Sunday, February 29, 2004


I spent almost all day yesterday typing up my History notes; today I will be reading "The Quest of the Holy Grail" and repeating the note typing, except with Celtic Myth notes.

Found a long-term sub position in the town next door, but I'm not sure how I feel about that. I think a discussion must actually be had with the bf about living arrangements for next year.

Here's a little hint for all the boys who read this: if a girl sticks her hand down your pants, don't talk, just go with it.

What Is the Title of Your Life Story and Who Will Write It? by davisj8
TitleMy Life in Hell
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

Friday, February 27, 2004


Today I have to go learn how to write my resume (sigh) and then hand in my portfolio. My portfolio blows. I have another classmate's with me because she can't go to class and I feel really inadequate. I can't figure out what else to put in it though. I was going to put in this really large unit but it's not done yet, nor do I have all the materials so...(double sigh).

It's going to be near 50 this weekend, and I'm shocked. Of course the wind'll probably make it feel like it's 30, so let's not get any silly ideas about NOT having to wear sweaters, okay? Beat that thought into submission.

I worked out this morning; everyone be proud of me. Having a more-or-less "skinny" day. Last night I had this really yummy dinner: cheese filled ravioli w/grilled vegetables. I know Kelly can't eat it on account of the cheese, but everyone else should give it a go.

You would shag Ron Weasley/Sam Gamgee. It would be
romantic. Nice and Slow. He's a very sweet guy.
There would be candles and wine. Just, one
great evening.

Which HP/LOTR character would you shag, and how?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are obsessed with bubbles! Now, who said that
was a bad thing? You are a true child at heart,
and love to run through field, laughing merrily
whilst blowing bubbles every which way. Enjoy
yourself! :0)

What type of Fairy are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, February 25, 2004


(for those of you who know my life, that phrase applies to a great many things ;) )

Anyway, the boyfriend has a job. He starts March 8th. He'll be in CT for roughly a year, then there is the possibility of a transfer to somewhere else, most likely the east coast. Although they do have a facility in Hawaii. ;)

Beyond that, I have to teach middle school social studies today. Plus the hectic schedule tonight adds up to me not working out until Thursday morning before classes. And, to top it all off, I have to drive BACK to campus on Friday to meet with my program coordinator after a resume writing workshop. My resume is just fine, thankyouverymuch. Grr.

My second class was cancelled yesterday, only I didn't know it. Neither did about half the class, 'cause we'd all been busy during the day. So, when I could have been home by 3 o'clock, I didn't get home until 5. Double grr.

You're Belle! A very beautiful person inside and
out. You are very independent and don't care
about materialistic objects. You're the kind
of person that people can trust with anything.

Which Disney Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You belong in the world of darkness and are a part of the despair.
You belong in the land of darkness, otherwise known
as one of the worlds in which I dwell. All here
is beauty inspired by tragedy and great sorrow.
Write or go through other creative outlets to
express the anguish you may be feeling, and
never let anyone tell you that you are just
being 'weepy' or full of 'teenage angst'(if
you're a teenager.If not, then they really
should be punished for calling you one. They
probably are trying to insult your
maturity...fools.)and always remain yourself,
dark and amazing. Never change.

Where do you belong?(ANIME IMAGES)
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, February 24, 2004


Okay, first of all, I had this really weird dream about the Gathering last night. In it, Dendera came to my place first, but then I left alone (w/my mother driving) to go see Bulky. Ilikeswords was delayed somehow, so Bulky was showing me around these buildings. Very odd.

I would just like to reiterate my displeasure at the lack of progress I'm making with the weight-loss/working out. My eating habits have improved, I am working out 3 times a week. Yet the numbers are not going down, the clothes are not fitting any differently...I mean, look, I understand that it's not going to happen over night, but I've at this nearing on two months and you wouldn't know it. What happened to losing one pound a week? My mother is seeing results in the way her clothes are fitting, but when I went shopping last weekend...nada. All clothes are the exact same size. I am pissed!

Your Life: The Movie by mintyduck
Who will play you:Kate Beckinsale
Who will play your love interest:Mary-Kate Olsen
Weeks you will stay in the box office:1
Song that will play during your love scene:Weezer - No One Else
Song that will play during your death:Lynyrd Skynyrd - Freebird
Your name:
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

Monday, February 23, 2004

Return to the "real" world

Spike's a momma's-boy. Hee hee.

Back to the grindstone today; have to finish my portfolio so I can give it to a classmate to bring to the head of our program. Whee.

I haven't slept well the past few nights. I keep having bizarre dreams that I don't remember, and waking up at random intervals throughout the night. Not only is this aggravating, but it's starting to interfere with my thought processes. And we all know that they have enough trouble without interruption.

Found a couple of job possiblities/fairs to address in the next month or so. One is a tutoring job for $23/hr...which is, you know, insane...and another is a job fair in a nice district for openings next year. BF's friend has worked in the HS there for this year. He went to the Cape with a class for a trip. Doesn't that sound lover-ly?

I hate that I can't eat tuna with any frequency. Goddamn mercury levels.

Short rant: why can't they sell the orchestral music that way played in the movie instead of a bunch of half-talent hacks screaming into the microphone.

Down With Love
You are from Down With Love!

Funny and lively! Based on Doris Day movies! Are
you as good? Your rated PG-13

What Romantic Comedy are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are an apple! You are probably the smartest
person in your class. Everyone asks you for

What fruit are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Clearly, I've got a screw loose

Okay, the guy playing Jesus in "The Passion of the Christ" is the same guy who starred in "The Count of Monte Cristo." Once again, I find Jesus hot. Am I going to hell?

Side note--I want "Troy" to come! This movie looks kick ass! Maybe I'll go see it with my brother...he might be done with "The Illiad" by then. ;)

I bought two CDs yesterday with money I don't really have, and two books w/a gift certificate I got for Christmas. 'Cause, you know, I need more books to read. I got the Evanescence CD (pretty good) and Dido's latest as well (haven't listened to it yet). The two books I bought are "Druids" and a book that looks kind of like the movie "Underworld," and kind of like Buffy. That's actualy how it's billed "LOTR meets Buffy."

I'm going to visit my co-creator of lesson plans later this morning. Whee!

Your LOTR Adventure by Tacoyaki
Favorite Flower
Live inI kinda wander around...
Life AccomplishmentI fought for Sauron
Die becauseOld age
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

You're Cartman. You're mean and you like to eat.
There seems like there's not much to you, but
those wheels are turning.

Which South Park character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, February 20, 2004

Still bitter...after all these years

Now, this is going to seem ridiculous to well..just about everyone, but as the Buffy cycle has almost finished on FX, I was thinking about past series finales and...I'm still angry about Voyager. Not that they got home, but that Chakotay ended up with Seven. That sense. It still doesn't. He didn't trust her as far as he could throw her (which probably would've been quite far...Chakotay was buff). She'd never expressed an interest in him; he'd never expressed an interest in her. He was supposed to end up with Janeway. 'Nuff said.

I'm currently at the bf's house waiting for him to finish his shower. I showed up at 11 (as planned) and he was...still sleeping. Boy needs a job so he can join the rest of the world on a get-up-by-9-o'clock schedule. End of complaint.

I worked out this morning, and upped the weights on some exercises. Be proud of me.

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Blah blah blah blah blah

So my brother handed me a notebook last night and said "It's just five pages; tell me if it's worth it." My brother wrote a part of a story and showed it to me. Actually wasn't too bad. A lot of "young writer" mistakes, but he does have an interesting story working.

Small rant: why did they go backwards like 2 seasons with this episode of Buffy...we were in the final end of the world arc, Buffy'd had a date w/the principal and now we're back to how Spike killed two slayers. WTF?

So my paper basically sucks; I'm definitely not going to get an A on it. For anyone who knows me as a perfectionist, that means it sucks.

I'm supposed to be creating 1-2 weeks of lesson plans for CAPT, but my partner in writing said lessons is not communicating with me at the moment...not like, angry in communicado, just not responding to emails. Grr...arg.

LOTR Boy Man-Slave by sullenrei
Favorite Color
SlaveElijah Wood
Slave ChoreShower Buddy
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

Wednesday, February 18, 2004


First of all, if anyone is interested, I am currently reading Dracula. I picked it up for a dollar somewhere and it was on my shelf of books to read. The order I put said books in to read has already gone to pot. Alas and alack. Anyway, book isn't bad; a little slow going like all things of the era, but interesting to see where all the other stuff came from, you know?

Secondly, I think I was just very rude to the bf's aunt on the phone. She called to inform my father that the dog had puppies if his friend wanted one. (Side note--these dogs are from a mother-son mistake breeding. How can that be kosher?) Anyway, I wrote my little note, she asked me about how school was going and...then I sort of froze. I dunno, I just could not think of another thing to talk about. So I repeated the message to-be-delivered and we hung up. I feel bad about it now.

Thricely, what is up with the hullabaloo that is the Barbie & Ken break up? We all know Ken is gay and has been dating G.I. Joe for years, but still. I mean, this is getting probably international press coverage. This one little girl they interviewed on TV said she thought she was going to let her dog chew on Ken now that he and Barbie aren't together anymore. I am flabbergasted by this.

And to wrap this up, while I don't want to scare her off, I think perhaps my muse has started speaking to me again. Not doing a LOT of writing, but when I get a chance to do it, words come. It's the handwriting thing; maybe I just need to not type my first drafts for awhile. Okay, don't over-analyze, then she'll stop.


cow- you are very contended with life and the way
things are. you are not often upset or
flustered. people can count on you to be
dependable and always on time. you don't like
change or trying strange things. don't let
that keep you from having a good time.

What Barnyard Animal Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

your ideal Buffy episode by Corriebird
Buffyis just shown kicking ass
Spikegets huffy
Willowgoes all black magic
Taragets a guy
Dawncuts her hair
Xanderis fatally wounded.. recovers
Gilescleans his glasses
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Back...back...back to school again...

So, yeah, I have class today. I still haven't finished reading my history textbook, and my paper (due Thursday) is sort of done. I was going to be good and get to the library early but...well, I might get to campus an hour and half earlier than normal.

The com silence of my fellow deities is making me sad. I want individual recaps of the weekend I missed.

There are sirens going off right now in my town. This is not normal for 7:38 in the morning. Coming from the opposite direction that brother is driving, however, so it's all good.

Sandals- peaceful, daydreamy, and thoughtful, you
often find yourself staring into space. When
you aren't out volunteering you are often just
dreaming away. You enjoy the company of
friends sometimes but enjoy peace and quiet.
[please vote! thank you! :)]

What Kind of Shoe Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

you're fine with being in this century. you are
comfortable and now that you were born in the
right time frame

Which Century Do You Belong In?
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, February 16, 2004


Okay, so I have to write a 5-7 page paper on the Louisiana Exposition of 1904. I also have to finish reading "The Tain," work out, and probably do some laundry. Doesn't this sound like a fun and exciting day off?

Spike's getting bad advice from the hell-mouth monster. Poor guy.

Glad I got to talk to the contingent that was gathered in Texas...sounds like you guys had a really good time. Can't wait to see you all in June. There shall be much merrymaking.

Yesterday was Dad's birthday; we got him a grill set and a blanket for his little afternoon siestas. I also made him a peanut butter pie with Reese's PB cups. good.

Okay, one more episode of Buffy, then I'm writing. Until "The West Wing," of course ;)

You came from the future. You have wisdom beyond
your age and are always thinking ahead. A
favorite poem of yours is "Autumn" by
Emily Dickinson. You have strenth and
independence. Intelligence and creativity are
your strong points and you always try your
best. Your heart shines through hatred and
always discovers truth. Often you are found
looking ahead and wondering what put us on this
Earth. Your heart is in the right place, but
don't let your wisdom shine through fun. Your
worrying can often prevent you from finding
friends, but your nice and caring spirit makes
up for it. Wisdom is your soul.

Where did you come from when you were born?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are always on the look out for something new.
You want a good flavor that fills you up and
satisfies. You love chocolate chip cookie dough
and a good brownie ice cream. Hey, maybe even
half baked...mmmm...You don't like to mess
around, just get to the good stuff.

What ice cream flavor are you? (the one I took sucked so this one is way better :P)
brought to you by Quizilla

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Should be reading...

...and yet, I am watching more Buffy reruns while drinking orange juice and blogging. Yeah, way to go me...the model student.

Know what? I still haven't seen the episode "Hush." I am really pissed off about this right now. I'm sure it will pass, but for now...grr, arg.

So, the bf and I are going to see the comedian Dane Cook tonight up at the college. I was very proud of him; he made the decision to go and bought the tickets all by himself. It was a nice little surprise.

So, I started my story. If everyone could please tell me which of their ethnicities they would like their character name to come from, that would really help.

Christian music on a banjo...that was a little scary.

And, obviously, I survived the middle schoolers yesterday. I know you were all worried.

Suicide! (and you know it, so... dont u have
something to do?)

Choose your Dramatic Death (Now w/pics!!)
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Mario. You're pretty good-all-around.
You're most of the time the hero, and you don't
get too hung up in it...just try and let others
get a little spot-light too, k? (plz rate)

What Nintendo Charater are You? (pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, February 11, 2004


Anyone seen these Chevy Colorado commercials? LOL!

I think I'm coming down with something. It feels like the almost-cold I fought off for about a week and a half last semester when I was student teaching. Hopefully the orange juice and exercise will make it go away.

Spike found a soul and lost his mind...poor thing.

Not much to report. I'm working in the middle school today, teaching home-ec. Yeah, that's right. Laugh. This might be more entertaining than the whole fractions debacle.

The Low-Fidelity All-Star: he was born with the cool, and it's totally natural.  He runs the gamut from Hipster Supreme (only they can ingest as much coffee as he) to the geeky hipster%
You are the Low-Fidelity All-Star. You were born
with your cool, and it's totally natural. You
run the gamut from Hipster Supreme (only they
can ingest as much coffee as you) to the geeky
hipster (Mario Kart, anyone?).

What Kind of Hipster Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Dean Koontz
You are Dean Koontz. You're not the best-looking
guy yourself, but you like your characters to
be the beautiful people. (Why not? You're
still better-looking than that hack Stephen
King.) You get your jollies by putting your
characters into dire situations, but they're
very likely to come out of it more or less
unscathed, and the guy ALWAYS gets the girl.

"Which Popular Author Are You?" (Updated)
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, February 08, 2004

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Your Sango! When your not on the field training or
doing sports you are shy and quiet, you do your
homework and always turn it in on time, yet you
are always looking for a bit more from life.

What Inuyasha Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

A slight adendum...

I have lost anywhere between half an inch to an inch over various parts of my body since I started working out. So this is something, I suppose.

I did some constructive procrastinating yesterday: took all my teaching materials from the student teaching experience and did a Type-A organizaiton on them. I felt much better about myself. Too bad I don't have a place to store the binders. They're under my desk right now, along with two boxes of books that will someday sit in a classroom library. If I ever get a job.

Speaking of employment...oh ilikeswords...I need the names of some newspapers in FL that I can look for jobs in. There was nothin' in CT today. Grr, arg, etc.

Finally got the Buffy quiz to work...look, Dendera, we're lovers! You'll have to fight Bulky for me. (Ask her about our T-shirts).

Which Buffy Girl Are You?

Brought to you by Faytrial

The Companion
The Faithful Companion - You are the epitome of
loyalty. You're a guardian, a comforter, and a
source of strength to your friend.You can't
help but feel like you are taken for granted
sometimes. Take heart! You are more important
to your friend than you may know!

What Type of Storybook Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, February 07, 2004

I have no life

How is it possible that I am working out frequently and am actually in WORSE shape now than I was a couple of weeks ago? Seriously, I can hardly make it through one of these DVDs my mom and I have. I haven't added weights or anything, just doin' it the beginner way, and it's kickin' my ass. I did add weights a week or so ago, but had to stop 'cause I was dying. WTF?

Bf is going out to my dad's club tonight for much game eating and drinking. Mother and I are going grocery shopping followed by...who knows. We still haven't figured out what we're going to do with ourselves all night. I'm sure it too will involve the imbibing of alcohol.

Dendera, I couldn't get that Buffy-Girl quiz to work. There wasn't a submit button. :(

Your Perfect Angel Episode by miggy
Your Name
Angellooks very pretty
Wesleyshoots a gun
Fredexchanges subtext-laden looks with Knox
Harmonyhooks up with Angel
Lornesaves the day when he hears a bad guy humming
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

Friday, February 06, 2004

Fresh blood

I figured I'd bring in some quizzes from another person's blog to keep some of the incest down in our little circle. ;)

Is anyone else surprised by this answer:

Where do you fall on the liberal - conservative political spectrum? (United States)

brought to you by Quizilla

Guess what...more snow?

I know, you're all shocked. Wintery mix, in Connecticut, in February? Inconceivable!

So, on my day off, I'm thinking about doing some work for my portfolio for graduation. Mostly, I have to work on my resume, 'cause I haven't touched it in almost a year. Not a lot to add, but the formating is a pain in the hey-now sometimes.

I am reading "The Princess Bride." Everyone knows the story, but the book is...different. You can pretty much skip the introduction, although it was kind of interesting. Goldman has a pretty good sense of humor.

Willow & Tara just got back together...and everyone knows about Buffy & Spike. Joy.

Wednesday, February 04, 2004


Especially research that refuses to cooperate with what I type in. All I want is some basic history on the school I'm doing my internship at. But is it doing what I want? Nooo....

So, new topic for the research paper: a comparison of the Diarmuid-Griana story and the Helen-Paris story (aka the Trojan War). Of course this means trying to recall "The Illiad" while not stealing it back from my brother. We want to encourage his reading for as long as possible. Thank you,

Okay, has anyone else seen the Quizzno's commercials with the singing rodents? Scary, very very scary.

Which Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi Character are you? by airame
Favorite Number
SW CharacterChewbacca
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

Monday, February 02, 2004


You feel happy, and loved. Nothing could be any
better for may even have a love one
in your life....go you. (Please Vote)

What Emotion Dominates you?
brought to you by Quizilla


1. Freakin' Patriots. Anyone seen the paperwork for the deal with the Devil? Bellichik must have left it somewhere.

2. I think the best commercial was the one for the NFL network. Any time manly athletes burst into "Annie"...well, it's funny.

3. Worst commercial? The Sierra Mist ones.

4. My brother asked me on Saturday if he could borrow my copy of The Illiad to read. For fun. My brother, who hates to read. He wanted some fantasy, apparently, but he doesn't think anything can compare to Tolkien. Which I suppose is partially true...any one have any suggestions.

5. Why must Buffy reject Spike? He is so clearly lovely.

Sunday, February 01, 2004

Are you ready for some football?

I know some of my readers couldn't give a flying freak, but it IS the superbowl today, so everyone send really nasty vibes to the Patriots. (My I've got an advice column or something.)

Have homework to do today, along with attempting to get my ass in gear re: internship. I spent all day Friday doing basically nothing. Until I can actually start interacting with the students, there's not much for me to do.

I was supposed to teach one of my supervisor's classes on Tuesday so I could have a video tape of myself teaching but...I have class on Tuesday. I'm a moron and forgot that. Also have to bring my car through the new emissions program on Tuesday morning. I'm the guinea pig in the family; no one else has had to have their car done yet.

Just had a new idea for my paper...well, spawn of the original idea, which is to write about usurped Celtic holidays. It might be easier to research the Celtic holidays separately, and then research the "origins" of the Christian holidays and compare. Or does that sound like too much work? Thoughts? I'm a little upset no one was shocked by the word "naked" in the title of my last post ;)

I have a friend who is going to start blogging soon. It's catching on, apparently. While I'm not a founder of the movement, I feel cool that I got on before others did ;)

cute but psycho
you are the cute but psycho happy bunny. You
adorable, but a little out there. It's alright,
you might not have it all, but there are worse

which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla