From the person who got NOTHING done tonight
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
personality tests by
This is the true story of one English teacher by day and writer by night. We are not responsible for the activities of the alter ego.
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Your Hippie Chick Name is: Vega |
pretty good You scored 17 American Logic Points! |
Wow, you actually look around every once in a while. Congratulations. |
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English Genius You scored 92% Beginner, 100% Intermediate, 93% Advanced, and 88% Expert! |
You did so extremely well, even I can't find a word to describe your excellence! You have the uncommon intelligence necessary to understand things that most people don't. You have an extensive vocabulary, and you're not afraid to use it properly! Way to go! Thank you so much for taking my test. I hope you enjoyed it! For the complete Answer Key, visit my blog: |
Could you tell Luke, is that who you could tell?
Man, I am so glad tomorrow is Friday. This week hasn't been inherently stressful for me, but it's the first full week I've worked in a while (I know, I suck, but still). Also, there's been a LOT of down time as the kids test, which I have put to mostly good use with the paper correcting in anticipation of all things Quarter Closing on Tuesday, but still. I've been hungrier this week because I haven't been as active. Went to the gym Monday and Wednesday though, so go me.
You scored as Winter. You are WINTER. You're more introspective, thinking deeply, feeling deeply. You love nothing better than to enjoy one on one time with those who are important to you. You are cautious, and sometimes second guess yourself. Dreams, though you have them, are a luxury, because life is not a plaything.![]() |
So tomorrow begins the hell known as CAPT testing. Remember taking the SATs and how stupid the proctor sounded? Now I get to be that stupid-sounding proctor. Woo-hoo. I'm all for standardization of instructions, but do they have to sound so brain dead? A valid question, I feel.
A compass like Sparrow's
Okay, so with my 90-minute delay, I got a chance to peruse the paper. Apparently, there was some hullabaloo with the "American Idol" voting so they had to re-vote last night. This is a direct quote from one of the show's message board:
I voted last night for two hours and I will not be home tonight to do it again. I HAVE A LIFE.
Okay, it's spring. So why are they predicting 5-8 inches of snow for tonight into tomorrow? Is this fair? Is this just? Is this at all remotely what I want out of my life at the end of March?
At least this time I didn't pass out in the living room. My sleep was in 2 hour intervals last night, punctuated by hour breaks of sweaty stuffiness. Got up when alarm went off, felt a little weird, then tried to make breakfast and had to have an immediate sit-down otherwise the passing-out-thing would have happened again. I was still planning to go in b/c I had left my desk in disarray and no one would've been able to find anything. Then asked Mom (she had the day off re: Dad's doctor's visit) if she would drive me to work so I could leave plans. She says yes. So I call in sick, then Mom and I take the 40 minute round-trip to work so I can leave hellions something to do in my absence. Am pissed because today was my best schedule and I missed it. Also missed CAPT-informational meeting that was after school today. Was informed by mentor not to come in tomorrow if I still feel icky, but tomorrow is PD and they would frown on me not showing up for that. So right now I'm looking for something like renewed energy, and possible less stuffiness--I can deal with the fever.
Low--Monday morning, work, ug
Happy Spring everybody! The snow storm we were supposed to get up here has decided to just be rain instead, so those of us who are ready for an end to the winter dulldroms have high hopes for the coming weeks.
So I am now the proud owner of Harry Potter's wand. That's right, envy me for my cool yet useless movie memorobilia.
You know, I didn't have a bad day. For the most part, my students were on-task and well-behaved. Yet strangely, I have a killer headache. I've been thinking a lot about work lately and wondering what it is that I'm still not doing right. There should be a little more gelling at this point; a routine established in September and not deviated from for 6 months really should be pretty ingrained at this point, no?
After watching The Phantom Menace last night, and the following reminiscing about Star Wars theatre-viewings, I had an idea for what I think might be an interesting article. What I need now, however, is anecdotal information from various women about how Star Wars has affected their lives. I'm looking specifically at relationships created/strengthened/ruined by the movies, and other such stuff, but any information will suffice. Working titles include Divine Secrets of the Star Wars Sisterhood or The Softer Side of Sith. Anyway, that's what I've got for now. More correcting and planning now required.
I can eat low-carb pasta, and low-carb bread, but there is something really wrong with my low-carb hot cocoa. It's gross, but I have a 4 more packets left to drink. Perhaps I should start spiking it with something. Any suggestions?
Well, the weekend is winding down. I've enjoyed much good food this weekend, too much, really, and now I must force myself to do work that I've been avoiding all week. Perhaps it was my inner-college student rebelling against the lack-of-week-off in March, but I didn't do any correcting this week. I still performed my job successfully, but anything I brought home at night just ended up right back in my bag and made the trek back to school. Not this week though. This week I am going to be grading and planning like a fool. I have to read a 162-page book so that I may teach said book to my freshmen, and come up with new and exciting ways to get my seniors to read. As you can imagine, the latter is going to be a bit of a challenge.
1. Did you grow up with SW? Official SW introduction was early, but as the walking-talking teddy bears were scary, I did not appreciate the magnificence until I was 12 or 13.
Because for some reason, my friend Amanda's blog won't allow me to post, I shall muse here on the subject of the Ep III trailer.
1. If you could use The Force, would you choose to be a Jedi or a Dark Jedi?
There was an article in The Hartford Courant this morning about King Tut. Apparently, someone finally gave archaeologists permission to CT-scan the dude. They have come to the conclusion that the 19-year-old, 5'6", well-fed king with a slight under-bite was not violently murdered. The "blow" to the back of his skull is more likely from embalming and the break in his neck probably from when his mask was removed when the tomb was discovered. They're thinking poison, maybe, but it'll be difficult to prove this late in the game.
Describe yourself using one band and song titles from that band | |
Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band: | Barenaked Ladies |
Are you male or female: | Jane |
Describe yourself: | I'll be that girl |
How do some people feel about you: | Leave |
How do you feel about yourself: | Too Little, Too Late |
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: | Second Best |
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: | The Humor of the Situation |
Describe where you want to be: | The Old Apartment |
Describe what you want to be: | Some Fantastic (Ivory & Ivory) |
Describe how you live: | Blame It On Me |
Describe how you love: | When I Fall |
Share a few words of wisdom | Everything Old Is New Again |
When the rain started, she was too far removed to take any notice. Though somewhere, deep within herself, a memory sparked to life. One of music and twilight. Even as she laced the sheets together, Phalin’s mind wandered from distant to recent past, collaging a story that defied explanation but seemed perfectly coherent.
If anyone finds a muse around who doesn't make you think you suck every time you write, could you perhaps pass him/her this way? I've got this strong urge to write, and have had it since yesterday, but everything I put down lacks something. My writing, I think, is becoming more and more directionless. Or, perhaps, now that I write with a destination in mind, I'm having trouble getting there.
Okay, so apparently there was a special position in the Italian Catholic Church for the prostitute assigned to the local priest; he was her only client and she was paid by the Church.
The following quote was in The Hartford Courant, embedded in an article by a Pulitzer Prize-winning science writer (female) in response to that moron from Harvard about why women don't succeed like men do:
I'd like to propose this simple scenario: One gender gained the power position and has been really reluctant to share the space.
Does imitation bacon count as meat for a) Catholics during Lent and b) vegetarians?
Yes, the double-F is intentional. Fill in your own adjective.
List of the top 110 banned books (of all time). Bold the ones you've read. Italicize the ones you've read part of. Underline the ones you specifically want to read (at least some of). Read more. Convince others to read some.
The link below sums up my feelings toward much of my life at the moment, with the exception of perhaps my boyfriend, my cats and some friends.