Tuesday, December 30, 2003


Went to see my brother's godfather's baby...well, she's 18 mos now...too cute. Also watched "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"--God, what a good movie.

I'm having a New Years' party tomorrow night...don't know what possessed me to do it; I'm making lasagna for 8-10 people.

The Sci-Fi channel has the X-Files on right now...it's the Lonegunmen in Vegas episode...one of the stranger ones. I love the Lonegunmen, but they really can't standon their own; they need to be part of something else.

Yesterday I got my last Hep-B vaccine yesterday, and then blood drawn today. My left shoulder hurts, and my left inner-elbow is starting to bruise up nicely. Oy.

You have the eyes of a raging bull in a matador
match. What? Are you angry at the world? Your
temper may be out of control mister/missy. You
could be known for that. You have almost no
patience for anything. If you're irritated at
the moment, the world would know it. You may
tend to be violent. Calm down, friend. Things
are never that bad. Don't get mad, get glad =)

What Animal Eyes Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, December 29, 2003

Edited for stupidity

I'm sorry, my friend, but you would have been
quartered. Ouch! Your arms and legs would have
been strapped to four different horses and they
would all run in different directions. Your
hypocritical and backstabbing self would have
caused you to get to that horrible fate. You
would have turned your back on your masters.
Shame, shame.

How Would You Have Been Executed Back in the Day?
brought to you by Quizilla

What the....

If there's anything I hate more than scoring touchdowns after the clock has run out and the stupid "forced out" of the endzone rule...I'm not sure. Seriously...a guy has to have both feed in bounds on the field, why not the endzone? Goddamn Vikings.

Went to see "Cold Mountain" yesterday afternoon...with the boyfriend and his parents. Got a little bit awkward at parts, but the movie was really good. I mean, I was rivetted for the 2 1/2 hours I was watching the movie. Minor rant: what's up with the 10-15 minutes of commericals before you even get to the trailers? As a side note, "Jersey Girl" looks like a much better movie than "Gigli" ever did.

I reiterate from the beginning...Goddamn Vikings.

Friday, December 26, 2003

Diamonds are a girl's best friend

Okay, before you all freak out, I didn't get the diamond. I got a necklace. A beautiful one. The man has taste.

Also got a quesadilla maker, the Schoolhouse Rock CD and the movie "Les Miserables." Among other things that I asked for. A pretty good Christmas.

My parents are having their...let's see, I'm 23 this year, my mother is 48...got married at 19...so 29 years as of Saturday. Guess I should throw a party for 'em next year, eh?

Just found out that someone's sister is holding a grudge against me 5 years running...if the someone in question is over it, or at least dealing, shouldn't this sister get over it too? I mean, holding a grudge against someone who has directly offended you is one thing, but holding a grudge against your brother's ex? Yeesh.


Seriously...How evil are you REALLY?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Joyeux Noel

Well, here we are...Christmas Eve. My first microwave baking attempt met with 50% success. I hope my mom gets home before I leave for the bf's house so she can help me decide whether I'll be poisoning his grandmother.

Worked out again today...oh-my-goodness. This was cardio and sweating happened. My legs still kill, but I feel better than I did Monday. Good stuff, right?

It's almost 60 degrees out today. It's rainy and cloudy, but it's almost 60 degrees. The day before Christmas. Anyone else see this as "odd"?

Which Japanese word are you? by gokumew2
LJ Username
You are:Yume (dream)
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Tuesday, December 23, 2003


So let's talk about how much pain I'm in due to working out for the first time in months. Yeah..."Ow" is pretty much an understatement. Thighs are not too happy with me. But I shall endure, for I wish to be skinny by July, so I can show off my new buff-bod to all my blogger buddies. Plus, healthier and what not.

Going to do something very depressing today and pay bills. Only two of the "three" I have, but it'll be enough to make me twitch. Then I'll go spend more money on my bf...'cause I like to buy him things. And he likes to buy me things...I am SO curious about this year's present.

Had an egg-white omlette this morning; the dogs got the yolks. They love me now :) They'll look fantastic by summer with super-shiney coats. The cats were curious, but I'm not sure if egg yolks would make my kitties sick...any idea?

Who is your Pirates of the Caribbean Lover? by SoExcited612
LoverThe sex god CAPT Jack Sparrow
Where it will go downDavy Jones' Locker
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Monday, December 22, 2003

Countdown to Christmas

Well, did my two Xmas parties yesterday and I was a very big hit with a two-year old, so that made my day. Friends who the bf and I went to visit are "trying" for a squaller of their own, so we wish them the best of luck. Weddings, babies and gatherings next year. Yay!

I got a book from said friends last night...called "Eragon." It's YA and apparently "Harry Potter-esque." The person who gave it to me wants to read it when I'm done; just as well, because the book I gave her is something I want to read :)

Need to finish wrapping presents and then I have that one last gift to buy....probably tonight after I start my workout regime. Looking forward to it (kind of sick, huh?) because I tried on clothes yesterday and....well, yeah, that pretty much sums that up.

A quiz to tide you over...

What Kind Of Superhero Are You? by electronicoffee
Your Username
Your First Name
Your Superhero Last NameBlackscream
Your WeaponBow of Blasting
Your 1st SuperpowerSuper Charisma
Your 2nd SuperpowerMagic [Solar]
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Sunday, December 21, 2003


I'm sorry, but that was the Vikings playing yesterday afternoon...and they beat who? The Chiefs? That's right. Can I get a hell yeah?

Parents had Christmas Party last night. It was a good time--much merriment to be had by all. The bf and I are going to a mini-Christmas party this evening at a friends' apartment...and also got invited to, get this, the package store owner's Christmas party at his house. For those of you who know my father...doesn't this make complete and utter sense? My father could get invited to Christmas at the White House if he talked to the President for 5 minutes. Oy.

Still have some more present wrapping to do...and one final gift to purchase. This is the first year I'm going to be in serious debt after Xmas, and it's the year I'm least worried about it. Not on any level can THAT be considered a good thing. It would be super nice if the sub callers would call me so I can make so dough-re-me.

So, I know that some of you are writing stories about the Adventures of Gatherers...I need a story idea. I could always do a road trip, but that's not very exciting. Now taking suggestions.

Polite Courtesy: You believe in decency and
kindness with people, regardless of the
situation since being nice with an enemy is the
best fight to you. People would consider you
friendly and helpful, and someone who makes
wise decisions.

Which Characteristic From the Samurai Code Matches You Best? (You may find out your best trait)
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, December 19, 2003

What's the buzz, tell me what's a happenin'

The bf and I went to see "Jesus Christ: Superstar" last night. I had forgotten how truly powerful a well-performed musical can be. Is it wrong to relate to God through a musical? At any rate, Webber & Rice are geniuses musically and lyrically. I had really in-the-middle-of-nowhere seats, but Jesus looked hot. Is it wrong that I just said that?

Mom and I got our exercise stuff yesterday in the mail; will start Monday as this weekend is...well, busy is putting it mildly.

I got a kitchen towel chain letter in the mail today...when was the last time anyone got a chain letter in the mail? I'm seriously thinking of participating, 'cause who can't use kitchen towels?

Mom and I are doing copious amounts of baking this evening; it's breads again this year. In previous years we have done cookiees or coffee cakes. House smells like banana bread right now. It's the only way I'll eat bananas. Tangent: I wish I could figure out how to bake with whole wheat flour; then I could enjoy baked goods more frequently.

You are Lisa. NERD!! Okay, okay... so what, you
love school and always try hard. You are highly
intelligent and love nature.

~*~What Simpsons Character Are You?~*~
brought to you by Quizilla

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Movie review

Oh my goodness. Went to see RotK today. Faboo is the only word I can think of that is almost in the English language. I must say that Faramir is quite the hottie, but I am still all about that delicious monarch.

I too, Dendera, found myself tearing up at one point: actually, it was when Pippin found Merry on the battlefield. I definitely got the sniffles. Eowyn kicks some serious booty; I don't understand why people thought Arwen was "taking away" from her role. I would like to have seen some Faramir-Eowyn action: an official wrap up of the storyline. Stupidness with the Sauramon storyline not being finished; bf didn't seem to understand my complaint, but I needed closure, damnit.

Our crowd was pretty good, although the couple sitting next to us kept freakin' getting up to leave for popcorn or the bathroom or whatever. Dude, you KNEW the movie was over 3 hours long, moderation with your soda. I managed to get through the whole thing by sipping my bottle o' water. Had to pee when it was all done, but I made it.

On the small screen--why wasn't The West Wing on last night? Grr.

Brian Griffin
You are Brian Griffin, you like to smoke, drink and
pick on Stewie who often threatens your life
but it's obvious that you two like each

The super-amazing which Family Guy character are you quiz!!! Sixteen different outcomes!!!
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Babble babble...just like a brook

A certain sword-fancier sent me a birthday gift, a fantastic little book on writing. I read it through last night and then picked the first exercise in it this morning, before I even ate breakfast, and I wrote a page and a half. Of course the sword-fancier will probably tell me to nix it, or completely rewrite it, but I did get something on the page.

Went Xmas shopping last night with my father, always an adventure. Eh, but he took me out to dinner, so that's cool. The hostess and I went to high school together, actually were pretty good in-school friends, but she was busy so I didn't stop her to make conversation. She didn't look like she really recognized me anyway. Ah well.

I'm down to two presents--one for the bf's sister, and I might be purchasing another something for the bf, but I might save that for his bday in March.

Finished "The DaVinci Code" and my review remains the same. Now I'm reading this book called "The Curse of Jezebel," an almost-trashy romance novel published in the early 60s. I got it for 10 cents at a tag sale. I wouldn't call it the greatest work of literature of all time, but for what I paid for it it's not too bad.

Random disconnections from the internet suck.

How do you kiss? by 3circledsun
Your Kiss...Melts upon
...soft shoulders
...and nibbles into
...luscious lips.
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Monday, December 15, 2003

G-d vikings

How can we lose...to the Bears???? Now we're 8-6, tied with Green Bay. Say goodbye to the playoffs.

The bf expressed an interest in actually going to see a musical, so we've got tickets to Jesus Christ: Superstar for Thursday. 'Course, they're predicting snow, but that's never stopped us before.

It's snowing again right now. How bloody quaint.

I'm about 2/3 of the way through "The DaVinci Code." It reads more like a history book in some parts than a novel, but the stuff the guy is saying is REALLY interesting. The rebelious ex-Catholic in me is oh-so-entertained.

The World Is MINE! by Demonac
You will conquer:the Entire Internet Porn industry (which is over 70% of the net anyway).
Your title will be:Lord/Lady
You will succeed by:Stealing the world's supply of Jell-O powder and making the oceans all wobbly and green.
Your Enforcers will be:Shapeshifting Secret Police.
Your first act as ruler:Write a motivational seminar entitled "Why I am Overlord, and you are not."
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Sunday, December 14, 2003

Worth the wait

Let me just say one thing--bubble baths for two are TOTALLY worth it!

Watching TV: who shows up for their wedding rehersal in a t-shirt and jeans? Oh wait, I DO know someone who has done that. *shakes head* I guess whatever floats your boat.

I love redecorating shows...is that really wrong? I like makeover shows too. But I don't watch "normal" reality television shows; I was seduced by the first "Joe Millionaire" but that's about it.

Oh...most important..we got him! I woke up to the news of Saddam's demise. I saw the whole thing live and when they showed the video...those Iraqi reporters were pretty amusing, and I felt happy for them.

More snow impending. 6" or so. Whee. Glad I don't have to drive anywhere tomorrow ;)

Silent Night
You are 'Silent Night'! You really enjoy
Christmas, and you like your Christmases
conventional. For you, Christmas is about
family and traditions, and you rather enjoy the
rituals of going to church at midnight and
turning off the lights before flaming the plum
pudding. Although you find Christmas shopping
frustrating, you like the excitement of
wrapping and hiding presents, and opening a
single door on the Advent Calendar each day.
You like the traditional carols, and probably
teach the children to sing along to them. More
than anyone else, you will probably actually
have a merry Christmas.

What Christmas Carol are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, December 13, 2003


Well, the goodbyes have been said, the keys turned in...I'm outta here!

Went to another BNL concert last night. They played mostly "up beat" stuff 'cause it wasn't just their fans that were there. The openning band was Guster. It was weird...'cause the three songs I knew by them, I liked, but the rest gave me a headache. They had the sound system turned up too loud. The bf went with me, despite disliking BNL, and while I didn't convert him, he hasn't threatened to leave me for my taste in music ;)

Parents are out buying the Xmas tree, then mum and I are going Christmas shopping, part of said trip is going to a winery--it'll be the first time I've ever been. Whee.

Why does Saturday morning TV suck? Sponge Bob is the hilight at this point. Oy.

You will live in House.
You will drive a Black Mustang.
You will marry Johnny Depp and have 4 kids.
You will be a Writer in Massachusettes.


Thursday, December 11, 2003

The 11th Hour

I have written my thank you notes; I have written my lessons. I am ready to say adieu and a fond farewell to my co-operating school district. On Saturday, I will write a thank you to the department head and then to the principal of the school. Brownie points right?

Tomorrow I see BNL, again. I must say that their latest album "Everything to Everyone," might be the weakest since "Born on a Pirate Ship." Haiver, I have only listened to the latest album once in its entirety, so I'm holding off on passing utter judgement. But on a side note, when am I ever going to hear a song written about someone with my first name? BNL has a song called "Maybe about Katie," and "Jane"...where is my glory?

Also listening to the Maroon 5 CD (Songs about Jane, the conspiracy continues). Their song "Harder to Breathe" is not really indicative of the rest of the album. If you were to combine: a boy band, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, folk music and the Counting Crows, you might get an idea of what the group sounds like. Again, further listenings are required.

Who are your Celebrity Parents? by opp_girl_4_tp
Your Name
Your MomHalle Berry
Your DadBenji Madden
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

So my father was born the year before I was? Interesting....

Wednesday, December 10, 2003


We're down to the last two days...I'm already going to miss most of the people in the department, and even some of the kids. I don't know...some of 'em might even miss me.

One of my seniors (good kid, but doesn't care about school) gave me a print out of an apple that said "An apple for the teacher." I told him I would cherish it always. Not sure he believed me.

The kids aren't acting any better, but I'm much more relaxed now 'cause...well, it's my last two days. It's still just me in the classroom, no other teachers hovering. Just me and my students. And I'm teaching writing...so whee!

You are Elizabeth Swan, you are an independant
woman even though no one else believes it. You
will speak your mind no matter what they are.

Which Pirates of the Carribean character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, December 08, 2003


That's my grade in student teaching. You know, a B really isn't *THAT* bad, but it's not up to my perfectionist standards. I broke down during my evaluation today--imagine, if you will, three people of note in your chosen field telling you that you still have a lot to work on and, oh, by the way, you show no passion for said field. They were surprised when I told them the reason I wanted to teach English was because I love English.

So now I have to try and formulate an "I'm sorry I made an ass out of myself today" email to send to my co-ops and my supervisor. I wouldn't argue my grade with them, which disturbed them. I mean, if they'd said "D" I would've been like...woah, wtf? But a B is acceptable. Unless you're me.

If I had it to do all over again...my g-d, the changes I'd make. I would teach TKAM so much differently. And "The Things They Carried," too. I would have opted not to sleep, because I think sleep is what did me in. I couldn't function after a certain hour and, rather than pushing myself, I went to sleep. If I had opted out of sleep for that past 14 weeks, I could have developed much better lessons...even if I couldn't implement them 'cause I was too g.d. tired.

On another note...how can I show passion when I'm confined by what I must focus on with a particular text? And when I'm being evaluated every other week? And when, from the get-go, there wasn't a lot I was doing right? That sort of thing wears a person down and, sometimes, you give in. I did stand up for myself at one point and I said that I did think I was praising the students, but that's about it. Mostly I sat, and read, and tried not to cry. Clearly, that didn't work in the end.

So I got gas and a Big Grab of Cool Ranch Doritos. Now I feel sick, bloated and blah.

Saturday, December 06, 2003

They say it's your birthday!

Well, it was. It was a pretty okay day--my co-op teacher totally embarrassed me with a huge sign in the English department. I really didn't want any of the teachers to know my bday was Friday. Oh well. None of my students made a big deal out of it, but one of the kids came up to me after class and said he tried to get everyone to sing happy birthday to me, but no one would play along. I was happier with that thought than I would've been with the actual singing.

Parents took me out to dinner to a German restaurant...yummy. The waitress kept asking if it was a special occassion and the bf wanted to tell her, but my mother continued to intervene because she knew I would be mortified by the announcement.

Day took a down turn because bf kept being weird and my co-op teachers talked to me about my progress during the last period of the day. I started crying on the way home. Everything they said was good...but too little too late, you know? Probably not...well, Kelly might.

We're buried in snow here in CT. Welcome to Winter, enjoy your stay.

You are a Bastard Sword (also known as a
Hand-and-a-half Sword)

What historical European weapon are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

A quick check in

A week and a half to go...am very excited...will miss the kids...but not 5:30...am I repeating myself?

Don't really have much to say, just trying to get through every day. Somedays are better than others. Hopefully this weekend will be good...although snow is forecasted for all 3 days. Last year it snowed on my birthday and I didn't get to see the bf. Blah.

Watching "The West Wing." Thank G-d for television.


Which Batman Villain Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

So I should be dating myself then?

You should be dating a Sagittarius.
22 November - 21 December
Your mate is frank and open, optimistic and honest.
Though the Archer can display bouts of
argumentative, impatient and critical
behaviour, he or she is extremely adventurous
in bed.

What Zodiac Sign Are You Attracted To?
brought to you by Quizilla