Thursday, July 29, 2004

Who needs sleep?

I must be taking a lesson from the book of Kelly because I went to bed at 10:30 last night...woke up at 4 this morning. That is not enough sleep for a person of my constitution. Yet here I am, awake, looking at emails and blogging. It was a combination of cat, over-active brain and...that je ne sais quoi that keeps one up at night. M.f.

Kind of worried about the status of my laptop. It's been very slow to do everything lately. My desktop is slow too. I simply cannot afford to get a new computer at the moment.

Started and finished Dan Brown's "Angels and Demons" last night. I actually think it was better written than "The DaVinci Code" and brings up a lot of interesting speculations about science, religion and God. So if any of you are interested in that sort of thing *coughAnathemacough* pick it up.

So, had this weirdo dream last night, in which I was dreaming about ballet...only I was bald. And then, in the dream, my mother woke me up because my cousin was on the phone. I was also having a dream about small children when the cat started pawing at me because she wanted under the covers.

Accoroding to good ol'

To dream that you are dreaming, signifies your emotional state. You are excessively worried and fearful about a situation or circumstance that you are going through. (Well, that's dead, balls-on accurate.)

To see or wear ballet slippers in your dream, represents your understanding of the principles of balance and grace. You carry yourself with much poise and get along well with others. (Ironic, as with PMS comes excessive clumsiness.)

Alternatively, baldness symbolizes humility, purity, and personal sacrifice. You are at a stage in your life where you are confident in fully exposing yourself. (I've got personal sacrifice down pat!)

To dream that you are having a telephone conversation with someone your know, signifies an issue that you need to confront with that person. This issue may have to do with letting go some part of yourself. (I have issues with my cousin? Who knew?)

To see children in your dream, signifies your own childlike qualities or a retreat back to a childlike state. It is an extension of your inner child during a time of innocence, purity, simplicity, and a carefree attitude. You may be longing for the past and the chance to satisfy repressed desires and unfulfilled hopes. Take some time off and cater to the inner child within. (Yes, but my inner child wants to eat doritos and ice cream all day.)

This will probably be my last blog for about a week. My internet access in Canada will be sporadic at best, so it is unlikely I will have time or ability to blog. Rest assured, you will, read, about the whole sordid trip when I return.

I have a couple of job leads I'm going to work on when I get home today after my interview. A friend from grad school emailed me about a job at HER old high school. Also finally got a letter from the tech high schools in the state saying they need a copy of my certification and this form filled out by a former employer. I don't know how clear I can make it to people that my certification is pending. Dummies.

Depsite lack of exercise this week, the bf told me that he thought I was getting skinnier. I'd like to think that it's true. Not sure though. Haven't noticed a huge difference in my clothes, except my workpants. But now I can't remember if they ever REALLY fit me the way they were supposed to. Well, whatever. I'll need to buy more when I get home.

I keep feeling like there's something else I was going to tell y'all. Oh yeah, another one of my friends is getting married. *looks at own left hand* Yes, I think that about sums that up.

I'm hoping to get some writing done while on vacation. Arthur et al have been quietly whispering questions to me this past week, and I've been jotting them down. No answers, of course, just questions. Evangeline popped up as well and made herself known again. She is still being relegated to episodic character rather than full-blown novel, because I simply cannot come up with a decent overarching objective for her (g_d, I sounded like a teacher right there).

I will miss you all terribly. I hope you miss me a little bit too!

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

It's just the PMS that's talkin', and I'm not even here

Man, am I beat. I mean physically, emotionally, mentally beat. My allergies have been rip-roaring the past few bad, in fact, that I had to resort to Benadryl. Which knocked me out cold, but leaves you kinda hazy the next morning if you wake up to an alarm and not of your own accord. My vacation to Canada, even with the 13 hour car-ride, is going to be very nice. Really wish I had time for another trip to Texas, though. :(

Finished "The Clan of the Cave Bear" this afternoon. Man, that Broud is a freaking DICK! I mean, I know we're supposed to dislike him, but he's such a putz. Anyway, I have other books to get to now, but I will be picking up the next one when I have some spare cash.

I have an interview Thursday at 12:15 at my old middle school, so everyone wish me even MORE luck than you wished me before. I obviously don't know the logistics of it yet, but I did go to the school, so unless they've changed too drastically, I know how they work. Also, as mentioned earlier...commute = ideal. Think of all the money I'd save on gas!

The septic tank fiasco continues in my backyard...two men on back-hoes are illegally digging holes in my back yard. Father is "supervising" and moving large rocks from ditches with his bare hands...he's going to throw his back out, swear to God.

We're pretty sure we're going to put down Max next week. Well, my mother is going to put down Max as Dad and I will be in Canada. He's getting worse physically, and my father doesn't have the cojones to do it himself, so Mom is going to have to be the bigger man. Or something.

Gotta prepare a final exam now. Woohoo.

My sphere is Guardian (Person of great Love and Altruism), and my class is Defender (Peaceful, yet Potent).

I am a Warden.

To be a Warden is to be the ultimate Guardian. Whether a physical Guardian or an essential Guardian, is up to you. You may be both. To be a physical Guardian is to be a living, breathing testament to the love you carry for a person, or people, whose lives you will always defend if you possibly can. To be an essential Guardian is to be a living, breathing testament to the security that your wards seek, and will look to you for your always kind, always nurturing support.

What kind of Warrior are you?

Oh, and I finally figured out how to do this on my laptop. Yay!

Monday, July 26, 2004

Angry at Myself

No employment for this Lady. Have discovered that I am continually botching the "classroom management" question and am therefore not getting hired. Wish I had known this a couple of weeks ago. I'm upset. I'm angry. I kind of feel like crying. Where is my good luck regarding employment? I feel so good about teaching, way better than I did in September, and my energy is high (lady I interviewed with told me that was a plus, along with my ideas for the classroom) but I've blown this wonderful opportunity because I don't know how to answer one question. Apparently, I was THE candidate, but now they're reopening the search. M.f. my friends, m.f.

So it's back to the lab again. Going to interview either Wednesday or Thursday with the hometown middle school. Will send out more applications once we get more printer paper, so that probably will be Wednesday. I need to write a thank you note to the school I interviewed with on Friday, although I now know that I blew THAT interview too because of the same freakin' question.

Suddenly, Texas doesn't sound so bad for a year.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Insert Pithy Comment Here

Before I begin...Sarah, have you ever seen the movie "Valmont" with Colin Firth & Annette Benning? My mother summed it up with "Wow, if this was really what Paris was like, they must have had some RAGING STDs." Anyway, I know how much you like Colin.

Let it never be said that I do things in a half-assed manner. I fell off the "eating plan" wagon last night, but what a way to fall! I was doing REALLY well yesterday (even went for a walk) until 5:30 when I got the munchies but dinner wasn't ready yet. Had a chocolate chip cookiee. Ate dinner (which the bf's sister cooked--chicken, and lots of vegetables) followed by full-fat vanilla ice cream...and another cookiee. Then we went to play pool, and I drank. Then we went to a diner and I had mozzerella sticks.


So I walked for 45 minutes this morning and am now back on "Phase 1," which is going to be interesting, because I'm going up to Canada next week and I shall be tested sorely do to my grandmother and aunt's fantastic baking skills. I'm just going to have to get my butt up and walk in the morning. Not that I'll be up before everybody, but I'll be up earlier than most.

And on that note...Goddesses, I think we should write a "diet" book. I was thinking about this on my walk. The plan is so easy, but it works. 'Cause I have been losing weight, even if I keep slipping. I even had it all laid out in my head. Scary, huh?

I need to go correct papers, average some grades, and start filling out some paperwork for my end-of-semester stuff. I am calling those bastages tomorrow. Maybe I'll do it during a break. I don't want to wait until 1:30 to find out. Please let's all just hope there was some miscommunication and I really am going to get the job. Or, on the flip side, that I'll interview in the school right down the road and they'll love me and want me. Because really, the 3-minute commute is pretty much ideal. AND, I could work out in the MORNING because I wouldn't have to get up at the butt crack of dawn just to leave.

But we're getting ahead of ourselves.

Look, a memgen! And it's actually pretty accurate.

Your True Nature by llScorpiusll
The quality that most appeals to you:Sex Appeal
In a survival situation, you:Fight, but reluctantly
Your hidden talent is:Adaptability
Your gift is:A loving heart
In groups, you:Observe others' behaviour
Your best quality is:Your compassion
Your weakness is:Your timidity
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Expletive deleted

Yeah, when it rains, it freakin' pours.  Literally too, as we have a rainy weekend ahead of us here in good ol' CT, but besides that.  I didn't get the call yesterday.  I didn't get ANY call yesterday.  How freaking rude is that?  The bf said I should have called them, but you don't call people when they say "you'll hear from us tomorrow," because, hi, they're the ones who are supposed to call.

I was so pissed off yesterday about it.  Despite attempts to keep my spirits in check, I was indeed excited about the possibility.  I might very well call them on Monday when I get home from work if I haven't heard from them by then, just to figure out whether I should set up an interview with MY middle school or not. 

I don't understand what happened.  I mean, everyone was so friendly, the team leader seemed to think I was going to get hired...what happened?  What did I do wrong in that third interview?  I was exactly the same...what didn't they like this time that was just fine and dandy before?  I am so freaking sick of job interviews.  The one I went on yesterday (did I jinx myself by not trusting this middle school?) was all right, but the curriculum sounds a lot like where I did my student teaching--regimented with little room for deviation.  Definitely not what I'm looking for.  But what if they call and want me...I mean, what do I do then?  I can't say no...I still have no one willing to hire me.  WHAT AM I DOING WRONG??????  AACH!

On a slightly ligther note, I went to see The Bourne Supremacy yesterday evening.  Very good movie.  Matt Damon is definitely the more talented of the Matt & Ben pairing.  Catwoman came out this weekend but...well, you'd have to pay me a lot of money to make me go see it.  I can't take what they've done to my beloved Batman storyline.  I'm boycotting.  The bf's father will go see it, though, and he'll say it was the best movie ever.  The man goes to see every movie.  The perks of being retired, I guess. 

Despite the wet conditions, I am going for a walk this morning.  I haven't worked out in almost a week and I feel like crap because of it.  Eating habits have been poor as well (just ate 2 oversized whole-grain blueberry pancakes...mostly because I could).  I don't know how I'm going to keep it all off when I'm in Canada because...well, they eat like Canadians. ;)

Hoping the rest of you had better Fridays than I.

The Crow
Well, well. The next question should be is your
name Alex Corvis, Ash, or Eric Draven.  The
Crow has brought you back to set the wrong
things right.  So what're you doing here? You
rose from the dead for justice, not to take a

Which superhero are you?

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Lookin' for some good karma

Okay, anyone who loves me or even remotely cares about my well being should send really happy thoughts in my direction around 1:30 EST.  I have a third interview in the middle school, which includes a tour of the building.  I am not getting my hopes up, but feel free to think really good things about my employment happening really really soon.
I've been slipping off the bandwagon a little bit lately.  I'm getting really bored with my workout DVDs (I need to purchase some new ones) and it's been too bloody hot to walk.  I got in the pool and did some laps yesterday, but it didn't really count.  Also, I drank more than I should have last night.  Meaning, I had 3 glasses of wine when 1 is the limit according to the Goddesses/diet gurus.  It's not that I WANT to be bad...part of it is just living at home, I think.  There's more stuff to tempt me here, and I've always been a closet peer-pressure follower.  If that makes any sense.  And it might not. 
I've about 2/3 of the way through The Clan of the Cave Bear and I must say I am enjoying it.  Some of the story has been a bit...predictable, but I've been sufficiently surprised to keep reading.  Not making as much progress with Les Miserables.  Do you know why?  Because Hugo just spent about 10 chapters discussing the Battle of Waterloo (which actually didn't take place in Waterloo, did you know that?)  Anyway, since the book is set AFTER said battle, you can imagine my confusion.  Hoping we get back to the story.  So far, I learned that Eponine actually had a little sister.  Didn't know.  Feeling somewhat justified in my reading material.  As it is, I'm probably going to leave Hugo at home and bring lots of "lighter" reading with me for the trip to Canada.  It will give me a way to ignore my father in the car if he gets too obnoxious ;) and also give me something to do in the plethora of downtime that occurs in that really big state to the north ;). 
Today is the first day I don't want to go to work.  I'm tired.  I really just wanted to sleep in.  No dice, of course.  I'm hoping that one of my students remembered to bring his Scattergories game, because I don't have anything planned, and I promised them a fun day.  It's a waste of precious time, I know, but these kids are starting to fry.  Especially my first class.  What is it with my first classes?  They're just so...ornery and snippy.  My second class is always very friendly.  *shrug*

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

A whole lotta babbling (I'm a freakin' brook)

First, some thank yous:

To the Goddesses, for being some of my oldest friends. Also, for getting me back on a healthy track when I was having a lot of trouble staying on. For helping me shed some excess emotional baggage that was not my own, and for letting me stay at your house for a week rent-free.

To Anathema, for getting me through the last year without the nervous breakdown I'm sure everyone thought was coming. For listening to me bitch and moan about my lack of employment. For almost taking me to see "Spiderman 2" and for carpooling.

To Leila, for making "Celtic & Norse Mythology" that much more interesting. Also, for reading my blog even though you don't have to. :)

I think that's it.

Now, onto your regularly scheduled post:

I've been having a pretty easy time *knock on wood* writing lately, and I think it might very well have to do with the fact that I'm writing a story where the characters are so entrenched in people I actually know. My "Gathering" tale is coming along rather fabulously when I write (if I do say so myself). Perhaps that really IS the trick to writing, working off what you know. Of course, you can't be so blatant most of the time...or so they say. I ask, why not? So what if your mother recognizes herself as the villainess...hey, least she made it into the story!

I'm procrastinating right now. I've been procrastinating all afternoon. This might be the "burn-out" Kelley was talking about when it came to teaching summer school. It's not that I'm sick of the kids or the class time, I just don't feel like planning. It's SO tedious sometimes. Okay, most of the time.

Still haven't heard back from any place I interviewed last week. Grr, Arg, Etc. Sent out my certification stuff today, however. Let us hope that process goes smoothly. To whomever you pray, pray to them for that.

Oh, Kelly & Sar...interested in posting your SW fic at a place with the average IQ is higher than 50? Let me know.

Addendum: I think I may be the only person from my graduating class who doesn't have a job. *grumble*

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Am I talking to myself?

Blogs are great, but they're crap for your self-esteem when virtually no one comments on your life. I guess maybe my life leads something to be desired.

The worst thing about growing up is the separation of close friendships. I've been saying to myself lately that I need to call my really good childhood friend, or email my best high school buddy, but then I think "well, wouldn't they contact me if they wanted to chat?" Or are they thinking the same thing I am? I've been burned one too many times in friendships because I gave and gave and got nothing back. Who wants to expend energy like that all the time?

Gotta say that I'm pretty torn about the trip to Canada. Part of me wants the bf to come because I think he needs a vacation, but the other part of me thinks that the break will be good. I mean, I know we had the break with me in TX, but I don't think it really counted because we were in contact rather continously. Plus, he's been just...weird lately. Weird in not a good way. Weird like I don't know what to do with him. Just babbling, forgive.

Went to see "I, Robot" tonight. Actually not a bad little flick. Will Smith was, well, Will Smith, but that's a damn fine man and...well, shower scene. I'll just leave it at that for imaginations to run wild. Interesting plot, good action...B+ movie.

Have really no clear idea of what I'm doing with my students tomorrow and part of me just doesn't give a flying pig. I've got a general guideline based on their papers that I corrected, so that's a start.

Didn't workout today (bad Lady Vader), but am back on the wagon tomorrow, followed by cash checking, thank-you-not sending and certification mailing. Busy busy, that's me.

Hope all is well out in blogger land.

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Rant on Rap

Okay, this is driving me crazy. I cannot use my laptop to type new blogger posts. And my template on the parents' desktop does not give me all the fun text options that I can see but not use when I am on my laptop. WTF?

I'm going to come across as a bit of a...something, right now, but I have to say that I am firmly behind people who say that rap music is degenerating society. The current subject of my ire is Usher, but it really stretches to just about everybody. The exploitation of women, the way they sing about all their makes me sick. In particular, Usher's song "Confession pt. 2" when he talks about how his "jump off" is pregnant and he says "How do I know if it's mine?" *twitch twitch* And then the kids try to mimic their language, dress and attitudes...Does anyone else get what I'm...getting at?

I know that music of all types influences the kids who listen to it, but I don't think we had the same problem when, say, Poison was popular. So, besides the fact that you can't understand a goddamn thing they're saying, rappers are contributing to the downfall of American youth, black and white. Makes me sad.

My horoscope today said that I should start a new exercise or other self-improvement regimen today. Maybe it's time to focus on my inner workings, as I have been dreaming about high school excessively lately, and that means I need some spiritual education. I am going to go for a walk this morning before I buy a card for my friend's wedding.

My allergies are currently out of control! My eyes itch and are watery, I'm sneezing up a storm. WTF, man. It's the middle of July, this crap should not be happening.

"311" has redone "Love Song" by The Cure. I don't know how I feel about this.

Friday, July 16, 2004

What a day this has been...

Okay, let's start out with the beginning of my day, which was when my laptop would not let me type anything in the post box on blogger. This does not seem to be a problem on my parents' desktop, as I am performing the task at the moment.

What I was going to tell y'all this morning was that I cut 3 inches off my hair. The bf hasn't seen it yet, nor did I tell him just how much I cut off. Figure we'll leave that little surprise 'til tonight.

So I go to my interview and it goes pretty well, I figure. Once again, a pretty laid back group, there was much smiling and laughing done by all. Then I'm off to the mall to purchase a wedding present, a bra, and sneakers. Find the wedding gift no problem. Put it in my car, go back into the mall and discover...Victoria's Secret is closed until July 21 for renovations or some such poppycock. So now I'm pissed, 'cause I NEED the bra for tomorrow, and now I have to go to another mall which will not let me use my gift certificate that I got for my graduation. Grr. Arg. Etc.

Anyway, get out to the car and my cellphone (which got JACK for service inside the mall) says I have a message. Listen to message, it's the lady I JUST interviewed with, asking me to call her back. I comply, and she has set up a second interview with me later today (well, it's already happened now) with the director of HR for their magnet school.

So in the meantime, I go to yet another mall, only to discover that the bra I wanted from Vicky's they no longer sell in the stores. Now I'm desperate and end up purchasing a strapless bra w/optional see-through straps. Also get a Victoria's Secret credit card with a healthy credit line. Whee!

While wandering around the mall, I also purchase a pair of sneakers, a wallet, and a little black skirt. I don't own a non-businesses black skirt, so I was looking for one. And I found it. Double Whee! Saw this REALLY cute dress and tried on two sizes, but I just couldn't figure out what size I should be in. That's the problem with shopping alone--no second opinion.

After all this, I drive down to my second interview, and it goes pretty well. Finally got to come home. Am in no mood to work out, as I am tired from all the driving I did.

Was quasi-bad at dinner yesterday because I had more than my one allotted drink. Also a little bad at lunch, as I had Taco Bell. But the tacos (only 2 of 'em) were chicken, and I got iced tea instead of a soda. I consider this flub to be minor and not worthy of punishment, but I shall let my jailers decide.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

1 step for the perfect smoothiee

It's yogurt! For months I've been trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with my smoothiees. Add 1/2 a cup of Yogurt (or fo-gurt in my case) the same amount of smilk, and a cup of fruit. Blend 'til it looks like it's done.

Mahvelous, dahling. Simply mahvelous.

Interview went pretty well today. Of course, I've said that about a lot of my interviews. I have another interview Friday at a magnet school for 8th grade language arts. Wish me luck on that.

I'm digging that tomorrow is my last day of work for the week. Behold the glory of the 4-day week! I have no solid idea of what I'm doing with my students tomorrow, however, other than what story I'm going to be working with, and a general "we're going to talk about characterization" kind of thing. Not the strongest plan, but I don't feel like thinking overly much at the moment.

Getting my hair cut tomorrow afternoon. I just can't decide how much to get chopped off. Either two or three nches...what say you all? You have until 2:45PM EST tomorrow to cast your vote :)

Reading update: I'm roughly 100 pages into "Clan of the Cave Bear," mostly because I'm only reading it while my kids are reading in class. I've got all these questions floating around in my head (which I 'have' to write down because I'm keeping a journal with my students) and I'm learning all sorts of new words. The story is, on the whole, very intriguing. Thank you, Kelly, for the recommendation.

For my home book, I am also roughly 100 pages in. Did you know Jean Valjean doesn't appear until 60 pages into "Les Miserables?" Isn't that just like the authors of Hugo's day...he spent sixty pages discussing a bishop who lets Valjean steal his silver. Simply amazing. It's a political commentary, I know, but still. And to think, people used to read these books for fun. ;)

Oh, weighed myself this morning: 137.5 baby. Woohoo! Didn't workout yesterday on account of the rain and my ankles, but did work out today (despite the rain and my ankles) and am feeling like a new woman. Can't wait to get my hair cut. Then the transformation will be complete.

I've been writing a little bit of my Luke's Love Life fanfiction lately, but I'm not really pleased with it. I think my calling as a fanficer is not to write novels but to write connected short stories. I'm a serial fic-er or something like that. Although, while writing a scene with Tamilla (Luke's Lady Love), I discovered she has a penchant for karaoke. How funny is that? Just came out of nowhere. You gotta love when your characters surprise you.

To all of you who keep posting fanfiction...I promise to read and review soon! I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

(For some reason, blogger wouldn't post this yesterday when I typed it. Stupid blogger.)

Monday, July 12, 2004

The result is as bad as the source material

Okay, so my punishment for dietary transgressions was to write a fanfic on a really bad anime. The anime in question is "Legend of Lemnear." Now, normally, I like a little nudity in my anime (which I guess says a lot about me) but this one didn't even do the nudity effectively. So below is my fanfic. Let me know if it passes muster, or if I need to find another one and write another story.

Lemnear looked out over the hole in the harem wall, observing the beauty of the new world at she and Messhu had helped create. With Lord Varohl, his peon Gardein and the slave trader Vuan dead, things should have been able to get back to normal.

But Lemnear wanted to spend time with the harem, all those poor girls who had been mentally and physically violated by Vuan. She had wanted to give them the opportunity to do to the guards what had been done to then, but Messhu had stopped her.

He had been very quiet since their return from Varohl's palace. She had wanted to talk to him about where he had been for all the years since their separation, since that horrible night in the village when Gardein had taken him from her. She had been very young, of course, too young for the feelings she now recognized as being adult and dangerous.

He looked good, not like a man abused, tortured or malnourished. His eyes had that vacant look though, the look she had seen throughout other villages of men and women who had lived through and seen too much for their years. She wanted to tell him about the things she had done, her journey to find him and avenge their village. But every time she went to open her mouth to speak, he turned away.

This left her with far too much time to contemplate what the old man had called her--Champion of Silver. She had assumed her fighting skills had gone from dogged determination and a strong desire for revenge. But the glowing necklace, the way she and Messhu fused during the battle at Valykas, these were things bigger than her sword and bow. She didn't want to think about all the ramifications of being a Champion of anything, let alone a champion with mighty, god-like powers But if Messhu would talk to her, at least he could help her through this.

Turning away from the sunset, Lemnear set her eyes on helping the harem members rebuild what had become their home. Most of the girls were stronger than their lithe forms would suggest, but they needed the strength of a Champion to truly reassemble their lives. While Messhu sulked in a corner, Lemnear piled rocks, rebuiliding the wall and enclosing the beautiful view.

She could feel the mage's eyes on her, trying to get her attention. She knew the old man could probably answer all of her questions, but she didn't want the answers from him. Someone she knew, someone she truly trusted, that was the kind of person who needed to show her how to harness her power. If it could be harnessed...she could both lead a normal life and help other women like the harem girls to escape the bonds of servitude.

She felt a presence behind her, and turned to see Messhu hovering. He had picked up a brick, but seemed uncertain as to what to do with it. After a long moment, he placed it atop the pile Lemnear was creating. He stared at her for a bit, then gestured with his head toward one of the doors. Nodding, Lemnear dropped what she was doing and followed him.

They walked in silence down several passageways and around a couple of corners before arriving in the rooms that had once been Vanu's. Messhu closed the door behind them and let out a deep sigh.

"You've grown up," he said matter-of-factly.

"I had people to rescue, and no one to look out for me but myself. It'll make you grow up," she answered.

"Well yes, that too, but..." he shrugged, "you aren't the tiny little girl I last remember seeing."

"Oh," she said, blushing. "Yes, well..."

"You're beautiful," Messhu said, closing the gap between them. "I don't know if you know that." He placed a hand to her face, almost engulfing her skull. He brought her closer and pressed his lips to hers.

She didn't resist, at first, then pushed away with all her Champion of Silver might. "What are you doing? I haven't seen you in..."

"The power of Silver must be released if Bronze is to surpass Gold," he repeated, sounding so much like the mage it was a bit frightening.

"You've already defeated Varohl, what else could you need?" she growled.

"I'm not strong enough to rule, the power of the gods has not been bestowed on me yet. Sometimes it requires a coupling in order for the power exchange to be complete."

"I would like to keep my powers," Lemnear said. "I've been using them every since you disappeared..."

"That's right, they were my powers that you were holding. I would like them back now. This transfer can be mutually beneficial..."

"Pig!" Lemnear shouted, slapping Messhu across the face. The Champion of Bronze slid across the room on his bare feet. "Here I am, thinking there are genuine feelings involved, when all you care about is my power. I should have let you rot with Varhol!"

"Lemnear, wait," Messhu said, crossing the room with surprising speed and holding the door closed. "You will still be Champion of Silver, you will still contain your strength and agility; it will just be lessened somewhat. I can teach you how to hone these gifts, and get them up to your current standards. You must understand, Lemnear, I cannot do as the gods wish until you have given me back my powers."

Lemnear closed her eyes for a moment, thinking. Finally, she looked around the room, eyes falling Messhu last. She nodded. "Yes, fine. But not here. This place reeks of evil and violation."

Messhu, with a smile on his face, led her to the rooftop.

Punishment Update, and stuff

For my diet buddies, I'll have you know I have chosen and watched my hideous anime of choice. I need to watch it again, however, in hopes of feeling inspired enough to compose three pages (I had a very bad weekend food wise, so the ante is upped.)

Had a new round of munchkins today for class. They seem more cooperative than the the first group, but we shall see. I actually should be writing lesson plans right now, but I just needed a mental check out for a little while. Also have papers to look at and consider.

Applying for three jobs this week, and I also have an interview in good ol' Glastonbury on Wednesday for a position in the high school.

My ankles really hurt. I think I've been wearing sandles for too long. I actually wore sneakers to work today, and that seemed to help a bit, but then I worked out, so they're kinda sore again. Ah well, more sneakers tomorrow.

Sarah, I need to go shopping, and I wish you were here for joint retail therapy. :) As it is, anyone in my state want to go shopping with me this week? I need to buy a wedding present for a wedding I'm going to on Saturday (better late than never, eh?)

Did some writing with my kiddos today, will post it at some other point this week. Not spectacular but...well, kind of theraputic. And I think theraputic writing is important.

I should be doing a lot of writing at the moment. I've got several different "Star Wars" stories bouncing around in my head, plus the fic I'm supposed to be working on for Soul of the Wizard. I have, once again, over committed myself. Is anyone REALLY surprised by this? I think not.

Quiz results:

What Type of Villain are You?

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Arthur Rocks My World

Okay, those of you who haven't seen "King Arthur" and are planning on doing so, repeat this mantra to yourself: It is not your typical Arthur movie.

I REALLY enjoyed myself, however. The "knights" were fantastic (much yumminiess is Gawain), and the story had a much more believable ring to it. Our little Handmaiden (Keira Knightly) is all grown up now, ladies and gentlemen; I would like to have seen her character more in the story.

That's all I'll say, don't want to spoil it for y'all.

Gave my students their final exam yesterday. Did not go as well as I'd hoped, trying to determine the why's and wherefore's of that. I might have to count their semester grades twice and their finals once to give them their grades; I hadn't really thought about the logistics of that beforehand. Oops, bad teacher.

Starting to formulate a whole new plan for my next set of kids. This is a learning process, and hopefully I'll have learned enough to make myself more marketable than I am (read: I got another rejection letter yesterday and this is fucking pissing me off).

Worked out for an hour yesterday doing intense weights and cardio. Abs are not happy with me this morning, but the legs are functioning while walking up and down stairs, so that is a good sign. Going for a walk in a little bit. Won't be as enjoyable as where I was house sitting b/c my road has no sidewalks and lots of bugs, but I shall overcome. Definitely need to by a portable MP3 player. Once I have money. Which might be never at this rate.

There's a lot of silence in the blogger world; I hope everyone is doing well.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Another quiz

The monkey?

Monkey's Wisdom Includes:

Movement through ego

Ability to change environment

Family protection

Understanding excesses

Good health

Understanding success


Animal Spirit Guides ~ Which One Calls To You?
brought to you by Quizilla

One crazy dream

Okay, so this dream I had last night...I was getting married (not a strange dream for me to have in and of itself). But I was marrying one of the kids my brother grew up with, and all my family was there. It was a night-ish wedding, and we had to start late 'cause everyone was stuck in traffic. So everybody finally shows up (to a house that is not mine but the one I am housesitting in) and my parents say they need another hour. Now, here's where it gets weird. The bf and his family are there and I turn to him and whisper "You're going to stop this before it's for real, right?" And he says yes. So I'm trying to kill time and decide to go see the bf (who is living in the house of a family I used to babysit for) and then go to the casino (he & I actually WERE at the casino yesterday; lost lots of his money). By the time we get there, though, it's almost time for the wedding to start (I'm in a white suit instead of a dress; he's in a regular tux), so we have to drive the 40 minutes back to my house (which is in the location of my current home).

Then I woke up.

Anybody got ANY ideas what that was all about?

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Some quiz results

Who were you in a past life?
by Kat007
Favorite Color:
You were most probably:A pirate
If not then you were:A struggling Greek painter
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Who were you in a past life?
by Kat007
Favorite Color:
You were most probably:Gandhi
If not then you were:Just another face in England
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!


A mythical being of Chinese mythology, comparable
with the western unicorn. Ki-lin personifies
all that is good, pure, and peaceful. It lives
in paradise and only visits the world at the
birth of a wise philosopher. The Ki-Lin is
said to walk on earth and on water. It never
drinks or eats dirty food or water. The Chinese
unicorn never treads on smaller animals below
its feet nor does it ever harm another living
creature. The Ki-Lin is the emblem for
exquisite goodness, longevity, grandeur,
endless compassion and great wisdom. According
to Chinese mythology, at the birth of Confucius
a Ki-Lin appeared and Confucius died soon after
a Ki-Lin was killed, he believed that his
writings would not proceed from the omen of the
death of the Unicorn.

Which Chinese Mythological Being Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Early morning post

I should be getting ready for work right now, but I wanted to type up a little diddy first.

I have a new poem up at in case anyone is bored and wants to take a gander. The pen name is K. Kofsuske. I'm actually pretty proud of it. I composed it on one of my walks this week, but hadn't gotten around to writing it up until last night.

Was a good girl and really worked out yesterday to a DVD. Not feeling it as much as I thought I would have, which probably means I have to up my weights. I am under doctor's orders to stay at 90 degrees or larger when it comes to my knees, so that has put a bit of the kabash on my butt-blasting squats. Not that I can't do them, it's just going to take longer to do them effectively.

I got my pictures yesterday from TX. For the most part, they turned out really well; I am pleased. Now I must put them all together in some sort of commemorative booky thing. I actually bought a scrap book type thing at Walden the other day; it was on the clearance rack. I love the clearance rack.

Started re-re-re-writing my Star Wars fanfiction last night. Must say that I'm having a helluva time with the longer pieces lately. Give me a 250 words or less word limit and I'm golden, but trying to string together anything that resembles a plot? Forget it. I'm also more interested in getting stuff happening NOW, not building up to it slowly with grace and what not.

I don't know if I'll get around to my gathering tale today (it needs a title; I am the WORST at titles). Mad-dragon has this very basic of first drafts (unfinished) in his possession, so I'm hoping he'll get around to looking at it soon.

Oh, can anyone draw well? I feel like my story needs one good illustration of the characters. In my mind, I have it pictured very clearly. But my mind and fingers rarely speak when colors are involved.

Leila posted on her blog about wanting to go to the beach. I couldn't agree more. I wish I lived on or right near the water. I bet I'd get a ton written at night while I was sitting there, even if it was all about crashing waves and hovering moons. :) It's almost the middle of July and I haven't set foot on the sand. This must be corrected post-haste.

I want a portable, sportable MP3 player...anyone got a kind they'd recommend?

Monday, July 05, 2004


It's raining outside. How am I supposed to go for my walk when it's raining outside? *grumble*

Didn't fall off the wagon TOO hard yesterday; the problem wasn't the eating of the wrong things (I did skip dessert) it was eating too much of the good things. I'm extending my "punishment" to a second page, once I find an anime to watch.

Speaking of writing, I've been doing it lately. It's usually how I spend my hour between breakfast and working out. So far I've got about 20 pages of my as-of-yet-unnamed gathering tale (it's a matter of pride at this point that I finish the g.d. thing). It's very clearly first draft stuff, but it's writing, and we have to take it for what it's worth.

I'm feeling almost compelled to start up one of my Star Wars fanfictions again. I created a girlfriend for Luke and then...nothing. There's a couple of songs I've been hearing lately that have reminded me of her (Yes, I am a sad woman, please just accept that and move on) so I think I might need to give her the, college try? What do you say after you're out of college?

Also, I'm supposed to be writing a fanfic about the movings and whereabouts of one Mad-Eye Moody during Order of the Phoneix, but that's going to require probably re-reading OotP. Not that re-reading Harry Potter is a bad thing, but I've got so many books that haven't enjoyed a FIRST read yet. *Sigh*

I finished my Thief of Lives novel yesterday. As I've said before, the story itself is interesting but...well, quite frankly, it feels like I could have written it. And don't think I mean to say that I've got the skills for being published. ;) Now I'm about to crack open...Les Miserables, the unabridged version. Bow down before my intellectual insanity! Actually, I don't think it'll be too bad. I got through The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers; this book is just 200 pages longer.

I have all these King Arthur books that I keep pushing aside. For some reason, I just don't want to read them lately. Maybe after the movie King Arthur comes out, I'll feel more inspired. But right now...meh is all I feel towards them. I mean, the stories look fantastic, I just can't bring myself to read 'em. Perhaps I fear that if I read them, I'll feel compelled to re-start my own Arthur story. But no one wants to be around the Lady Vader when she's knee deep in that. Trust me.

Here are my quiz results; I'm glad to see there is no overlap (and that I'm a woman):

Which generic smut novel character are you? (With somewhat relevant pictures!)

The Obscenely Wealthy Heiress

Poor dear, all alone in your opulent estate, with no one but a tight-fisted, controlling prude of a relative to keep you company. Perhaps you can entreat some strapping young lad into educating you in the ways of the world.

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Independence Day

Fireworks and picnics and drinking, oh my!

Here, as promised, is my silly little diddy:

I didn't realize the ladder was tipping until it was too late. The lightbulbs fell from my hand, smashing ont the floor twelve feet below. I tried to grab onto the ceiling fan for balance, but heard the blades begin to crack as sheet rock fell into my eyes. Not thinking, I took my right hand off the ladder to wipe my eyes. The floor came up at me too quickly for me to stop it.

My wife had told me to wait until she got home to replace the dead bulb. But she was out shopping with her sister and it could be hours (maybe days!) before I saw her again. Although our ceilings were high, I figured I could get onto the "no stepping here" step of the ladder and change it no problem.

I hadn't counted on the neighbor's cat.

With teh air conditioning still not working (we'd just moved in), I had left the front and back doors open, hoping to create a cross-breeze. Our new neighborhood is safe, so I wasn't worried about unwelcome visitors.

Our dog, Champ, was getting up there in years and didn't chase balls anymore, let alone neighborhood cats. But when the striped tabby wandered into the kitchen, he was up and barking faster than he'd moved in years.

The two animals ran through the kitchen, living room, den, and dining room before making it into the foyer. The cat ran under the ladder, and so did Champ, hitting it with his powerful labrador tail.

I didn't realize the ladder was tipping until it was too late.

Friday, July 02, 2004

I've been a bad, bad girl...

...although I haven't been careless with a delicate man. Not recently, anyway ;)

So, yeah, today started out well. I had my whole wheat english muffin with low fat peanut butter and some soy milk. Drank water all day, had a tangerine. Then boyfriend wants to go out for lunch, which is fine, because I'm hungry. Well, we end up at Bertuccis and, after my salad, I ate 1/4 of a roll w/butter and 3 pieces of pizza. (It was like that pizza I had in TX with the goddesses at that Italian restaurant with the Peanut Grigo). Then went to my parents' house for dinner (though I wasn't really hungry but I'm thinking, hey, it's 7:30...I should eat). Wine, a piece of bread, salad, some lamb, 1/2 a chicken breast, macaroni salad (homemade) and snap peas. And I'm just getting home now, so guess who DIDN'T work out today?

Nothing that I ate today was overly unhealthy, it's just that I way overindulged. This weekend is going to be tough because we're going to a party at a vineyard tomorrow for dinner, and then 4th of July with my parents. The 4th of July at my house is...well, it's like Christmas for most people; we eat five or six courses, plus dessert. I've already told the boyfriend I'm not eating the dessert, but there's going to be SO much good food.


Tomorrow I'm going to post this stupid little thing I wrote in response to a prompt I gave my students yesterday. It's kind of funny, I think. Not a great work of American literature, but good enough.

You know, I think I'm too much of a share-er with my students; they know too much about me. I also still have this sarcastic bit that I must repress (although I kind of liked my quasi-snarky teachers, but that might just be me). It's something I'm going to have to start working on for next week and the next summer session. Also, I think I'm going to make next session's kids do more creative writing, using them as a way to get writing of my own done.

The problem with my students is not that they're stupid; the problem is that they don't want to think. They want me to just tell them the answers. So when I ask them to relate to a story, they can't do it, because if nothing immediately (and literally) comes to mind, they aren't interested in pursuing thought. How do you teach kids to think?

Blogger is being weird so I can't actually see my post from this morning/yesterday evening/whatever. I hope no one was waiting for me to address their comments.

Thursday, July 01, 2004


Trying to write lesson plans right now. This is hard for a number of reasons, not the least of which being I'm not really sure what I want the kids to get out of the story. Wait, not entirely true, I just don't know what the answer is to my question. Yes, perhaps THIS is why no one will hire me; the sense my incompetence.

Went home today for a little while; saw my parents and my cat. I guess she really misses me and has taken to pestering my mother. I should be home by this time next week (I think). This whole situation though has made me realize how much I really do want to take my cat with me, and how that is going to be such a problem with the bf, should things progress as these things normally do.

Appropriately, this was a quiz result I got today:

Ukyou, you'll do anything to impress your love!

Which Ranma character are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla

I should be getting to bed soon, but I'm feel particularly wound up. I think I need to read for a little while and finish the lesson plans in the morning.

Stop! Quiz Time!

Here are my quiz answers, in all their I-don't-think-very-accurate glory. Maybe they just reflect my "Woke up at 5 am, I want to be in bed still" personality.

You are a freeform writer. Individualistic with a
sense for the different and challenging, Walt
Whitman and his poetry lacking meter and rhyme
is just what the doctor ordered. You're quick
to write something that the rest of the world
doesn't accept as poetry, quick to separate
yourself from the average joe. An author with a
true sense of self, you have confidence in your
abilities and aren't afraid to show it. :) GO

What's YOUR Writing Style?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're Melissa! Generally an optimistic,
well-meaning woman, Melissa's position as a
priestess often makes her the voice of reason
in the group. However, being the idealist, she
can also be childish and judgemental when
things don't always go according to her plan.
Overall, her skills with white magic, good
intentions, and giving nature make her an
invaluable member of the party and a role model
to her younger proteges.

Which Rune Soldier Character Are You? Unfi!
brought to you by Quizilla

You have a Lost Soul. No one is really sure what
that can always mean, because it can be defined
in many ways. As Legend goes, lost souls were
the spirits of passed away people who are
neither in heaven nor hell. They walk the
earth, brooding mysteriously, always appearing
when you expect it least. So hence, if you have
a Lost Soul, then you are probably very
insecure and shy. Stuck in your own little box,
you watch the world fly by as a loner. You dont
know your place. You seemingly dont have a
place in society or an interest. You are a very
capricious person, and are confused and
frustrated about where you belong. You crave
for the sense and feeling of home-but have not
obtained it yet.

What Kind of SOUL do you posses? (For Girls only) Incredible Anime Pictures!
brought to you by Quizilla

Side note: for some reason I have "Ice, Ice Baby" stuck in my head right now. Oy!