Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Ungrateful brats

My kids actually complained today that we were playing games instead of doing work. I guess the reason for playing the game was too abstract or something. Dunno. I'll take partial responsibility but...COME ON! If any of my teachers said "here, we're going to play games today instead of sit here and do work," I would've been like "Hell yeah." Well, except for the fact that I didn't swear that much in high school. Regardless, I think you know what I'm getting at.

PMS-ing in the worst way right now, so the last thing I want to do today is go sweat outside. Plus, I still haven't eaten lunch yet, and I'm going to have to leave here in an hour and a half if I excpect to be at the bf's house in time to catch "Spiderman 2" (for real this time, I hope). Guess I'll just have to do it tonight after we get back here and have dinner. Although...well, if amorous exchanges count as a work out...I might be all good ;) Bulky can decide (as Dendera is heavily sedated today) and let me know if I must do some sort of horrible pennance for my inability to schedule.

One of the cats has not made an appearance since last night. Frankly, I'm starting to get a little worried. I was told not to, of course, but I'm going to do it anyway.

Have not written in the past few days, but have been happily reading the "Dhampir" sequel. The writing itself is not exactly faboo, but the story is entertaining enough. So I don't regret spending $6.50 on the book.

That's all from the eastern front.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

The good time I almost had

So, I didn't do weights yesterday because I got caught up in the fun that is exit loan counseling and applying for jobs. Then I got a phone call from Anathema saying she'd gotten tickets to an advance screening of "Spiderman 2" and did I want to go? Well, I still had to go grocery shopping, but the show wasn't until 7 o'clock, so of course we could make it. Right? Wrong. I had groceries in my car which meant coming back to the house before leaving for the theatre and they wouldn't let us in after 7. We showed up at 7:03...

Yes, so anyway. Instead, we went back to my house (I had forgotten my work shoes there) and then went back to HER house to watch "The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood." This movie totally rocks. Some complain that the saccarhine level is too high, but whatever. So a good time was still had, even though it wasn't the good time I was planning on having.

Letting lunch digest at the moment, so I'm going to throw some chicken into a something to marinade for dinner. Planning on taking a walk within the next hour or so (backwards route for variety) and then gettin' down to creating some Scateggories for my students for tomorrow. Can anyone think of some common plot motifs that I can bombard my kids with? Email or Comment Me. :)

Monday, June 28, 2004

I love my kids

You know, I really do. For the most part, I have been nothing but happy with my students. Tomorrow, I am going to spend a lot of time with them discussing quotes from a text (they don't know how to do this). They might not be excited but I'm...well, excited isn't the right word, but I'm looking forward to it.

Today so far I have consumed:
1 package of cinnamon & spice oatmeal
84 oz of water
A grilled "cheese" sandwhich w/tomato
baby carrots
1 small orange

I have not done any exercise per se (side note: my butt hurts from my walk yesterday) but I'm going to lift some free weights in a while. The weather is just about right for doing one of the evil DVDs, but I left all my workout stuff at the other house, so weights it will have to be. I might walk when I get back there too. Does grocery shopping count as exercise if it takes you an hour and a half to walk around the store? Just curious.

Be proud of me; I wrote yesterday. It was mostly just typing up some handwritten Gathering-tale stuff, but editing occured along the way and...well, I've got like 10 pages of story. Woohoo.

I hope the goddesses enjoyed their "Pee-not Gri-gi-o". :)

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Quick post

Walked for about 35 minutes today around the neighborhood; need to check the actual mileage but...woohoo, go me.

Quiz result:

Which Action Star Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

And I love the Goddesses :)

Grr, arg

Things that depress me:
Bridal Showers
Fights w/ boyfriends for really no good reason
Sleeping alone
Planning an anniversary party for my parents
My physical condition

Yeah, so my day yesterday was filled with many things that brought me down. (also: planning parents' anniversary party) I mean, the bridal shower was fun, especially because I haven't seen the bride to be in months, but the whole time I couldn't help thinking "Hey, when is it my turn?" I foolishly got my hopes up when I got back from Texas b/c the boyfriend said he had made reservations for the weekend at the casino and thought maybe...but no. I hadn't told him about the shower (because when has he surprised me with anything like this) but I guess he hadn't made the reservations anyway. I dunno, I guess I just thought that me being gone for a week would jumpstart something with him.

But no, last night it was all back to "you want to rush into this." Still wondering when 4 1/2 years turned into "rushing it," but whatever. Miscommunication abounds between me and the boy, because I take things at face value, and sometimes I should, but sometimes I shouldn't, and how the heck am I supposed to tell which is which? And they say WOMEN are complicated. So while I hadn't planned, or intended on, getting into it with him last night, the rest of my day's events just sent me over the edge into Snippyville. Coupled with his allergies and asthma, we had a recipie for disaster, my friends.

Sorry for the rant. I tried to sort it out in my head last night, but couldn't.

My mom, bless her heart, told me I wasn't overweight and that "everyone" is noticing the weight I've lost. Well, that's all well and good, and I'm glad the scale is moving in a downward fashion, but goddamnit, I still don't like the way I look. And, quite frankly, I hate exercising. It's true. I do not enjoy it on any level. I only do it when I'm with motivated people who have gotten over this hate, or actually are deranged enough to enjoy it. I need a buddy system. And, God bless my mother, but she's no good for that. Katie & I were pretty good about it when she was still living at home, but once she left, it got harder to meet up someplace. I was doing fairly well when I had classes last summer, because I would do some reading on the eliptical 'cause the gym was on my way to school.

I am going to take a walk this morning to try and clear my head of all the crap that's floating around in it. Then I have to sit down, create lesson plans and correct some papers. I might force my muse out of retirement as well, because it's only twenty of 8 EST and I have a LONG, lonely day ahead of me.

And onto the fun stuff, quiz results!

Who's Your 80s Movie Icon Alter-Ego? Find out @ She's Crafty
This seems fairly accurate to me.

Would you survive a horror movie? Find out @ She's Crafty
I may be an idiot, but I'm not stupid.

Who Would Slaughter You in a Horror Movie? Find out @ She's Crafty
Great, I'm never going home again.

Who's Your Movie Sidekick? Find out @ She's Crafty
Don't think I've ever seen this movie. Go figure.

Which Breakfast Clubber Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
That's right, folks, I'm a sexually inexperienced, nerdy, 15 year old boy. A girl's got to have goals.

Friday, June 25, 2004

These things have been really inaccurate lately

Who's Your Inner Buffy Bad-Girl? Find out @ She's Crafty

I mean, come on...Faith? I hate Faith! What on earth do I have in common with her?

Today went pretty well. One of my students, who seems fairly bright, is completely naive when it comes to...well, everything. The things that come out of her mouth; even her classmates can't believe she's asking the questions she's asking. Sweet girl, though, so we'll forgive her.

Side note: I need to give my kids more time in class to do their homework; I've been overscheduling them a bit. Must remedy for next week; which is a long week (all 5 days...oh no!)

Victor just tried to jump on the dining room table; he pulled a Miroku and slipped off the table cloth instead. Tres humorous. (Did I spell that word right; can't tell.)

Anyway, waiting for the bf to call me so we can discuss plans for the evening. He said he'd be out at 3's now 5:30 EST. This waiting allowed me to take a shower, take a nap, and hang out with my folks, though, so I guess it's all good.

Tomorrow is a bridal shower for one of my high school friends. Eek! People from high school are getting married! Part of me is like "why not me?" but the other part of me is like "are we that old?"

Haven't done any writing or exercising lately. Swam a bit on...Wednesday, I think it was. Planning to take a walk around the exceedingly safe neighborhood I'll be in tomorrow before I go to the aforementioned shower. I found oatmeal to eat for breakfast; it was yummy.

Missing my fellow goddesses terribly, which seems weird because I hadn't seen them in so long before last week. (Can it really only have been last week; it already seems like forever.) Guess I'll have to get back to my Gathering Fairy Tale to make myself feel better.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Take 2

Yeah, so blogger wouldn't post my last attempt.

Anyway, there's a "90210" reunion show on VH1 right now, and it's pretty funny. Shannon Doherty is actually quite funny.

I like having my own students, even if my second class is better than my first. S'all good, 'cause they're only mine for twelve days.

Not much else to report, except WTF is up with this quiz result:

Which Buffy Girl Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

First day on the job

Well, I feel bad for the kids because I didn't plan enough to keep 'em really busy and active for the 2 1/2 hours I had them. Still, they seemed (emphasis important) to be a good group of kids, but that could just be first day jitters. I'm hoping to avoid discipline problems, as these kids don't really have anything to fall back on if they fail my class. I was working on lesson plans this afternoon, but I've fallen back into the nasty habit of watching TV rather than doing work or reading. I don't want to store the TV, because I think it'd probably get destroyed, so I'm hoping the house sitting will keep me away from the TV...although they have DSL. *sigh*

Okay, here's a little fun I found on Sreya's livejournal. Go to and search by summary for your name. Post the worst one's you can find.

Mine include:

Will and Grace Meets Hogwarts! by Novalee
ok i kno many peepz dont kno what show will and grace is but iff you read this, then you'll know. Will, the sensible gay man. Jack, the jubilant gay man, Karen, the extravagant married woman, and Grace, the single straight female. and of course, our favor

The Diary of Karen Riddle by angua27
Karen Riddle is a muggle who is investigating her ancestors and their mysterious deaths when she... well, that would be telling. Karen is NOT Voldemort's daughter or sister.

The Sith Princesses by Kelly Black
A long time ago in a gallaxy far far away... From the co-creator of the Star Wars fan fiction Legacy comes the story of two young girls, born in the light only to have their lives etched in darkness. Features: Niekal Hasro and Lady Rage Vader

Child of the light and the darkness by Shadow39
(KOTOR) AU! Karen was just a young girl (5) when it happend, a freak attact killed her parents and left her with no memory what so ever. Now 16 alot of stuff is going down and its all leads to....

I was not self-insterted into Inuyasha, apparently.

*a la Black Willow* Bored now.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004


How to make a LadyVader

3 parts jealousy

5 parts humour

5 parts leadership
Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Serve with a slice of sadness and a pinch of salt. Yum!

Book Reviews

Dhampir by Barb & J.C. Hendee is actually a really good romp. There are vampires, there is angst (as is almost a prerequisite for vampires), there are sword fights and there's repressed romantic feelings. There is also a book 2.

The Short and Bloody History of Knights, Spies and Pirates by John Farman is an informative young adult book about, well, knights, spies and pirates. Lots of interesting tidbits about all three groups of people.

American Gods by Neil Gaiman. What can I say about this book? Anathema gave it to me as a Christmas present and I started reading it in Texas. It is one wild ride, and I think it deserves another reading, but I'll come back to it after I've read some other things. The short short version--it is a book about a former convict who gets trapped in something entirely beyond him.

Girl with a Pear Earing by Tracy Chevalier. Dendera was totally right about it. I started it yesterday and finished it about an hour ago. Could not put it down. Disturbing, but beautiful, and powerful.

Total side note: the episode of "The X-Files" with the Tea Leoni and Gary Shandling is on right now. Hee hee.

Monday, June 21, 2004


Went on my first of two interviews for the week today. It was very nice to be back at ye olde stomping grounds. The building smells EXACTLY the same. Tres weird. Anyway, not sure if I'm going to get the job because the position is more for teaching l.d. kids English, but we'll see. I do have the "alumnae advantage" even if my paper credentials don't quite add up.

So yes, my flights back were fine. I wasn't the least bit disoriented when I woke up this morning, but I must say my cat got bigger ;) Actually, she just LOOKS a lot bigger compared to Miroku. She's still a little pissed at me, but she did sleep with me last night and is mildly chatty.

Went to the bf's place of employment today and got the grand tour and introduced to his co-workers. We figure there will be much chatter about me for the next couple of days, as they have finally met me after 4 mos.

Not much else to report; am going grocery shopping with the mother when she gets home from work. I also have laundry and cleaning to do, bills to pay and a shower present to purchase for a friend. But that can wait until tomorrow if I still need more sleep tonight

A quiz, although the answer doesn't make much sense and I think the quiz might be rigged:

What Natural Disaster are you? Take the quiz!

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Leavin' on a jet plane

Yup, today is the last day. In roughly 3 1/2 hours, I will be on a plane back home, with a short stop in Atlanta, because non-stop flights to CT are impossible to find. Grr, arg.

Dendera and I made a kick ASS cake and dinner for everyone yesterday. All of it was organic and vegan (except for the frosting, but we don't actually know if it was real cream cheese). Anyway, I'm going to need the ladies to email me the carrot cake recipie 'cause...yum. Dinner was also really good, although it took WAY longer to prepare than I think anything I have EVER made in the kitchen with the exception of cookiees. Still, we had a good time doing it and EVERYONE ate it.

After a little downtime (and some more pictures) the ladies had a night out where we shook our groove thangs and the other two sang Kareoke. I did not sing, as I did not want anyone's eardrums to bleed on my account. We went to Denny's for a midnight snack, came home and chatted 'til 3am, and then went to bed. Yup, I got 4 1/2 hours of sleep, baby. Who cares about that interview I have tomorrow at 11 am? Oy!

Before I forget, everyone needs to go to the following site, as it is a really cool anime-style comic book drawn by a former classmate. Loki's Quarrel is a little diddy from Norse mythology. Galadannun did a fantastic job with it. I envy her skills.

Oh, and happy father's day!

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Last full day :(

So yesterday was really cool. First, we were good and went to the gym. Let me just say that while gyms should not be freezing, when you are in Texas, a certain amount of cool air is to be expected. Do ya hear that Bally's? Worked out for about an hour total, but did take a long stretch break because the good treadmills (read: the ones that you can actually lean stuff on like your CD player and bottle of water) were in use.

Second, we went to the mall and bought Hogwarts house shirts. Well, I bought a Hogwarts crest shirt, but the other two got house shirts. We need to have our pictures taken in them. Bulkyand I posed for some pictures in our pirate shirts, which we must re-don now that Dendera has one of her own.

After THAT, we went to downtown San Antonio and...the Alamo! It will be difficult NOT to remember the Alamo, as we did take a whole bunch of pictures. I also bought a book about the women of the Alamo for myself, along with souvenirs for the man in my life. And possibly my brother. I haven't decided if I want to give it to him or keep it for myself. ;)

My only regret is that I couldn't find the room where John Bowie died. But we did get to see a gun that belonged to David Crockett. It was a tres-cool experience. Whilst in lovely downtown SA, we went to the Rivercenter mall, where we enjoyed Italian food for lunch (mmmm, Margheritia pizza) and a nice bottle of wine. Then we walked all around the mall to get rid of the yummy lunch. We stumbled across an IMAX theatre and...well, Harry Potter was going to be playing in just a few minutes. So off we dashed and I really much enjoyed the show this second time around. Knowing what not to expect, I could enjoy what was there.

Today Dendera and I have much to do.

Friday, June 18, 2004

Quelle suprise!

Your Element is Water. You are soft and serene at
most times but like Wind, you're scary when
you're mad. You proabaly have a talent in
singing and even your speaking voice is lovely.
You have an innocent type of beauty that makes
you look younger than you are and you like
close relationships with people.

What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES)
brought to you by Quizilla

Winding down

In typical Lady fashion, I set my alarm clock for eastern standard instead of central time, so I'm up an hour earlier than I have to be. Why not just go back to bed, you might be asking me. Or you might be laughing at my stupidity. Regardless, to answer the question, it's because once I'm awake...that's it, I'm up. I can't fall back asleep. So Miroku (that's the cat) and I are just hanging out at the moment. (I almost typed "meowment"...weird).

There's really only two days left of my little Texas adventure, and I am saddened by this. First, because I haven't seen these folks in FOREVER, and Kelly's deployment has all of us more than a little nervous. I'll get her address, though, and force whatever students I have next fall to write to her unit. :) Obviously, I will write to her as well, I'm just saying.

Second reason for my saddness is because I feel like I haven't done a lot. Which isn't entirely true. We went to the missions, we went spelunking, we ate Mexican food (lots of Mexican food...I'm so ready for pizza), we ate Japanese food (pretty yummy, although Sushi (no fish) is a little weird) and today we're going to the Alamo (finally!) along with a dance club so we can shake our respective groove thangs. Still, I feel like I missed something from this whole experience. That's okay though, because I'm definitely coming back. Hot, but beautiful down here. I don't feel like I have enough pictures of the girls and I, either. This must be rememdied.

And now, of course, we're kinda-sorta planning a trip to Japan for...I don't know, sometime. And I've already offered up the bf's services as a tour guide, although he doesn't know about that yet. Ooops, sorry babe! ;) Well, he always talks about wanting to go back, the girls totaly want to go, and I'm definitely up for it so...well, he has to take me to London, but after that...

I hope those of you who I'm not with (and those of you I am with) are having a good week. I'll be home Sunday.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Quick quiz... the cat and I appear to be the only two up. Curse my inner clock!

Blue Vibes
Your Energy is Blue. You are a creative thinker
with an active imagination. Artistic and
talented, you want to reach the stars and bring
them down to form. You are trustworthy, honest
and reliable. Others feel comfortable in your
presence as you project a non-threatening,
serene energy.

You would do well in any of the helping
professions, as an artist, singer, diplomat,
orater, or clergy member.

What color is your energy?
brought to you by Quizilla

That's right folks, I'm going to become a member of the cloth.

Monday, June 14, 2004

Safe Arrival

Well, for those of you who I'm not currently living with that read this blog, I'll let you know that I'm just fine. The flights were both painless and actually arrived EARLY to my destinations. How weird is that? *knock on wood for return trip*

San Antonio, or at least what I've seen of it so far, is interesting. Very warm, obviously. Not a whole lot in the green department, and the highways are all funky. This coming from a nutmegger, that's saying something.

We went to see "The Stepford Wives" yesterday. Disturbing, but very funny. Bette Midler is a riot. Our other plans this week include a trip to the Alamo, visiting some ruined missions, a club, an arcade, and...I don't remember what else.

Miroku (the house cat) says hello. He is now attacking my hands. And my feet. And arms. And legs. Can you tell he's still a kitten?

Bulky and Dendera exposed me (oh no!) to "Inuyasha" yesterday Typical anime in a lot of ways (bumbling, buxom, foolish girls; capable men) but entertaining. We also watched this VERY entertaning episode of "Samurai Jack" with butchered fairy tales. Heh.

We're going to the gym this morning. The last time I set foot inside a gym was January when I was first at UCONN. How sad and pathetic is that. I'm going to freaking die on these machines. No strength today, though, just cardio. Don't want to mess up my knee right away.

That's all the cat and I have to report. I hope everyone has a fantastic week. I'll blog when I get a chance.

Friday, June 11, 2004

Quizzes to get you through the day

I don't know how accurate the translation is...

Take the quiz: "Which Random Irish Gaelic Phrase Are You? "

Pog mo thoin
Pog mo thoin - 'Kiss my ass.'You're one tough bastard, and if anyone doesn't like it, they can kiss your ass. You enjoy fighting and causing grievous bodily harm. Hey! What are you lookin' at, punk?

My dad'll be so proud...

Take the quiz: "Which 'Queer Eye' Guy Are You?"

You are Ted! You're a wizard with a whisk, a master with a meat cleaver and a king in the kitchen. And you rule it well. Also an expert on utensils and cookware, you know exactly the right dish for every occasion. You're so useful, everyone wants you around the house!

Worship & adoration expected...

Take the quiz: "Which Tarot Arcana are You? (women)"

Marriage, material wealth, sound understanding; fertility for would-be parents, farmers, or people in the creative arts.

I'm a walking teen romance...

Take the quiz: "Who Loves You?"

The Girl or Boy Next Door
You realize that you don't need to go very far to find love! Someday when you least expect it (or maybe it's already happened) someone in your area is going to confess their love for you!

The fact that I can only be touched by virgins did not escape me...

You are Form 3, Unicorn: The Innocent.

"And The Unicorn knew she wasn't meant to
go into the Dark Wood. Disregarding the advice
given to her by the spirits, Unicorn went
inside and bled silver blood.. For her
misdeed, the world knew evil."

Some examples of the Unicorn Form are Eve
(Christian) and Pandora (Greek).
The Unicorn is associated with the concept of
innocence, the number 3, and the element of
Her sign is the twilight sun.

As a member of Form 3, you are a curious
individual. You are drawn to new things and
become fascinated with ideas you've never come
in contact with before. Some people may say
you are too nosey, but it's only because you
like getting to the bottom of things and
solving them. Unicorns are the best friends to
have because they are inquisitive.

Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


holding hands
hand holding - you like to be in constant physical
contact with your special someone but you don't
want to take things too quickly.

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

If only the bf liked PDA...

You have a surprise kiss! Your partner is always
pleasantly pleased to have you jump outta no
where to dote them with a fun peck on the cheek
or more passionate embrace. super markets and
work places are your favorite places to attack
your loved one with all your love =p

What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

A review & stuff

I got a review in my email from a story I wrote ages ago. I thought it was kind of weird:

From: I think it's spelled sicko()

that was a nice story. but you don't have to be so rude about people who do
like slash. each one to their own. but i really did like the story. that is
one of my favorite songs and you did a good job incorporating it to fit the

Slash people creep me out. ;)

I enjoyed my little cross-time-zone telephone call, especially because it contained GOOD news this time. I'm so terribly excited; we're just down to a few days! I still haven't finished putting together my traveling music (or, you know, even started) and Kelly's bday present hasn't arrived yet. Grr.

Hot for two days in a row. Loverly. Positively loverly.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

My Summer Vacation

(in no particular order)

1. Go to Texas
2. Possibly house sit for two weeks
3. Go to the beach
4. Go to the casino
5. Go to Mystic Aquarium & Mystic Pizza
6. Go to Canada
7. Go to a baseball game
8. Visit BF at work
9. Educate during 90+ degree temperatures
10. WRITE! (I am sorry to inform all that my gathering fairy tale will not be ready as previously expected.)

A side note:

At the moment, the math classroom next door sounds like a kareoke lounge. So far I've heard "Margaritaville" and "Piano Man".

Monday, June 07, 2004

Which reminds me...

I had this dream last night/this morning and I was carrying around a backpack, and I had this blue dress crammed into it. I was like in a high school or something and was cleaning out my locker, but I couldn't find what I was looking for. Then someone came out to get me and said that lunch was here, so I went into this room and the guys from Queer Eye were there rollerskating with food from Wendys.

It was weird.

T-minus 5 days and counting

That's right folks, the countdown has begun. I've already resurrected the suitcase (which has not seen an airport in maybe 2 years) and have found a carry-on bag. Started packing too. How many "nice" outfits do you think I'll need? Still lots to do, but it's a start.

Went to see "Harry Potter" on Friday. I have to say, I'm not feelin' it like I felt the first two movies. This could be for several personal reasons, including the fact that I knew the story for this one, as opposed to the other two, which I went in cold for 'cause I hadn't read the books. And I'm not faulting the actors, because I think they were all faboo, but I think Alfonso really butchered the plot. I know the book was what, make the movie longer? The kids would sit through it. Like I said on Dendera's blog, I might just need to see it again.

Spent ALL day yesterday creating a curriculum for my summer school classes. I actually think I came up with a pretty good way to do it, and lots of fairly interesting short stories. I'm hoping to get the kids to read, or at least start reading, either one of their summer reading books, or another novel from my collection. This serves a dual purpose, as I want Book Cards for my library next year.

As suspected, did not get a call back re: Friday's interview. Ah well. I'm having really happy thoughts about TOMORROW's interview.

Watching "Flatliners" with the seniors this week. Kiefer Sutherland...yummy.

Friday, June 04, 2004

Various and sundry

Well, I think I blew my interview this afternoon. I asked a question about curriculum choice and used the phrase "areas that need to be covered," and the principal was like "Well, I don't like to use the word cover..." and went on this mini speech about how they're trying to expose children to various things and lead them towards mastery. Which was basically what I was saying, but apparently that didn't translate well. It's really too bad. Although if they called me in to teach, the logistics would have been difficult because I have another interview next Tuesday (the day they'd want me to come in), and said interview is right smack dab in the middle of the day.

For some reason, I cannot get AIM to connect to the Server-At-Large, but can get AIM Express without a problem. Of course, there's no one online to talk to me, but that's besides the point.

The weather is actually quite lovely today, and I wish I was outside instead of sitting in this slightly-chilled room. I really dislike air conditioning, except perhaps in the car. I know some people cannot function without it, but I'm always too cold unless it's really hot (Texas, here I come!) and the world seems to always set the AC at like 70 degrees. What's wrong with 75 or 80, I ask you?

Our pool will not clear up. We have cleaned the filter, we have run the filter, we have shocked the hell out of it. Now, apparently, we must shock it some more. The bf's pool is beautifully blue, but they are one of those AC families, so they hardly ever use their pool. I was hoping to take an inaugural dip before the vacation, but the weather doesn't seem to be cooperating.

I have 8 more papers to grade. Some of them are pretty good, some of them are atrocious. Same problem as my student teaching kids--they don't read your comments. The woman I'm filling in for has said that what we ought to do (not now, the school year ends on Wed, but just in general) is force the kids to write out each question the teacher has written on his/her draft, answer them, then put the answer in the paper. Side note: I thought, for some reason, that the last day of school was Tuesday, so I was only planning on teaching 2 days next week. I now have to teach 3 days next week. D'oh!

I'm stealing a piece of art. Well, not really stealing. The seniors are taking home/selling all their art, and this one girl was just going to throw out a whole bunch of different pieces. She painted this really pretty picture of some grapes on a vine, so I'm going to take it home for my parents. I'd offer her money but...I is still po' despite the employment. Guess I need to learn to manage my money better. (I just typed "monet" instead of "money." That's right, folks, I need to learn to manage my impressionists better. ;)

Thursday, June 03, 2004

A quiz

Your Homicidal Rampage! by crash_and_burn
Your name:
Weapon of Choice:Desert Eagle .50
Your Favorite Target:Dendrophiliacs
Your Kill Count:1,540,195,997
Your Battle Cry:"Who let the dogs out?"
Years You Spend in Jail:10
How Much Money In Damages You Cause:$249,484,495,254,190
Your Homocidal Insanity Level:: 30%
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

I looked it up..."Dendrophiliacs" are tree lovers.'s all just a bunch of tree-lovin' hippie crap!

Much randomness

Well, I got to use "The Lost King" in class the other day. It sparked an interesting discussion about genetic engineering, creating the 'perfect' leaders, and what not. The first class was more than a little confused by the scenes I chose, but the second class was much brighter.

I watched a movie with the IB seniors called "Waking Life," which was some weird-ass animated existential indy film. Very strange movie. It was like a combination of all those discussions you have at 2 am after you've been drinking heavily. As you can imagine, it was a little disjointed.

"Harry Potter" comes out tomorrow, yay! I watched this very interesting thing on A&E last night about JK Rowling & Harry Potter. The woman definitely has a sense of humor and Rupert Grint has gotten really hot, and I feel dirty saying that on account of his only being 16 years old. I wish I could just brush it off like all those old men who are attracted to the Olsen twins.

Started taking the white kidney bean pills again today. I've been really cutting down on my meat intake, but I need carbs to feel full (veggies & fruits leave me hungry an hour later). So hopefully these pills will co-operate and I will get skinnier. Which I imagine will also happen on vacation 'cause Kelly's gonna whip us all into shape.

Speaking of vacation...what kind of clothes should I pack? I mean, what are we going to be doing? I have this sudden urge to go bowling/play pool/go clubbing or all of the above.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

What a weekend!

Well, after my craptastic Friday and mostly-sucky Saturday, things did improve slightly. The wedding on Sunday was a really good time, with a great deal (read: too much) of good food. The drive wasn't nearly as long as I thought; less than two hours. The facility was by the water, with six hours of open bar. Broke the unspoken law of the bf's parents' house and stayed in his room over night. That's a big no-no, because we would "corrupt" his nineteen-year-old sister. Whatever. Monday was a picnic at the house with some friends of the family. More drinking (read: too much) and somewhat less food.

So far my day is not going really well. It's my own fault, because I didn't have a lesson plan for my first period juniors. Which is only partially my fault because I thought for sure the librarian would be here to do something we had planned on. But she wasn't able to get here in time so, alas and alack, it was not to be. We eventually went over to the OTHER library to do research, but these kids (this specific class) are not a really good group and tried to get away with a lot of shit. Not in the library, so much, as when we tried to leave. Smack, smacksmacksmack!

Going to see my bestest childhood friend today after school. Pretty excited about that, because I haven't seen her, literally, in months. Sad, because we don't live that far away from each other, but she's been helping another friend with wedding plans so...It's not really an excuse. I don't see her often enough, and I'm not sure whose fault that is. I think both people are to blame. I also have to call/email my friend with the sick baby; I haven't seen her in about a month and a half and that was at baby's christening.

I got the strangest voice message on my cellphone Sunday. ;) It amused me.

obsessive compulsive

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