sleep.

Monday, November 03, 2003

F'ing Vikings.

Now that that's out of the way...

Head of university program didn't show up today...some sort of emergency...or something. I doubt it was anything that big. Whatever. The class didn't go really well anyway; well, it went all right, but some of the kids aren't doing the reading. *grumbles*

Going to kill my seniors. Think that sums that up.

Not much else to say...still hungry after my snack. Not sure what to do about that. *shrugs*

Congratulations, you're New Orleans, the wild city.
What US city are you? Take the quiz by Girlwithagun.

Sunday, November 02, 2003

A weekend...yay

Wannabe-Angel. You want to be an angel, you try
your hardest to be nice and caring but you just
snap sometimes.

Are you an Angel or a Demon?
brought to you by Quizilla

Well, let's see...went to a football game on Saturday, then had a birthday dinner with my mom on Saturday night (the rest of the family was there too). Watched my brother and his friend shave some kid's head around a campfire, and actually saw a joint smoked for the first time in my life. I didn't smoke it, but I did see it happen. It wasn't nearly as entertaining as I'd hoped.

I'm a total slacker when it comes to lesson plans; I did Monday and that's about it. The week is weird anyway 'cause my kids are either taking tests or being "assessed," so I'm not going to be really teaching all week, just a couple of days. But tomorrow I'm being observed...eek.

Vikings play tonight...*cross fingers*