Saturday, May 29, 2004

Nota bene

Disclaimer: I've got to rant somewhere, so it's going to be here. If you don't want to hear/read about the bf situation, don't continue on.

I don't know what to do anymore. I love him. This much is clear to me. But he's making me question things I haven't questioned. And I'm not talking about political or religious stances; I'm talking about our relationship. It feels like he's doing things just to get under my skin at this point.

We have our differences. For the most part, we can just ignore them or accept them. But we're at this place right now were the road has forked and I'm going one way and he doesn't know which way he wants to travel. So I'm left waiting, while my clock is admittedly ticking. That's right folks, I'm ready to be a grown up with a house and a hubby and in a few years, a couple of brats to call my very own. That's what's supposed to happen when two people become graduates instead of students.

It almost ended last night. I went as far as to give him back the necklace he bought me for Christmas. He gave it back to me at the end of the night, but...I can't believe I did it. I just can't take this g-d waiting any more. Because I don't know what it is I'm waiting for. If I'm going to wait another six months or year to find out I'm wasting my time...I'll likely scream or become very violent.

Can you take a break from a four-year relationship without ending the relationship? This is what I'm wondering to myself. I'm not sure if I don't just need some time away from him to put it all in perspective. The trip to Texas is coming up, and that will be good for me, but what about the two weeks in between that are now going to be awkward. We have a wedding to go to tomorrow. This sort of stuff always happens when we have a wedding to go to. We already have an agreement that I'll duck out when the bouquet is thrown. That's how it works when we go to weddings.

I need a backbone. I don't know how to be without him anymore. Four years is a long time...quite frankly, people are starting to expect a certain amount of forward movement here. Not that it should matter what other people think's getting harder to smile and nod sometimes.

I am no longer a happy person.

Friday, May 28, 2004

Quizzie goodness

First of

Well, u-- um, can we come up and have a look?

What Monty Python Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Second of all, surprisingly accurate:

You are glucose. People feed off of you. You are
sweet, caring, and a source of energy for
everyone around you. You can inspire others
with your creativity and depth, and you can
keep people alive when in times of famine.
People love you...or at least the way you

Which Biological Molecule Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Everybody's Workin' for the Weekend

So yesterday I saw a movie with my IB Seniors called "The Boondock Saints." If you haven't seen this movie, and you can stand blood shed and a great deal of "f the f-ing f-ers," I highly recommend watching it. Very intense, but very good.

I have really no reason to be in this building today. Everyone is watching a movie today in the lecture hall, "Schindler's List" and something else. It's a good day to just crash at home watching movies. Wait a minute...the movie is now cancelled. Apparently the sound is not working. Well, whatever. I still don't have any seniors; I think they all went to New York. The one class of AP kids I have is just watching a movie..."Contact"...and we're not even sure how many of them are going to show up.

I need to start writing again. I created this SW character a while back, and while I can't seem to create a really good over-all story for her, she's got a couple of vignettes that she wants written about her. Maybe I should start there and work my way up. I'm sad that I won't have my Gathering fairy-tale thing ready in time. It was going to be one kick-ass story too, along the lines of "The Princess Bride." Ah well. Such is the life of the sort-of-employed.

A poll: How far would you drive/travel for a booty call? What is the hour at night which you would say "No, I ain't going nowhere" if a booty call was initiated?

I have to figure out what I'm going to do with myself tomorrow. BF is going to be blowing things up with a buddy at his house, parents are going to a picnic...Guess I could clean my room and put some paperwork away. Lord knows the place could use a good dusting/vaccuming. I can't really move the furniture around, but I've got the urge to. And laundry...the laundry situation is scary.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Thursday, Thursday

We're on our way to the end of the week. I've got some papers to look over and comment on, but I'm not going to grade 'em because these kids need all the help they can get.

The seniors have totally checked out. They have an assembly today when they should be in class, and that means some of their classmates are going to be a lesson short for teaching. I was kind of looking forward to this next set of lessons; the first group of kids taught about psychology, dreams, was very enlightening. I can only hope these next groups are equally as well-thought out.

I got a sucky answer:

I'm King Arthur!
You're King Arthur. All you want to do is make everyone happy, even if it means

sacrificing something of your own. In fact, I don't think you think of

yourself as much as you think of the welfare of other people. You're a very kind-

hearted individual, but remember to stand up for what YOU want sometimes...

You don't want to be a walking doormat!

Which Mists of Avalon Character are YOU?

by .

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

New digs

So, what do you all think of the new crib? Since I wasn't moving out of my parents' house, I figured I'd just redecorate my blog instead.

Actually having a pretty good week with my students; I think they might be learning what I'm teaching. We won't know for sure, of course, until I see the final drafts of their papers next week but...cross your fingers for them.

I had an interview at a high school yesterday that I think went pretty well. I gave them a very memorable answer when I said that I was a morning person and that was why they should hire me. The people were very nice. I have a second interview on June 8th at the middle school in the town I'm teaching in right now, so I'm excited about that too. This is not the teaching interview, however. So I'm wondering if they're going to cut that out of the process (hope hope) or they decided to add another round. This round involves meeting with the principal. I'm getting sent to the principal's office, which never happened when I was a sprout.

Finished reading The Time Machine, which was actually pretty good, but much shorter than I had expected. I am currently reading The Bad Beginning which is one in a set of about 11 YA books by, get this, Lemony Snicket. It's about 3 kids whose parents die in a fire and they have to go live with crazy Uncle Count Olaf. That's as far as I've gotten, but the writer has an entertaining style.

I can't believe the Gathering is in just over 2 weeks. I feel like it took forever to get here and now...bam, no time left! I'm hope, hope, hoping I'll have some sort of vocational stability before I leave. Which reminds me..must order Kel's birthday present.

Sunday, May 23, 2004


Okay, a few things.

1. There is a tornado heading toward my house at this very moment.

2. I am wearing a dress I've owned since high school to the wedding next weekend.

3. The bf's grandmother said I looked skinny.

4. I bought 2 shirts today at Hot Topic: one says "Muggle" and the other has the Jem logo and "cast" on it.

5. "Shrek 2" was pretty good.

6. Episode 3 has a name: "Birth of the Empire."

Wednesday, May 19, 2004


All right folks, it's official: I am a published author.

If you go to and click on the Bookstore, you will see a book called Kaleidoscope. In there is a story by yours truly, under the name KJKofsuske.

I am very excited. I can't wait to tell everyone. More importatly, I want a hard copy to show off!

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Keepin' on keepin' on

Oh my G-d, is it only Tuesday? I am so wiped out. I definitely need to start exercising again because my energy level is non-existant. I've been feeling really guilty about food lately too because I don't feel like I can eat anything but vegetables and fruit: too many carbs makes you fat; too much animal product gives me a heartattack. And I know woman should be able to live on plant life alone, but it's SO BORING. A salad is a salad is a salad, you know?

Might be teaching summer school after all this year; June 21-July 29. Cuts it a little close with the trip, but the tickets are purchased, so I'll just have to find out what books/subjects I'm teaching a head of time. Summer school is only 4 days a week, and I think only 1/2 a day anyway so...woohoo.

I need to stop spending money. I must be someone who benefits from retail therapy because I blew lots of money on clothes and I'm buying books like crazy online. I have piles of books to read, and I'm buying more.

Tried to start reading "La Morte D'Arthur" but it just wasn't grabbing me. I might shelve that as something I'll read someday, but I want to read new and different stuff right now. I'm not giving up on Arthur as a whole, but I've read so many adaptations of the story, that my mind doesn't want to go through one of the "originals" right now. So I started reading "The Handmaid's Tale" off and on in the library here. I'm going to take it home and finish it tonight.

That's life on the east coast, hope everyone is doing well.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Boredom & Movie Reviews

I need to do something fun and exciting. My life has become painfully monotonous. I will be attending a wedding in 2 weeks, so that is something, but still. I'm slowly losing what is left of my sanity just for the sheer drudgery of it all. Right now I'm waiting for the bf to wake up so we can go shopping for his friend's wedding present. Yes, the one in two weeks. SOMEONE has been putting off the shopping, but we won't mention any names.

We went to see "Troy" on Friday night. It was very good. However, there were these three women sitting in front of us who kept giggling at really inappropriate moments. BF thinks they were scholars of the story who found the Hollywoodization ridiculous. I think they just didn't get it. I might not know "The Iliad" inside and out, but I know it well enough to say that it was a more or less faithful representation of Greek society at the time, and the story as a whole. Yes, changes were made, but they were understandable, given the audience and the need for "an ending." They've also set themselves up for doing "The Odyssey" and "The Aenid" if they feel so inclined.

Brad Pitt actually made a believable Achilles, which I know a lot of people were leary about. No matter how hard I try, I still think Paris is a schmuck (right up there with Lancelot), even if he does look as lovely as Orlando Bloom with those curls...dreamy sigh. The guy who plays Boromir redeems himself as Odysseus. The chiqua who played Helen...well, did a good job of portraying a conflicted whore. We'll just leave it at that.

Season Finale of "Charmed" is tonight; 2 hours. Woohoo!

Friday, May 14, 2004

Don't think it went well

I'm not sure how well my interview went today. I felt like they were speaking a different language, asking me things. I mean, I payed attention when I was in classes, but a lot of the things we talked about have not made their way into my regular vocabulary. I don't feel (and still don't feel) like I have really taught enough to answer these questions. I guess that's the curse of having taught only 3 classes during my student teaching. Even now...I dunno, maybe this was a bad choice for me. But what else am I supposed to do? I can't go back to school again; I'm in debt up to my eyeballs, as the man in the commercials says. Even though I'm being told not to teach summer school 'cause I'll burn out, part of me things I really need to. Because those kids would be my kids; although they'll have had teachers during the year, it's my classroom. I can set up my own rules and I won't become the "evil dictator" who is usurping their 'real' teacher's rightful role. This is a very confusing time for me. My life is very unbalanced.

All things are squared away with the crossing out of my credits. The class counts, just not towards my master's degree, which is okay, because I only needed 30 credits for my master's anyway. So phew, crisis averted.

We had a four minute fire drill this morning. It was almost too pointless to even count. We walked outside, we walked back inside, and things were done with. They interrupted "Hamlet," of course, right before the dueling started. D'oh.

I just had a lovely lemon chicken sandwhich from Bertucci's for lunch. Then I ate a roll too. D'oh again. But I didn't eat the pasta salad that came with the sandwhich, so my guilt is lessened. We're going out to dinner tonight to celebrate (belatedly) the graduation achievement. I'm most looking forward to dessert. I haven't had a really sinfully good dessert in a really long time.

"Troy" comes out today. I am SO excited; I cannot wait to see this movie. It's funny to hear the people on the radio talk about this movie, because 99.9% of them haven't studied "The Iliad." So their focus (Brad Pitt, Orlando Bloom, hot women) is not my focus (look, it's accurate to the text, will they make Achilles' sexual orientation questionable?) One DJ said "Eric Bana plays this guy named Hector" and it sounded so weird, because, to me, how do you NOT know who Hector is? Right? Anyway, I'm an English Geek, I totally admit it.

Good luck on your movie ladies; Jer and I will be there to see you in a month. Eek!

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Goods and bads

Today is going to be a really long day because I don't actually teach any classes. Normally I would but the seniors are taking their IB exams so the woman I'm covering for has told them to not bother coming to class; they should just study the whole time. My juniors have gym today. All this adds up to me coming in for 6 hours to cover a study hall at the end of the day.

I got to sleep in for 1/2 an hour today though, so that was nice. Totally worth it, too.

I am very worried about the direction "The West Wing" has suddenly taken. Donna nearly got blowed up, and now the previews for next week don't indicate many good things for her. How are she and Josh supposed to get together if she's dead? Hmm, answer me that.

I have a preliminary interview tomorrow morning at 11:30. Kind of excited. Went and found the place yesterday afternoon; not too terribly difficult to get to. Yay.

But the REAL crap news came when I got home yesterday and my plan of study was returned to me with my US History course crossed out. Excuse me, but that's a state requirement. Now I only have 42 credits. The plan was approved however. I was irate and, of course, no one at freakin' UCONN returned my calls. Guess I'll have to use my down time productively today and try to get someone to explain to me what the freak happened.

Since Saturday, I have finished two books that I started either last summer or during the semester, including "The Lost Years of Merlin" Volume 1--a young adult novel, but a pretty interesting read. I ordered the two sequels to it online yesterday. I am now reading a book called "Never Cry Wolf," by Farley Mowat. My father talks about this guy all the time, so I picked up the book at Goodwill for 50 cents or something like that. It's a true story about this guy's time studying wolves in Canada. Really quite interesting. His vocabulary level is much higher than I expected, but he's also got a wicked sense of humor.

I will assume I'm not just talking to myself out here, even though I have not been tagged in many moons. :(

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Not a good day

I guess today is one of those reasons why you are supposed to have lesson plans. I have taught two classes today, and they both freakin' self-destructed. The problems begin with the fact that I'm trying to teach these kids how to write essays in a topic I know nothing about; I don't really even know how this paper is supposed to look at the end. So the kids flounder hopelessly about, although some of it is just laziness on their part. It's not like they've never written a paper like this before. I dunno. I know the kids wish I wasn't here; I mean, they applauded when the woman I'm covering for came into the classroom. This is the same problem I had when I was student teaching; the kids see her and so therefore do not totally recognize me as an authority figure. I am also "mean" and "strict". I know I shouldn't let it get to me, but let's face it--the problems are repeating themselves. Therefore, it must be me.

So what do I do about it? I've only got 35 minute classes tomorrow because it's a half day. It's clear that I can't just let the kids roam free on this task because they don't (for the most part) complete the task. So tomorrow I have to figure out a way to use the class time in the most efficent manner possible. They have to write a (roughly) 6-8 page paper. Okay, so if I have the kids pull out their brainstorming from Monday, I will ask them to number their "bubbles" to correspond with the guides from their worksheet. Then I will have them match up their sources to the same guides. Finally, they will need to work on creating bubbles/finding sources for the ones they don't have. Bada bing, bada boom, they can start writing. Right?

Now that I've bored you all to death with my lesson plan for tomorrow...Boyfriend arrived safely in Orlando, has been having much fun. I'd envy him terribly, except we're having beautiful lovely weather here today. I worked out yesterday, although it was only a 1/2 hour of walking. Mom and I will probably continue to do that for the rest of the week, and then start the evil ladies next week. It's been way too long since we've worked out and I think we'd die if we jumped back into 'em right away. Food consumption blew yesterday, but so far I've done all right. Still, this part of the day coming up is the worst; the time between getting home and eating dinner. 'Cause I want to eat now, and dinner at my house isn't until like 6:30 or 7. I know I could make my own meals, but I like the quality time of hangin' out with the folks. I look forward to the day when I have a certain amount of autonomy in this area. I look forward to the day when I'm really employed. Gosh, that'll be lovely. Tonight, I'll work on my applications and get 'em ready to send out tomorrow. It's cuttin' it a little close, but it's the best I can do.

Monday, May 10, 2004


Is it just me, or did blogger change their format? It confused me, and I didn't really like it.

So I'm sitting in a foreign classroom proctoring a study hall. I thought I had packed a book to read this morning, but I apparently didn't. So I'm floating around the internet, checking my email like every 2 seconds, and generally being bored.

Kelly, are the dates June 12-20 still good, or are we changing that?

So, instead of my graduation on Saturday, I went down to the outlets in Clinton and spent an obscene amount of money on new clothes. It felt good to shop, especially when I got myself into some size 8s. Of course, they're making clothes bigger now, but still.

Boyfriend is in Orlando for the next three days. I usually don't see him during the beginning of the week anyway, so this isn't going to be too weird. Still, it'll be good to have him back.

We went to see "Van Helsing" on Friday. Not an oh-my-god-orgasmic movie, but it was a pretty good way to spend 2 hours of my Friday night. If you like Hugh Jackman or Kate Beckinsale, go see it.

I think I'm going to work out this afternoon. Mother bought me a knee brace so I can do safe squats without fear of knee damage. I really ate like crap this weekend; I definitely need to get back on the healthy eating bandwagon. I can't seem to find anything to eat in the morning that doesn't leave me really hungry by about 9 o'clock. Tried protein, tried carbs, tried protein and carbs...can't eat fruit 'cause it makes me sick...*sigh*

So that's the update. Don't think anyone missed me but....

Friday, May 07, 2004


Done with everything. To celebrate, I survey.

[ name ]: Karen
[ nicknames ]: Kar, Kare Bear, Shorty, Boo, Little Bit
[ screen name ]: LadyVad357...clearly not that original
[ birthday ]: Dec. 5, 1980
[ born in ]: Meriden, CT
[ age ]: 23
[ nationality ]: English, Welsh, German
[ astrological sign ]: Sag.
[ location ]: the living room
[ eye color ]: brown...mousey brown
[ height ]: 5'6"
[ siblings ]: 1 brother
[ pets ]: 3 cats, 2 dogs...1 brother ;)

[ in the morning i'm]: usually jarred awake abruptly either by a cat or an alarm clock

[ all i need is ]: love...and money
[ love is ]: good, but terribly complicated
[ if i could see one person right now it would be ]: Katie, I miss her
[ i dream about ]: Sex and botched weddings

[ pictured your crush naked? ]: Only every once in...frequently
[ actually seen your crush naked? ]: *whistles innocently*
[ been in love? ]: Yupper

[ said i love you and meant it? ]: yes'm
[ cried when someone died? ]: yes'm

[ lied? ]: Yup

[ kicked someone in the nuts? ]: Yes...although mostly it was on accident
[ stolen anythin? ]: Uh...maybe a cookiee?
[ done drugs? ]: Just decongestants
[ drank? ]: Not nearly enough lately
[ cheated on someone? ]: I am ashamed to say, yes...but I didn't think of it that way at the time
[ fallen for your best guy friend? ]: Uh...yes
[ been cheated on? ]: Not that I am aware of
[ been kissed? ]: Not often enough lately
[ done something you regret? ]: Who hasn't?

[ food? ]: too many to choose from
[ fruit? ]: Summer fruit
[ candy? ]: Ooh, tough call
[ color? ]: blue
[ numbers? ]: 7
[ animal? ]: Cats
[ drink? ]: water
[ soda? ]: Coke?
[ book? ]: That is a completely unfair question
[ room? ]: Bedroom
[ habla espanol? ]: No
[ color your hair? ]: not recently
[ write in cursive or print? ]: A combination there of
[ sleep with stuffed animals? ]: not usually
[ like cleaning? ]: I go through fits of enjoying it
[ have a tattoo? ]: No...I want one though
[ have any piercings? ]: Ears and the defunct belly
[ cheat on test/homework? ]: Not that I can recall
[ drink/smoke? ]: Yes...hell no
[ swear a lot? ]: I try not to
[ like watching sunrises or sunset? ]:'s usually warmer then
[ believe in God? ]: Yes
[ pray? ]: Not as often as I should
[ go to church? ]: See above
[ believe in witches? ]: Yes
[ have a best friends? ]: This survey creator, with their lack of agreement, is not one
[ like your own handwriting? ]: It's getting better


[ obsessive? ]: Yes
[ able to live without the computer? ]: Not for's how I stay in contact w/a lot of people
[ bored? ]: no
[ happy? ]: ask me tomorrow
[ missing someone? ]: Yes
[ confused? ]: Perpetually
[ tired? ]: Very
[ mad? ]: Not angry-rich-white-man-band mad
[ sleepy? ]: Why am I being asked if I am both tired and sleepy?


[ makes you laugh the most? ]: Brett, my parents
[ makes you smile? ]: My friends, my cats
[ gives you a funny feeling when you see them? ]: Old men alone in malls
[ gives you advice? ]: Kelly, Mom


[ stay on waitin for someone special to IM you? ]: Uh...sometimes
[ save aol/aim conversations? ]: Not really
[ wish you were a member of the opposite sex? ]: Not really


[ you talked to on the phone? ]: Brett
[ you hugged? ]: Mom
[ you instant messaged? ]: I have no idea
[ instant messaged you? ]: Jeremiah
[ sent you an e-mail? ]: A classmate
[ you laughed with? ]: Anagha's boyfriend Tony
[ slept in your bed? ]: besides me? the cat
[ you shared a drink with? ]: No idea.
[ you went to the movies with? ]: Brett
[ yelled at you? ]: Anagha
[ you called? ]: Brett
[ you kicked? ]: The dog
[ you saw? ]: a neighbor


[ the most handsome person you know? ]: That's a weird question; the guy who redid our bathroom was pretty good lookin' though
[ the weirdest person you know? ]: Brett
[ the funniest person you know? ]: Brett
[ the loudest person you know? ]: Anagha
[ the quietest person you know? ]: Me
[ the sweetest person you know? ]: Mom
[ the most serious person you know? ] Me also
[ your best friend ]: Katie
[ the person you hate the most? ]: Osama Bin Laden
[ the person you see most? ]: Parents


[ your most over used phrase on aim? ]: blol
[ the first thing you thought of when you woke up ]: "did I oversleep?"
[ the best name for a butler? ]: Jeeves
[ the wussiest sport? ]: Golf. 'Cause...dude, it's Golf
[ song that describes you? ]: There are a lot...the only one I can think of is "Stupid" by Sarah McLaughlan
[ your best feature? ]: Boobs
[ your bedime? ]: btwn. 9 and 11
[ your greatest accomplishment? ]: Grad school!


[ what is the age you hope to get married? ]: between now and 30
[ number and names of kids? ]: 2-3...names are still debatable
[ where do you see yourself at age 20? ]: In college...clueless
[ describe your dream wedding? ]: Night time service, candlelit, bridesmaids in blue, me in white
[ when and how do you want to die? ]: Later, and without too much suffering
[ what are you career plans? ]: Teacher, writer, mother
[ someplace you like to visit? ]: Europe


[ best eye color? ]: Expressive
[ best hair color? ]: Darker is better than lighter
[ short or long hair? ]: Not hippie-long, but not neo-nazi short either
[ best height? ]: taller than me
[ best weight? ]: Sporty
[ best first date location? ]: Mini-golf and ice cream
[ best first kiss location? ]: the front porch
[ describe your perfect other? ]: can't
[ what do you notice first? ]: height and weight
[ last person you slow danced with? ]: Brett
[ last time you went out of state? ]: Uh...April. Although it was only to Massachusettes
[ last time you were outside? ]: an hour and a half ago?
[ last time you had a snowball fight? ]: Couple of years ago
[ last time you were listening to music? ]: 3 hours ago
[ last time you were on the internet? ]: Now
[ last time you ate? ]: 1/2 an hour ago
[last time you jumped in front of a movin` car? ]: not recently
[ last time you watched tv? ]: Right now
[ last time you cried? ]: Probably a couple of weeks ago


[ how many pplsz are on your buddylist? ]: 60 exaclty
[ what hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? ]: usually lasts longer
[ have you felt this recently? ]: Yes
[ what do you wear to bed? ]: fabric
[ when`s the last time you slept with a stuffed animal? ]: 6 months ago?
[ have you ever played ouija board? ]: Yes, it found my grandmother's wedding ring...or maybe my grandfather's
[ how many rings before you pick up the phone? ]: 2
[ how many schools have you gone to? ]: 3 elementary, 1 middle, 1 high, 2 college
[ would you shave your head for $5,ooo? ]: If the money was going to charity, maybe. But my hair grows really slowly.

Thursday, May 06, 2004


Courtesy of Kelly's cousin's blog. Can you tell I'm procrasinating?

You are Spearmint.
You are quick-witted and sharp. You pay close
attention to details and you can tell what your
friends are feeling. You are always the first
to understand a joke and you are valued for
your insight and advice. However, you
sometimes isolate yourself from other people,
afraid to share your own feelings.
Most Compatible With: Cinnamon

Which Tic-Tac Flavor Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are the Figher Femme

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


!*~* What Harry Potter Student Are You Most Like? *~*! (Really Good!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Ravenclaw - Brainy and studious. Don't forget to live and beware of acting the superior.

An unusual Harry Potter House Sorting.
brought to you by Quizilla

Water Fairy
Rate my quiz please even if it is a 1 or whatever

Which Fairy are you?(for anyone many out comes)
brought to you by Quizilla

Getting Twitchy

So, on top of the fact that I'm teaching a group of kids that wish I was their other teacher, I'm also trying to correct papers not knowing any of the answers and prepare for my Celtic & Norse final. As I read over the questions that she gave us to study, I feel like I'm at a complete loss. The ideas sound and look familiar, but I cannot come up with any real solid pieces of evidence or answers. This, I feel, is partially my own fault, because I did not get a chance to really devote the proper amount of time to these books due to internship hell. But also...I don't know, the first half just seemed easier somehow.

Also, I have to teach a group of kids how to write a particular type of essay next week. This would not be a problem in & of itself, except the woman I need to talk to about it is leave in...well, 1/2 an hour...for the rest of the week (the whole day and a half, yes, I know)...actually, she's leaving sooner than that; her husband just came in. Anyway, so she won't be here today or tomorrow, and I have to try to study for my exam today, but I need to have at least one lesson done by Monday. I don't want to spend my first truly free weekend writing lesson plans, but that's probably what's going to happen.

On a slightly more up-beat note, I have an interview next Friday. It is just a preliminary thing, apparently, because I don't have to bring anything but my "sparkling personality." That's exactly what the lovely lady on the phone told me. I'll probably bring everything but my transcripts ('cause those are like gold) anyway, just in case. So I'll go to work in the morning, teach, drive to the interview, and then come back to cover the study hall. Next week I actually get to enjoy my late-coming-in perk for Thurs/Friday. Woohoo.

Did anyone else watch "Angel" last night? I did, 'cause I think Spike & Angel are very entertaining together. I was not disappointed. I think it's funny that they both still have a thing for Buffy. I wish Drusillia had had more on-screen time. 'Cause she's very cool, even if she is, well, insane. However, since I haven't been following the show one iota all season, confusion reigned supreme. What the heck happened to Connor? And why is Fred blue? I know Cordelia met her maker, so that didn't confuse me. Oh yeah, and when has this Immortal guy shown up before? 'Cause I have now seen most of the episodes of Buffy (still no Hush, however) and this is the first time I've heard of this guy. Anyone who can answer these questions...well, has my gratitude.

All right, I think I may go cry now. Or eat bad things. One is bad professionally, the other is bad for my health. I'm split down the middle on this one :)

Monday, May 03, 2004


My mother's cat woke me up at 4:18 this morning clawing at the corner of my bed. Then my cat was all about climbing under the blankets with me.

So I've been up since then. At least I got to watch last night's "Charmed" which I had taped. It was actually a pretty cute episode. Sad about Darryl though.

Nearly done with my "cheat" cards for my history exam. I'm havin' a helluva time trying to come up with an answer for the 4th essay question though. She's asking really weird questions for ALL of them, actually. The wording is bizarre.

Haven't even started on my Celtic exam yet, which is REALLY bad. At least I get to do some of the answers ahead of time to hand in. Project for that class is on the way to being done, mad-dragon is looking at it for me again, 'cause I totally blew chunks on the first round.

Anyone hear the Malcovich/Voldemort rumor? Cool, huh?

Saturday, May 01, 2004

Sorry for the delay...

although it appears that my blogging was missed on some level. Woohoo, go me.

This week was the last week of classes; exams are next week (YIKES!) On top of that, I was getting up at 5:45 every morning to teach classes I wasn't getting paid for, but needed to teach for experience. Quite honestly, I don't feel that super spectacular about myself as a teacher still. My lesson plans do not suck (yay me) but there's something about the way I act in front of a class...I don't know, I don't seem to command much respect. The kids I was teaching were really good, and for the most part pretty bright, but...I think it's because I was replacing someone they really loved.

So, technically, as of Thursday, I started my life as a long-term sub. Of course, I have only taught one class in that time and supervised one study hall, but whatever. The woman I'm in for is actually still teaching one of her classes, at least until they finish "Hamlet." But if she gets busy, I'll get to take over. Woohoo. If there's a Shakespeare play I know better than good ol' Hammy...well, I don't know what it is.

Of course, this is now all up in the air because the guy who was supposed to be out for the rest of the year recovering from pancreatic cancer removal couldn't get the tumor removed. So they're going to be radiating & chemoing him, and he seems to think he'll be able to return to work. Why? Because apparently his job is his life; he has no family and few friends. Does he not realize how crappy he's going to feel? The moral of this story is: have a life outside of work, because you won't always be able to work.

Today I have to start preparing for my exams. They're going to be HARD. There's a LOT to remember, and I'm not sure I have the brain power left. Having a Dendera moment, this pisses me off because I was a REALLY GOOD undergrad student, and the thought of having 3 B's on my graduate transcript is pissing me off on all sorts of levels. Study study study is the way to go, I guess.

Health update: after suffering for an entire week with pain in my right sinus cavity that transfered itself to my teeth, I finally got to see a doctor. That's right folks, I've got 1/2 of a sinus infection. Whoo hoo, more drugs. Because I've been feeling like crap, and also because my schedule was totally wonky this week (my mother says I use the word "wonky" a lot now. Discuss.) I have not exercised in... ... ... Well, you get the idea. I have been consuming 1-2 servings of fruit a day, however, along with minimal exposure to meat/animal products and roughly 3 servings of veggies a day (more, depending on the veggie at dinner). The result? Another 2.2 pounds lost. Why do I count in 2.2 pounds? Because the scale we have is French (my mother bought it many moons ago when we were overseas) and it does everything in kilograms. So that brings me down to 140.8. Holy sh!t. I can't remember the last time the scale said ANYTHING like that. And yes, Kelly, I know it's mostly water weight, but still. Whee!

If not this week (another whacky schedule w/exams et al) then definitely next week we begin beating ourselves up. I need a knee brace.
