Sunday, April 25, 2004

Where did my weekend go?

Oh yes, right. Friday I spent ill and then driving all over the state of CT (also got lost at the airport, but that's really neither here nor there.) Spent the better part of Saturday morning at the doctor's office (I almost have a sinus infection; yay for half-assed illnesses) and then part of Saturday afternoon grocery shopping. Drove down to see the bf Saturday late-afternoon, after taking a brief nap, and did not get back until 11 or so. Woke up at 6:30 this morning (wtf?) and have since been trying to get stuff done.

Did I? Well, 6 1/2 pages out of an 8-10 page paper are "done" although I'm going to need some kind eyes to view it before I hand it in. Also "finished" my lessons for the week. I didn't really have a chance to think about the lessons I'm going to get paid for, but I have to talk to my supervisor more in depth about those anyway. And I think I have some paperwork to fill out. I'm going to get a badge too. Woohoo.

I'm thinking about playing nanny for the summer after getting back from TX. I'll get outside, be fairly active, and while probably not making a boatload of money, will have something that resembles an income. What do you all think?

find your element

Friday, April 23, 2004

The ever-morphing illness

Okay, so what started out as the flu, turned into a really bad cold and now...sinus infection. Yay spring. I do not have time for this....well, crap. The coughing is really pleasant too; I think I'm either going to pop a vertebrae or a rib.

On the upside, I lost almost 5 pounds, because I haven't been able to eat. Wonder if I can keep it off. It was really nice to see "143" appear on the scale. It really was. Arguably the best thing about being sick.

Not much else to share. I get to go pick up the bf at the airport tonight at 10 o'clock. Kinda sucks how late I have to go to get him, but I haven't seen him since Sunday morning. I miss him.

Okay, off to write a one act play on how to have an extra-marital affair and still keep your reputation.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

A word or two about men

1. Okay, let's start with the fact that the two women in my house are sick. There was a complaint made Monday night that dinner was not prepared. Well wtf do you want? We're SICK! We SLEPT ALL DAY! Listen, boys, when women get sick, we usually just push on through because there's too much crap that needs to be done to stay sick. If we are THAT sick that we can't make you dinner one night, you can freakin' cook for yourself.

2. You are also an ungrateful lot. Even when a woman does cook for you, you'll complain. In this case, the complaint was that food was prepared with lactaid milk instead of regular milk. You wouldn't know what it was cooked with unless we told you. If the woman wants to use soy cheese, soy milk, soy meat or...well, whatever...if she is cooking for you, don't FREAKING complain. Do your own damn cooking if you want it "your way". Or go to Burger King.

3. My brother was nice enough to go out and purchase gatorade for me when I was sick, so that's a check in the "not lock them all in boxes" category.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Blah, fever

Or at least, I think it's a fever. It's not that hot here yet, but I feel all yucky blech. I can't believe I have to go to class today. More importantly, I can't believe I have to walk around campus.

So, to inform those who don't know, I will actually be payed to, TEACH, the youth of America for about a month starting the first week of May. This is very exciting for me. Of course, this means I have to put off my trip to Canada, but sometimes the all-mighty dollar wins out. Don't worry though, I told them I can't be there the week of June 12-20 on account of a prior engagement.

Buffy & Riley are getting their freak on. Riley (or, more accurately, the guy who played him) was in the movie "The Alamo." It was just a bit part, but I knew it was him. Go me.

Monday, April 19, 2004

Sickly, very sickly

Yes, that's right. I'm sick. Woke up yesterday morning with all sorts of fevery, headachey, sore throaty goodness. At least the nausea has gone away, but I still feel like crap. Nursing myself on gatorade and sleep.

BF had a horrible time trying to get to Des Moines for his orientation. As of 9:00 last night, he still hadn't let Minneapolis. He'd hardly gotten any sleep the night before, so I can't imagine the four-hour drive he was in for went really well.

My neck is stiff, my throat is sore. Blech.

I am going to see a doctor today, but it's about my knees, not my illness.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

TGI almost F

I had a whole survey posted the other day, but it looks like blogger ate it. Grr, arg.

Been trying to write lesson plans and have been meeting with sporadic amounts of success. It's been far too long since I've done this. Hopefully nice supervisor lady will forgive my incompetence.

I am currently watching "The Three Musketeers". I needed swashbuckling and sexy men, but wanted more honor, and less thievery, which is why I did not settle on PotC.

Tiny bits of inspiration have been nipping at my brain lately, and always connected to music. Alexis (remember her) has been making herself known on almost every CD I've listened to lately. I cannot devote any time to her at the moment, plus I have the great Gathering epic to write, so she'll just have to keep singing to me.

Sabine is a pretty name. I like Janel too. It's almost like Jane, but not quite.

I'm going to see the orthopedic guy on Monday to see what's to be done about my knees. I did workout today, but as instructed, did not use weights while squatting.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Knee addendum

Went to the doctor about my knee today. She said my right knee (the one that doesn't hurt) is actually in "worse" shape, where worse is pretty relative 'cause neither of 'em are bad. But she said I should see an orthopedist to be sure, and not to do any weight bearing squats until then.

Case anyone cared.


Well, my meeting for tomorrow morning has been postponed 'til Friday 'cause the supervisor is sick. Sadness. But this gives me some time, 'cause I don't have much in the way of the ideas.

Ah, Tone Loc; I liked Tone Loc. "Wild Thing" and "Funky Cold Medina". That was a nice flashback.

We were learning about runes in Celtic & Norse Mythology; it was kind of interesting. Of course, I picked the wrong runic alphabet to translate something she gave us. Ah well. I won't be a Runemaster (an actual position in Norse society).

Why is Jessica Simpson considered a Diva? Frankly, that should be reserved for women who have paid their dues. She has not. Debbie Harry, Cindi Lauper, yes...Jessica Simpson and Eve? No.

I'm ready for this semester to be over. I think I might feel differently if I was living on campus, but because of all the driving I've had to do, I'm ready to graduate. I hope everyone has their fingers crossed for my employment!

Monday, April 12, 2004

(No subject)

I bought two books today. Well, my mother bought them for me 'cause she wanted to spend money. One is a grammar book with a funny title. The other one is "The Short and Blood History of Knights, Spies and Pirates." Of course, I don't need any more books to read, but I've got them anyway. Woohoo.

I'm currently trying to come up with some lesson ideas for this play I'm going to teach. It's been a while since I've had to create lesson plans, so I'm a little off my game. I've got some sort of "big picture" ideas that I might like to cover. Now I have to do a little bit of snooping on the web for stuff and talk to supervisor about what I'm "supposed" to cover with the kids. That's for Wednesday, though.

Had a horrific dietary weekend, the likes of which are reminiscent of Christmas. Today went much better and included some cardio. But right now my tummy feels funny. Perhaps the plethora of grapes I ate before dinner. Or some other culinary cunundrum. Drinking water as per Dr. Tamwe's orders, and am hoping that'll settle things. If not, I might have something light to eat. It needs to be grainy though, because fruit & veggie acid make me feel icky.

Stil haven't started my paper that's due in 2 weeks. Kinda gettin' nervous about it.

Dad and I are still trying to plan the logistics of a trip to Canada. More roadblocks have occured.

Gimme something good!

Find out what anime character cliche you are.

take this quiz.

Saturday, April 10, 2004

A legend in my own mind

According to one of my classmates, it is absolutely amazing I didn't get a parking ticket a few weeks ago when I was driving my father's car to Storrs. I've never been a legend; I wonder if this will improve my employment chances.

Went to see "The Alamo" yesterday afternoon. Good movie. I thought it was going to pull a "Pearl Harbor" and go on for 45mins-1hr with the retaliation, but it kept it to about 15-20 minutes, so yay. More importantly, saw the preview for "King Arthur" again. *drool* I cannot WAIT for this movie to come out. This summer is going to be chock full of cinematic goodness.

Speaking of Arthur...was watching this thing on the Hitler channel about King Arthur and the show's host said that England actually has a King Arthur Theme Park. I SO want to go to that. I still think they need a Harry Potter Theme Park. Think of all the money they'd make. I'd go to England for that. Not that I really need and excuse to go over there; I've got tons of places I'd like to visit (Stonehenge, here I come!) but I'm just saying.

I did workout yesterday, go me. Haieva, my left knee has started making this lovely "popping" noise whenever I do squats/plies and so I think I'll call the doctor Monday to have this checked out. It might be the 11 years of ballet catching up with me, but why would it only be the right knee?

I made a list of all the stuff I have to do for this week, started reading about the Cold War, and almost fell asleep. I think I might be bad and skip the readings for history that I missed due to my past busy Thursdays. My note-taker will have everything I'll ever need to know written down, so I won't have missed too much. There's just too much reading to try and do. Plus, I have to plan eight lessons for a play I'll be teaching thanks to my wonderful internship supervisor. Can't do it all; I have to accept that. 'Course, my procrastinating isn't helping any.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Small rant: the women Huskies have actually accomplished more than the men. Why did they get a smaller party? Where are the equal hoop-la rights??

Getting a couple of inches chopped off the old hair this morning; trying to clean up some of the dead ends.

I was going to work out this morning (now 2 days in a row I've said this) but my ankles kill from walking around campus in 2-inch heels yesterday, so I'm going to give them one more day to recover and then I'm going to work out tomorrow. I need to make up for all the crappy food I'll have eaten by tomorrow morning.

Wish me luck on my presentation today!


Find out what anime girl you are.

Ooooo Shiney!

What Random Object From Ydoc Nameloc's Room Are You?

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Is it Thursday at 5 yet?

No, I suppose it's not. Gosh, I wish it was. 'Cause then all this b.s. would be over with and I could focus on more important scholastic things.

Husky mania continues up here. All the local news outlets have nothing else to do, so they are hovering around Gampel Pavilion hoping to catch some riots or something. Both of my professors thanked us for showing up to classes today. I thought that was kind of funny.

Job fair tomorrow. I've got 6 districts I'm going to look at. Wish me luck!

Super Jump
What's Your Anime Power?

Superfriends Superman

Take the Cartoon Hero Quiz?.

Monday, April 05, 2004

Home stretch...

...well, sort of.

Our presentation is on Thursday and it looks like we might not screw it up too terribly. The paper is almost on its way to being written as well, so that's good. Now I can focus on the two weeks of reading I really haven't done and the paper I haven't written that's due at the end of the month.

May be teaching some of my internship supervisor's classes for a week so she can see me teach and bolster that B+ I got in student teaching with a letter about how I really do know what I'm doing. Of course, if she tells me I don't know what I'm doing I'll probably have to sit down and have a good long cry. Possibly indulge the Benadryl-Bordeaux concoction I've mentioned elsewhere.

To recap, did not do a "real" workout this morning as I did not have time, but did walk a mile in my living room. It wasn't a long enough workout to actually burn anything substantial, but I did break a sweat and my arms hurt from the weights, so that's something. Today consisted of a Krave bar w/soy milk for breakfast, refried bean wrap w/soy cheese and veggies, carrots sticks and an orange. Splurge was a mocha-swirl latte from Dunkin' Donuts 'cause I was dog tired. Had a nutrigrain bar for a snack Dinner was chicken w/vegetables & ramen noodles, no spices. Water consumed in excess. Go me.

I'm hoping to get up early again tomorrow and work out before I head up to school to do some reading I need to get done for my history class. Might try and piece together some sort of thesis for that large paper for Celtic & Norse so I can get that out of the way and focus on lesson plans. Whee.

Is it June yet?

Sunday, April 04, 2004

This is me not doing my work

I'm so pissed off about this project that I cannot bring myself to work on it. So here I sit, typing away at the keyboard of life. Or some such bullshit.

Tangent: sex complicates everything. I know they tell us that when we're 13 so we won't have sex, but they were right. And all that crap about the female body being persnickety is NOTHING compared to the weird-ass rules the male body has. Perhaps this is why the Catholics prefer sex for procreational purposes only.

I am UNBELIEVABLY sick of f'ing UCONN goddamn basketball. I hate basketball, and I hate every f'ing front runner in this goddamn state. Nobody gave a rat's ass about these teams until they started winning about 7 years ago. This is why CT can never have a professional sports team; this is why we lost the Whalers. People in this state only care about teams when they're winning.

Still no word on the house visiting for today. I really want to go; I want to see their dogs.

I've been identifying with all the wrong songs lately, which is not a good thing. "Stupid" by Sarah McLaughlin and "The Weakest Thing" by BNL are on the top of the list. I know what it means, but as both song titles apply to me right now, I don't want to deal. Gotta love denial.

Which Harry Potter Male is Stalking You? by Dooreatoe
Favorite Color
Your StalkerSeverus Snape
Days he has been stalking you103
Where he is right nowDo you feel someone touching you?
How do you find out?He calls you repeatedly
How it all endsYou sleep together once, and then you drop him like a hot potato
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

Saturday, April 03, 2004

The best laid plans

Well, I didn't get home until 8 o'clock last night. Family waited to eat dinner until I got there, but I wish they hadn't. I felt bad. Physically too, 'cause I hadn't brought enough food with me to the school so I was litteraly in pain from lack of food. I don't understand how people *coughboyfriendcough* can just not eat. My body gets really pissed if I don't eat.

Yes, workout went well yesterday. I sweat profusely, but my legs didn't hurt afterwards, which means the shock of the workout has left and now we're just back to the business of getting buff. I still want to buy a treadmill (or those tread climbers like you see on TV) but I have no money and am pretty sure father would flip if I asked mom to buy one. *sigh*

Today I get to go with bf and buy wedding gifts for a couple that is already married. Also have to purchase a small birthday/housewarming gift for someone. Don't know what to get best friend for her birthday; it's the day before Easter. Also have to purchase baptism gift for infant. Well, he's almost a year old at this point.

Father and I are now thinking about taking our trip to Canada in May, 'cause I won't be teaching then. I am really hoping to get a job teaching summer school. The more I think about it, the more I might want to teach high school b/c of the stuff they read then, but I still feel more comfortable with the middle school age-bracket. Decisions decisions.

Friday, April 02, 2004


I'm hoping to not spend all of my night tonight at the high school because it's Friday and I'd like to have some sort of a life this weekend. Friends are moving into a new house; will probably go see that this weekend. And their two new dogs. Equally exciting.

You know, Faith is a putz. I don't like her. Why doesn't she just say dead?

Going to work out this morning before I head off to the school. Yes, yes I am. I got most of the numerical data entry done last night, so I feel like I can take these brief breaks to regroup and recharge my brain.

Okay, how is it that I'm seriously limiting my carbs and eating way more veggies and yet still the scale she does not move? Shouldn't something be giving at this point? Like 5 pounds? Dendera, could I have your wonky metabolism for a little bit?

Which Broadway Musical Are You Destined to perform in? by dangerousgame
Broadway MusicalThe Music Man
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!