Saturday, January 31, 2004

Look Better Naked?

Okay, so you might have noticed that the aforementioned title is used frequently on women's magazines to tell us how to lose weight. But what about those of us who feel we look just fine naked, but when we have to put clothing on and push our bodies into quasi-unnatural states, the problems begin? I pose that to you all.

The bf is cooking me dinner tonight. Sort of. We're not really interested in what my parents are having for dinner, but interested in the company they're having, so he's bringing over chicken and some sort of magic sauce that his mother makes. It's about on-par with grilling, but he does it so infrequently, I'm not going to question it.

We're getting some sort of whacky new cable next week 'cause the cable company is ditching "the box". So I have to be home next Saturday to learn how to work the new cable system, and then teach it to the fam-damly. Aren't I special?

Thursday, January 29, 2004

Weird dream

I totally forgot to mention this weird-o dream I had the other night. I don't remember a lot of it now, but I do remember that I was in my high school and that I kept having to go tighten these braces that I was wearing. Only they weren't REALLY braces, they were more like, get this, Muppet eyes (think Kermit) with metal wire on them that hooked around my molars. My teeth REALLY hurt.

This is what had to say:

School: To dream that you are in school, signifies feelings of inadequacy and childhood insecurities that have never been resolved. It may relate to anxieties about performance and abilities. You may also be going through a "spiritual learning" experience.

Braces: To dream that you have braces, indicates that you should not be so quick to criticize. You should stop talking too much and listen to what others have to say. It may also indicate your brashness. The dream may also be a pun on "brace yourself".

Pain: To dream that you are in pain, signifies that you are being too hard on yourself with regards to a situation that was out of your control. It may also be a true reflection of real pain that exists somewhere in your body. Dreams can reveal and warn about health problems.
To dream that you are inflicting pain to yourself, indicates that you are experiencing some overwhelming turmoil or problems in your waking life. You are trying to disconnect yourself from your reality by concentrating on the pain that you inflicted to yourself.

Teeth: To dream that you have rotten or decaying teeth, forewarns that your health and/or business is in jeopardy. You may have uttered some false or foul words and those words are coming back to haunt you.

Yay...musical Buffy!

Watched it last night but...well, Spike is so endearing, especially whilst singing.

My two tuxedo cats were being very cute, kissing and whatnot, and then they started fighting and hissing. There's something deep and meaningful in that I think.

I have to dig my car out from the snow this morning. My father leaf-blew most of the snow off yesterday, but he couldn't free my driver's side door. A little physical labor before I go make myself smart. Can't be a bad thing.

I still think Kelly is evil due to her offer.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

A dud

Well, those 12-25 inches of snow? I've got about 6 sitting on the top of my car. That's it. No blizzard of the century. I don't have to go to my internship today, so that's cool, but...well, I mean...I was expecting something a little more apocolyptic with my snow storm.

Going to work out this morning for a change, and then I'm hitting the books. Gotta read about US History and write one page on the Dagda.

Oh, Kelly, I found your Swan Children story, it's the story of the Children of Lir. He gets married to this woman, she has four children and then dies. He then marries the wife's sister, she gets jealous of the kids and turns them all into swans.

Interesting...this is my mother's favorite Beatle:

Well Done your George

Which Beatle are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

And so it begins again...

They're predicting anywhere from 12 to 25 inches of snow over the next 48 hours. Yeah, 'cause that's exactly what I was looking forward to.

Gathering sidenote: a fellow writer-friend lives in the Bulky area of Texas and might want to meet me for dinner/lunch. Anyone want to chaperone?

I'm sorry I got into the "Buffy" game late, 'cause this show is definitely very cool. I think the reason I like Spike better than Angel (and I do like Angel) is because Spike is a bad boy, but he has some redeeming qualities. Kinda like Anakin ;)

We're in the dead & resurrected Buffy arc right now. Is the musical episode coming up soon? Gosh I hope so.

Sunday, January 25, 2004


You know, the worst part about the hangover isn't the's that vague feeling of "am I going to throw up" that continues all day. I just took some Alka-Seltzer Cold stuff, 'cause on top of the headache and blech-ness, I've also got some rip-roaring sinus stuff going on.

In honor of Bulky's egg eating, I had red meat for dinner last night. Well, it wasn't really red, and I actually had a very small portion, but...I did eat meat. I've been eating chicken for what seems like forever. I'm very sick of it.

I have beacoup work to do today for my classes & internship. Besides reading, I have to do some research on time management/study skills (the irony is not lost on me, I assure you) and prepare some survey questions for a bunch of IB students.

You know, the UCONN library is great 'cause it is so big and therefore has just about everthing, but coming from lil ol' AMC, it's terribly overwhelming. There isn't that sense of being able to just roam the stacks, 'cause there is WAY too much and you'd never get anything done. I get to explore the fine world of microfiche in a few weeks. Whee.

Should specify something about the workout videos I'm doing--they are both cardio & weights. Sometimes together, which is not good for me because I can't get my feet and arms to move at the same time. That's why I liked ballet; the arms pretty much remained stationary. Is that spelled right? Small tangent--lost a pointe idea where it is. I know it made it back from Albertus.

You are DORY!
What Finding Nemo Character are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, January 24, 2004

Health update

Okay, I'm doing O-K with the eating business, but I find myself eating a lot of carbs because I'm afraid to eat meat/dairy/etc. 'Course, I know that isn't healthy 'cause then I lack general, however, I'm only eating meat once a day, and dairy rarely so...whee? I need to go back on the Carb-cutter pills I was taking for awhile there. Before anyone freaks out, they're just white kidney bean extract, and they actually helped.

Excercise has been o-k too, but I'm not really seeing any results. My mother says she feels less tired and stronger, although she too isn't SEEING anything (I think she looks a little slimmer though). Not me though, nope no way. Scale won't move. Arms aren't toning up. Is it possible I'm actually doing bicep curls wrong? This is always the problem I have with any weight training...I never feel it where I'm supposed to.

The Blue Lady DVD is by far the easiest, but her abdominal set isn't long enough. Once again, I don't think I'm doing them right. It always feels like my hips are getting the workout when I do lower abs, not the actual abs. And, according to mum, I wasn't sticking my ass out enough during squats, but I tried to do those deep squats last night and...ow, knee pain. Not as bad as my brother, but still.

So, there you have it.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Brief musical interlude

So, over the past couple of days, I have re-listened to "Everything to Everyone" by BNL and "Songs about Jane" by Maroon 5. Both CDs are growing on me, BNL more so than Maroon 5, but I think that's just 'cause they're BNL. I still skip over the drug song, not so much because it's depressing as I just don't like it. Maroon 5 is still very ecclectic, but I'm liking the lyrics a bit more each time I listen to it.

Also, everyone send warm wishes to the tagboard at He got into a car accident and needs happy thoughts.

Looks like I'll probably be able to drop my stupid class after all. Yay!

Too pissed...can't sleep

First, a recap of my classes:

Celtic & Norse Mythology is going to be tres cool...I have to write a long-ish paper for it, but I get to pick the topic. Anyone think of anything specific I should write on? And don't say Arthur.

US History is take it or leave it. The professor isn't that fascinating, but I need the class, so I'll push through. She's picked some not-so-stellar essay topics however; glad I only have to do two.

Literary Criticism: First, this class is misnamed...the prof. teaches it as Literary Theory. I was in class for 3 1/2 hours (an hour longer than I was supposed to be) watching a 1950s Hindi movie. Besides the fact that the guy kept talking over some stuff that was just really blatant (this is a Graduate English class), he's teaching the whole first half of the class, basically, about nationalism. My fellow-TCPCG student and I were about to kill ourselves. Or him. Probably him.

So yeah...I'm looking for a new class. Or, God willing, I will discover that, due to my independent study in the summer, I'm all credit-ed up and don't need three classes. I have found a back up class on Women in 20th Century Literature...but it doesn't really tickle my fancy.

And beyond the crappy class that ran too late, I came home to discover that the entire driveway was filled with my brother's friends' cars. No place for Lady Vader to park. Now, normally, I'd just park on the lawn, but we've got about a foot of snow out there and I didn't want to subject the Blue Box to that. So I call my brother on his cell phone and ask him to have some of his buddies move their cars. He tells me to "park on the lawn, it ain't gonna happen" and hangs up on me. Bastard. I don't care if you've got a sore back.

And FINALLY...remember my noble intentions of going to the gym today? Well, me and every other student on campus. I spent more time waiting for a machine than I actually did ON the machine. Funny, but I'm more out of shape than I though (especially since I've been squatting my ass off with Mom) 'cause I could only do 15 minutes on the elliptical before I got winded and pained.

Grr, I say...Grr.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004


Classes start today. It's not the classes that I worry about so much as the finding my way around the massive campus that is UCONN. I went to my teeny-tiny college for a I have to take a bus to get from a crowded parking lot to an almost-right building. I am still hoping against hope that I'll find a parking space in one of the walking-distance parking lots. I have a thing about buses/public transportation. No, I don't know what...but it's a thing. I never went into New Haven during college because I hated riding the bus.

You are one of the few out there whose wings are
truly ANGELIC. Selfless, powerful, and
divine, you are one blessed with a certain
cosmic grace. You are unequalled in
peacefulness, love, and beauty. As a Being of
Light your wings are massive and a soft white
or silver. Countless feathers grace them and
radiate the light within you for all the world
to see. You are a defender, protector, and
caretaker. Comforter of the weak and forgiver
of the wrong, chances are you are taken
advantage of once in awhile, maybe quite often.
But your innocence and wisdom sees the good in
everyone and so this mistreatment does not make
you colder. Merciful to the extreme, you will
try to help misguided souls find themselves and
peace. However not all Angelics allow
themselves to be gotten the better of - the
Seraphim for example will be driven to fighting
for the sake of Justice and protection of those
less powerful. Congratulations - and don't ever
change - the world needs more people like you.

*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~*
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, January 18, 2004

F'ing Patriots.

My mom is right...Belicek has made some sort of pact with Satan, because it wasn't supposed to snow today. And let's not talk about those two holdings in the 2nd-to-last possession that would've gotten the Colts a first down or two.

I guess the only thing left to say is...Go Eagles? I really want the Panthers to win, but I'm not sure they can beat the Pats.

F'ing Patriots

The verdict is in...

Cholesterol is still happily sitting at 244. Grr. My HDL is really low (like, really mother was using expletives to project her suprise) so that's something anyway. Of course now I'm just really confused...the literature from the doctor says "go vegetarian, eat whole grains." Well, okay, fine, but whole grains are carbohydrates, and that's the one thing almost every diet on the planet wants you to avoid. Oh yes, and exercise. Well, I AM exercising, thankyouverymuch.

It's snowing. I wanted to be good and get my school stuff today, but now I'm not so sure, what with the snow and all. We'll see if it tapers. I always have tomorrow. Go MLK Jr. Day.

Me = lazy. I have been so lazy, and really bad with my resolutions. I tried reading the past couple of days and actually fell asleep. This could be because I'm reading the unabridged "The Count of Monte Cristo," but I do like the story. And today is the end of football playoffs. My goal is to watch minimal TV between now and 3 o'clock. I'll probably work out after I've read the Sunday paper, and then I might go through my room with a back-hoe, or at least a garbage bag. I need to start gettin' all my stuff together for my portfolio, update some lessons, that sort of thing. And then on Tuesday...eep! Back to school.

Oook, Bulky, any idea where I can get a relatively small-sized gym bag?

Saturday, January 17, 2004

Watching the first "Harry Potter"

It was on TV, but it was about 45 minutes in, so I decided to just pop the DVD in and watch it from the beginning. Dudley is SUCH a pill.

Let's see...I was good and worked out yesterday. My inner thighs kill this morning, so I must've done something right. Read somewhere that if you intake 1200 mg of calcium a day, you're more likely to loose weight.

Classes start on Tuesday and I am, how shall we say this, not up to date on my school supplies. I'm depressed at how much money I'm going to have to spend, because I also need stuff for my portfolio. Perhaps I'll go tomorrow.

The owls are coming, the owls are coming!

Thursday, January 15, 2004

And you thought YOU were Atkins unfriendly

Mmmm, looks like you're a donut!
What Snack Food are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

Cold...really cold....

It's gonna be like -50 with the windchill tomorrow. I mean, I'm not leaving the house except to get the mail...and maybe not even that.

My cat is staring at my fingers as I type. Randomness.

Sort of have my internship "finalized" for this semester. At least what hours I'll be doing it. So that's a relief. It also leaves me time to sub 2 days a week...and maybe get in on the sub-call list for where I'm interning, so if I'm not busy with school A, I can work school B and then just be there for the internship.

Buffy just missed Riley on the helicopter. He was way too clean-cut for me. Don't like him over much. Give me brooding and/or British anyday.

I want to watch a movie tonight, but don't know which one...suggestions?

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Back in the saddle

Subbed today...7th grade math. Apparently while I was helping a couple of students (it was fractions), these other kids were smackin' each other around in the back of the room and hit some other kid. So said third kid asked to go to the office and went to the V.P. Then when I was about to leave the V.P calls me into her office to give me the head's up. Surprised? You betcha.

We had this random snow quall earlier, and now it's all cloudy out. Bah!

As dictators go, you're kind of pathetic! Instead of military coup or systematic persecution to get power, you just happen to be the head of the only party in the UK that isn't totally worthless! While not very impressive it is none the less effective! You can do whatever the hell you like without any chance of getting voted out of office! People know that the only alternative would have them eating their children if they ever got back into power! However, you still think that you are as loved as you were when you were first elected into power… News flash for you: You're not!

What tin-pot dictator are you? Take the "What Dictator am I?" test at

Monday, January 12, 2004



The Force of Nature Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla


I've been craving cereal for days. It's a good thing Mom bought Honey Nut Cheerios.

So, it was a bad-ish food weekend, and only a mediocre football weekend. Yay for the Panthers and the Colts. Especially the Colts. 'Cause they beat the Chiefs, and that's not easy work.

I really should clean my room. I, unfortunately, have a great deal of paperwork all over and absolutely no place to put said paperwork. And I want to organize my teaching stuff, but have nothing to put it in.

So that icey blech weather that was bothering Dendera has now settled on the East Coast. First it was really FREAKIN' cold, and then it dropped several inches of snow. Well, it looks like winter now. I guess that's something.

Saturday, January 10, 2004

Ah, the college experience

So I didn't work out yesterday 'cause I was walking all over the college the I figured that was exercise enough. I will exercise this morning before grocery shopping though. Go me.

I forgot how much fun it is to buy books for English classes. I'm taking two (2) and will have a grand total of sixteen (16) books by the time I'm done. Also need a book for my history class, but that's only one book. I can handle that. My God, what have I gotten myself into?

Went to see "Paycheck" yesterday. Actually, it wasn't too bad, although Uma Thurman is one of the most unattractive women in Hollywood. Ben Affleck, however, not too bad to look at...J-Lo germs not withstanding. So yeah, the movie was good. BF of course had it figured out in, like, 15 minutes, but I was along for the ride and so throughly enjoyed myself.

Saw the preview for "King Arthur" with Keira Knightly...OH MY GOD! I hope this movie is out in time for the looks SOOOOO kick ass. It has warrior-Guenivere and everything. Since swords won't be interested in Harry Potter, this might be our movie outing o-choice...what say ye?

Thursday, January 08, 2004

Oh sure

Finally get a call from the sub people, and I have stuff to do today and tomorrow that I can't get out of. "Baby" brother has to get driven to the doctors. Not that he can't drive...well, tomorrow he can't drive. But tomorrow I only have to drop him off...the rest of the time I'm going to be up in Storrs buying books, finding class buildings, getting parking passes...and possibly having lunch with some classmates. Busy busy.

I've been reading quite a bit, although I'm still watching more TV than I should be. Haven't gotten any writing done, however. Oh, speak of writing...everyone else is writing stories...I need everyone's official divine realms: ie, what you're in charge of. I'm "Love & Other Catastrophes;" swords is "Chaos and Depression"....ladies, fill in my other two blanks, will you?

Elizabeth Bennet
You are Eliza Bennett from Pride and
! Yay, you! Perhaps the
brightest and best character in all of English
literature, you are intelligent, lively,
lovely-- in short, you are the best of company.
Your only foibles are that you stick with your
first impressions... and your family is quite

Which Jane Austen Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

No Subject

I ate both bread & dessert last night at the bf's house. D'oh! But I had fruit with the cake, so that makes it a little better, right?

What kind of job does everyone think I should get? I can pretty much only work Monday, Wednesday, and sometimes Friday. Weekends too, of course. Tuesday & Thursday are out 'cause of my internship and classes. Maybe swords could pull some strings and get me a job at the B&N up near my house ;)

I'm Mrs. Remus Lupin

The HP Male Marriage Quiz
made by Sapphire.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

I'm so lazy...I need a job

I did "the red lady" yesterday. See, the DVDs Mom & I bought have 3 different women on them. The red lady is maximum cardio...but she's the shortest of the 3 routines, so that's a little ray of sunshine. I'm not losing any weight...and I'm blaming the eating habits of the holidays. 'Cause I am exercising 3 days a week for an hour at a clip, so something SHOULD be happening.

Yesterday was a pretty good day: 2 egg-white & 1 egg yolk omlette with veggie cheese & soy milk to drink. Then we moved on to Santa Fe Beans & Rice with an apple and some water. Snacked with a lean pocket then had spaghetti & only 1 piece of garlic bread. "Dessert" was hot chocolate. So far today I've had low-fat poptarts and a glass of soy milk. So good...right? A little encouragement...?

Brett and I just finished watching the epic mini-series "Shogun." Actually, it was a pretty good movie. My Japanophiles might enjoy watching it...if you've got 9 hours to kill. Richard Chamberlain as a samurai....interesting, I assure you.

You're a lollipop!! Your known for your coolness,
for you are a trend setter. You're a natural
leader, and are good under pressure. People
often seek you out for advice, for you have
great insight.

Which kind of candy are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, January 04, 2004

Watching "Bring It On"

Wow, good football today. Mom's team won and so did the Packers. Now the Titans must beat the Patriots. They MUST beat the Patriots. Do you hear that, Titans? Huh? Huh?

Going to eat good, real food starting tomorrow. I did not have a really good weekend. Roast beast and pizza and wine and...well, you get the idea. Bulky, help!!!!

I tried to write just now. I am so lacking in the inspriation department. The blank page offers nothing. None of my characters are talking to me. It's really quite pathetic. Anyone seen a lost and abused muse? I'd like her back.

Went to see my best friend today. It was nice to chat with her, although we didn't get to really "talk" like I would have liked because we spent a lot of time with her bf. Which is cool, 'cause I like him, but I wanted to get into nitty gritty relationship details that cannot be discussed when a significant other is around. *Sigh*

I'm the Girl Next Door! Isn't that nifty?
I'm the Girl Next Door!

The Stereotypical Anime Character Quizzicle (with pictures)!
brought to you by Quizilla

Thursday, January 01, 2004

New Year's Resolutions

1. Don't blog while tipsy--people's feelings get hurt.
2. Loose 17-22 lbs, but dropping a dress/pant size is also acceptable.
3. Write--more and more frequently
4. Read--more and more frequently and more varied
5. Limit television viewing--I really only watch 3 shows a week; I don't need to watch more.
6. Find a job.
7. Cook more
8. Get out more.

That's quite a list. Let's see what I can actually accomplish.

Congratulations! You're Elrond!

Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you?
brought to you by Quizilla