Saturday, April 30, 2005

Crazy Ex-Girlfriends

OR: Why I Need to Get Out of This House.

The phone started ringing at 12 AM Friday morning. First the line I share with my brother, then his cell phone, then the MAIN house line, which is in my parents room. Lather Rinse Repeat. Come to find out, my brother's older ex-girlfriend was calling. Details are still sketchy, but she was in our house briefly around 11:30 that night, she drove him home from some bar....needless to say, I was not a happy camper at work Friday morning.

It is REALLY cold. Like, fingertips are turning blue cold. I am NOT happy about this. And my father decided that today was the day to install the new attic stairs, only forgot to tell my brother he (brother) was supposed to be involved in the WHOLE project, so brother got the old stairs out, then left to go fishing. We currently have a gaping hole in our hallway ceiling, which not helping the chill of this house one iota. Pissed is I.

However, I did get to go see a very cute baby last night, as well as a couple that I haven't seen in...many months. I don't even know how many. So that made things a little better. But not much.

Where's my weekend going?

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Not dead, in case you wondered

Yeah, just popping in to say that I am alive and SO glad tomorrow is Friday. I know I just had a week off, but sometimes that's worse, you know? No, most of you probably don't. Well, it is, trust me.

Anyway, there's big drama about the scheduling for next year, and I am suddenly afraid for my job again because we, apparently, have too many English teachers at my school. Yeah, guess who will be relocated or dismissed if this becomes a larger problem? Everyone picked me, yes? Good.

Oh, yesterday, funny-ness with the freshmen. I'm doing poetry with my class of all boys (their choice) and I'm following this packet that my mentor had with 33 different poems to write and one was about yourself. So I wrote one too, to show the kids it could be done. But you were supposed to start with your first name and, knowing my freshmen, I decided not to. So instead I put "Lady K" because Dendera calls me lady. My kids thought that was great. It was nice to see them pleased with me for a change because I know some of them really dislike me.

The timer--did I tell you about the timer? I've been using it all week...the kids are having mixed reactions. Most absolutely HATE the sound it makes (it kinda sounds like a phone ringing) and most are even more upset that I'm timing their activities. BUT they DO seem to be more on task. I wish I'd gotten a timer sooner...there might have been less suckage earlier in the year.

I feel guilty about not going to the gym today, but the pile of papers has not lessened. I also feel I'm compromising on a number of cases when it comes to grades for my seniors, but I also want to preserve my professional ass and don't want the administration in my classroom asking me why these kids aren't graduating, when it's painfully obvious from the grades it's because THEY DON'T DO ANY FREAKING WORK!

I'm trying not to swear as much anymore. Please yell at me if I do.

That is all.

Monday, April 25, 2005

First day back

My cat, in her adorableness, is sitting in a large box that once contained my brand-new bedspread. (It reminds me of the children's book My Cat Likes to Hide in Boxes.) This bedspread was impossible to find because, apparently, nobody likes bedspreads any more. Personally, I prefer them to comforters because they're more versitle and less...well, wintery. Anyway.

Today did not suck. Although there is some serious confusion about electives for next year with Juniors and Seniors and we're all like "WTF?" Only we can't say that, 'cause we're at work. But we think it. Often.

Oh, so my boyfriend rules. He bought me 12:01 AM tickets for Return of the Sith. And I just bought tickets to see with my mother at 5PM on the same day. I don't think this is a record, however; I think I may have seen TPM 3 times in one day. Very strange dreams as a result. I still think Anathema should take Friday off, we can do girly, pre-birthday things, and then go see RotS on Friday night together. Whee!

I didn't go to the gym because Mom & I must do some much-needed grocery shopping. Serioiusly, there's half a loaf of bread, three pieces of cheese and one celery stalk in the house. Does not make for very exciting meals.

I'm going to go put my new bedspread on my bed now. Yay!

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Now is the perfect time to panic!

Okay, besides the tedium that is correcting bad song analyzations, I also have to figure out just what in hell I'm going to do with my seniors for two days. I'm looking for lesson plans that have to do with movies like "Les Miserables" or "Troy." You know what, I'm not finding anything. So now it looks like I'm going to have to watch a movie and come up with questions for it. I feel like I'm spoiling these seniors with movies but, to be honest, they simply won't do anything else. Even those of them who were interested in Night didn't really do much work. I know senioritis is where it's at but jeebus!

I want to do this music project (truncated) with them, but I know I can't do it in two days and these kids don't do real well with carry-over projects.

I can't believe the year is almost over. I have only 3 cycles left with each group of students, which is a lot and yet not enough.

Also, I got no sleep last night and am therefore exceedingly tired and totally unmotivated. The sun has also resurfaced after 2 days of going AWOL so where do I NOT want to be right now? Oh yeah, sitting inside doing lesson plans and correcting papers.

Guess it serves me for actually enjoying my vacation.

*BIG SIGH* All right, I guess it's off to work or something.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Connect head to desk with force. Repeat.

Personification: A figure of speech in which inanimate objects or abstractions are endowed with human qualities or are represented as possessing human form

My students do not seem to understand that. The things they are identifying as personification...not anywhere that makes any sense.

Some of my kids are actually doing a pretty good job with this song project, but I haven't corrected THAT many of them. I have been exposed to Ashanti, Alicia Keyes and Black Sabbath. I have Boston, 50 Cent and Lynard Skynard and who knows what else.

Yeah. Procrastinating.

Thoughts on the News

So the terrorist whose name is Mossouasi or whatever...everytime I see it I think of Mousalini (whose name I also can't spell). I find that strange.

There was an article this morning in The Harford Courant about how it is now forbidden for athletic coaches to trade tickets for cars. I'm sorry, why did they think this was acceptable to begin with? I don't care how much those freakin' tickets are worth, they don't equal a car. Although the football coach is apparently guilty of it, so are the two basketball coaches. And we all know how I feel about the basketball teams at UCONN. This just gave me another reason to dislike them.

The situation in Iraq doesn't seem to be getting better. I know the Senate just granted the military more money to continue funding it, but...they're still blowing each other up over there with alarming regularity. We in the U.S. have many problems, but this is not one of them.

I read an article in Time magazine yesterday about Ann Coulter. Did you know she was raised in New Caanan? Anyway. I am very happy for her that she's getting the voice of a woman out there in politics, especially T.V. politics, but she's SO right wing. I don't consider myself a liberal by any means, but this Coulter woman scare the be-jeesus out of me. Still, it was a very interesting article. Apparently, she's just speaking her mind, but she also hopes to get a laugh out of you too. She said somewhere in the article that she felt laughter was an easier tactic for "conversion."

My vacation is drawing to a sharp and dramatic close. I have a pile of papers to correct and really know idea what I'm going to do with my students when I see them on Monday. Well, that's only 1/2 true...I don't know what to do with my seniors. Yikes!

Friday, April 22, 2005

Amusing Parentals

So I wake up this morning and the following note is scrawled on the note in my father's handwriting:

"K, please call me @ XXX-XXXX this morning.--DORD"

Below it in my mother's larger handwriting is this, with an arrow pointing up:

"This is about making an appt/or getting the black car to emissions. If you are too busy, just tell him. He had two months to do this. MEN!"

Gave me much giggles this morning. I needed giggles. My vacation is almost over. WAH!

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Me on top of the cliff by the BF's house, with a turkey feather in my hair. Think the casino'll give me a piece of the action? Posted by Hello

And lunch the afternoon after. Posted by Hello

3 Goddesses out for dinner; you almost can't tell the three of us are hammered! Posted by Hello

LadyK in a too-large helmet from the CHILDREN'S section of the armory in Worcester, MA. Posted by Hello

I think I may be competing with Victor for Eeyore's affections. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Here is Gone

Met most of my goals for yesterday, except the taking brother to lunch bit (he went on a cleaning spree and tuckered himself out) and the getting to bed early bit (see previous step about seeing boyfriend). Now it's very early in the morning, I am showered, and online looking for the weather for ME so I can dress appropriately. I have to be about of here within the next 15-20 minutes or so, especially because I have to put gas in the spare gar. My flat is fixed, but I am told not to drive it until our mechanic can have a look-see.

Hope days go well.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

My car has a flat tire. I am that pissed. Posted by Hello

Things to do the Tuesday of your vacation

1. Go to the gym.
2. Go to the post office; mail bills.
3. Go to the drug store; drop off disposable camera that has 3 months worth of pictures on it.
4. Go out to lunch with brother for his birthday.
5. Go find muse and force her to write something.
6. Go find boyfriend and spend time with him.
7. Go to bed early to get up at the BUTT CRACK OF DAWN to go shopping tomorrow.

Doesn't that sound like a fun and exciting day? Not that I'm complaining about the vacation bit, mind you.

I actually did get some writing done yesterday/last night, but I need to refocus on the Fantastic Four who originally created my story. Avoiding them has been so incredibly easy, but now I must actually make them part of the story again.

*groan* Today is weights day at the gym. How I loathe thee.

Here's something to make us all a little happier. It does update itself, btw, I didn't think it did at first:

Episode III

Monday, April 18, 2005

Happy Birthday, Baby Brother!

That's right, folks, my baby brother turns 21 today. As the kid who turned 21 AFTER everybody else in my circle of friends, I totally appreciate his plight and am glad he no longer has to drink illegaly in our basement. Now he can go get smashed in public for three times the price! But, most importantly, he can do things with his friends now that he couldn't before, so we are all very happy for him.

This is Day 1 of my vacation. So far I've eaten breakfast. I am shortly going to motivate my ass to drive to the gym, where I will endeavor to burn this weekend's calories off on the treadmill. Tomorrow I will attempt to do weights.

I am feeling rather bloated, and it's not a PMS thing. Any cure for bloating that anyone knows about?

"Charmed," btw, was very weird last night. I was watching it with my parents, and they were pretty confused, which was entertaining. Still, I don't know how I felt about the episode. Wyatt using his powers seems to be a bad idea, especially what we (the audience) knows about his possible future. But wow, Leo was really self-centered "He's doing this because I got hurt." What if the kid is just sick of seeing his parents attacked, not you personally? I love Leo, but still.

Yeah, that's it Enjoy your day, all!

Sunday, April 17, 2005


Just some random information about yours truly; I think I might write because...I DON'T HAVE TO GO TO BED FOR WORK TOMORROW!

Your Aura is Blue

Your Personality: Your natural warmth and intuition nurtures those around you. You are accepting and always follow your heart.

You in Love: Relationships are your top priority, and this includes love. You are most happy when you are serious with someone.

Your Career: You need to help others in your job to feel satistifed. You would be a great nurse, psychologist, or counselor.

What Color Is Your Aura? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

INFJ - the counselor
You scored 45% I to E, 36% N to S, 9% F to T, and 23% J to P!
Your type is best summed up by the word "counselor", which belongs to the larger group of idealists. Only 2% of the population share your type. You are so empathic that you often know what others need before they know themselves. You are a complex person who can deal with complicated issues and people, almost prefer to, as you love problem solving. You can be something of an idealist or perfectionist, and should try to take yourself a little less seriously.
You are a supportive and insightful romantic partner, encouraging your mate to have dreams and work hard to make those dreams come true. Because you are so creative, you have a wealth of ideas to help them toward those goals. You need harmony so much that you are driven to resolve conflict quickly, as long as the terms don't violate your ethics. You feel the most appreciated when your partner admires your creativity, trusts your inspirations, and respects your values. It is also vitally important that your partner be open and emotionally available - in other words, that they be willing to share themselves completely.
Your group summary: idealists (NF)
Your type summary: INFJ

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You scored higher than 38% on N to S

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You scored higher than 1% on F to T

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You scored higher than 16% on J to P
Link: The LONG Scientific Personality Test written by unpretentious2 on Ok Cupid

Flea market finds

Okay, so I have this thing for old tea pots and candy dishes. The former is inexplicable, although I think it might be my inner hostess. The latter started when digging around in my attic and finding a candy dish that was my grandmothers.

I also, of course, have a Star Wars thing.

So whilst walking around the flea market today, I found items to feed two out of three addictions. The first item is a copy of The Empire Strikes Back soundtrack on vinyl for $7. How freakin' cool is that? I was totally set for the day.

Then on the last row, I found a teapot with pale flowers on it for $12. I was not spending $12 on a teapot. The lady said she'd sell it for $9. And my grandmother bought it for me. Doubley freakin' cool.

So yeah, now after lunch at the Bidwell Tavern (which included 2 yummy beers), I am going to take a nap in preparation for my brother's pre-birthday party.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

I heart vacations

To recap, I LOVED my facial. An expensive, but possibly quite neccessary, treat. Anathema, I think I have a plan for our post-midnight SW experience. ;)

So today I go to the bank, bring my cat to the vet, and then go hiking. I also have to pick up something for the little brother, as I feel the gift I currently have for him is not enough to mark the glorious occassion of being able to walk into a liquor store and buy booze of your own accord. No idea what else to get him...might stop at Old Glory and see if I can't pick up a t-shirt or two for him.

Week ended more or less calmly, with some of the seniors being absolutely retarded and all of us wanting to beat them about the head with blunt objects. Teachers restrained themselves however, and I got the hell out of Dodge.

My grandparents are here so my weekend is split between the bf and the family, although the two often peacefully coincide, which works wonders for my stress level.

Plant update--it is trying to open a second blossom.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

This picture is important on two levels--it demonstrates that my thumb is not entirely black and also is me taking a picture that doesn't suck. Posted by Hello

Sure, whatever

Who has a migraine? *raises hand*

I just want to say I'm a little put off that no one commented on my writing. Frownie face. :( I guess you all took the "or not" part seriously. ;)

Anyway, here's something I stole from Dendera's new blog.

1. Go into your LJ's archives.
2. Find your 23rd post (or closest to).
3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.

"He liked it and then grabbed Goblet of Fire before he left."--August, 2003.

Tomorrow is Friday. This is good on many levels:

1. It is the weekend.
2. It is vacation.
3. I have a facial.
4. Grandparents arrive!

So after having an unruly group of freshmen boys today, I sat down and asked them to write about WHY it was they couldn't follow directions, sit in their seats or listen to each other speak. They wrote some very interesting things. After that, we discussed what we were doing for work, so out went Dogsong and in came (groan) poetry. I'm actually going to bring The Empire Strikes Back in for them tomorrow (mental note). My other group has ditched the book in favor of The Odyssey (yay!) and then we will do poetry as well. My seniors are getting a test tomorrow.

Oh! Much amusement. The entire (well nearly entire) senior class decided they wanted recess today, so when the lunch bell rang they all went out to the track and started playing ball. Our poor principal...I had 9 kids in my class for a good 20 minutes before the rest wandered in.

Department head backed me up on the plagirism thing. Go me.

Stay tuned for a pictoral surprise.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The West Wing finale and other TV addictions

You know, it's been a week since the season finale and I haven't really touched on it. I'm not sure how I feel about Leo as the V.P. candidate. It rings vaguely of Dick Cheney, which I suppose might have been the point, but it doesn't seem like the American people, knowing this guy at a heart attack outside of Camp David, is probably not going to want him to be really close to the most powerful seat on the planet.

I am glad that Santos got the bid, of course. Still, I wanted Alda's character and he to form a strange cross-party alliance, because I think their views weren't so different that they couldn't get along for that.

Anyone else see it and have a thought?

My new TV addiction is CSI reruns. This show fascinates. The episode on SpikeTV is about a dead cat lady.

Amusing line from cat-allergic coroner:

Rigor mortis has set in. Lividity is fixed. She's been dead three or four days and I need a Benadryl.

Amusing line from Grissom:

This woman was stabbed. I guess the cats are off the hook.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

A little drive-home writing

So, while listening to my mix CD #4 (I believe) the song Last Exit to Eden by Amanda Marshall came on. Before I knew it, I was back in Refractions and Alexis was all alone, kicking her own ass about a choice she'd just made. Submitted for your approval, a random scene from the much revised first novel of yours truly:

The motel room smelled of stale gin and various bodily excretions. Alexis dropped her duffle bag on the floor, kicking the door shut behind her. A cloud of dust floated up around her, ticking her nostrils and sending her into a sneezing fit. Already she hated the place.
The smoke-stained curtains pulled tight against the dingy windows, Alexis could barely see her way over to the bed stand from where a puke-green lamp circa 1965 had never been moved. When she found the turn switch, the lamp cast an anemic glow across the room. She almost wished she had left the light off, as it had revealed a worn quilt, two flat pillows and a television at least as old as the lamp. Sighing, she plopped down on the bed and was covered in another layer of dust.
A man’s voice slipped through the thin walls, slurred with cheap liquor and fiery passion. Alexis listened as he spoke to someone, possibly his reflection in the mirror, about repenting for the sins afflicted upon others. The preacher next door warned about divine retribution and the price we all pay for ignoring the needs of others.
Unbidden, an image of Rhyce at the stone circle came to mind. Stonehenge had been full, so he had brought her to a nearly-unknown circle, hidden among a forest of oak trees. Giggling, they had extinguished their candles and lay down inside the circle, looking at the stars as they made their journey toward the next day.
She had felt his hand on her arm, and a chill had slipped up her spine. Something inside told her to stay still, to let him hold onto her as they attempted to make sense of what they had been dreaming as of late. But the more conscious part of her, the one that had never known a man to hold her gently without wanting something in return, took over. She snatched her arm away and run.
And now she was in a cramped, filthy motel room, a tiny piece of pewter pressed between her breasts, burning her. She tore the cord from around her neck, chucking the dragon across the room, letting it hit the wall that echoed to her about her sins. The red eye shimmered, unblinking, staring at her from the orange and green paisley carpet. She resisted the urge that grew inside her to pick it up and return it to her neck. She banished Rhyce from her mind, as his blue eyes seeped forward, confused and paralyzed as they had been only hours before.
The man next door grew louder, urging repentance and forgiveness for those who had wronged you. He warned of fire, brimstone and the dangers of avoiding one’s destiny. He begged his congregation to call those they loved, those they hated, and those they had mocked and, in turn, beg for second chances and redemption.
Alexis didn’t stop the tear she felt slipping down her cheek, but she refused to acknowledge it either. Lying back on the musty pillow, she closed her eyes and prayed, not for forgiveness, but an unhaunted sleep.

Discuss. Or not.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Weird...X-Files weird

Okay, so I was just thinking about "The X-Files" the other day, and wondering when we were ever going to get our second movie. Then there was a blip in the newspaper about it today. To get the gist, visit The X-Files 2.

Also today, while listening to a mix of music I put together almost a year ago for my first trip to TX, I heard Don Henley's "They're Not Here; They're Not Coming," which is about people's obsession with alien invasions.

The lyrics for your amusement:

From the Arizona desert
To the Salisbury Plain
Lights on the horizon
Patterns on the grain
Anxious eyes turned upward
Clutching souvenirs
Carrying our highest hopes and our darkest fears

They swear there was an accident back in '47
Little man with a great big head
Splattered down from heaven
Government conspiracy; cover-ups and lies
Hidden in the desert under endless skies

Well, it's a cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold
Post, postmodern world
No time for heroes, no place for good guys
No room for Rocky The Flying Squirrel

They're not here, they're not coming
Not in a million years
Turn your weary eyes back homeward
Stop your trembling, dry your tears
You may see the heavens flashing
You may hear the cosmos humming
But I promise you, my brother
They're not here, they're not coming

Would they pile into the saucer
Find Orlando's rat and hug it?
Go screaming through the universe
Just to get McNuggets?
Well, I don't think so, I don't think so
It's much too dangerous, it's much too strange
Here in a world that won't give Oprah no home on the range

Well, it's a cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold
Post, postmodern world
No authenticity, no sign of soul
The radio won't play George and Merle

They're not here, they're not coming
Not in a million years
'Til we put away our hatred
'Til we lay aside our fears
You may see the heavens flashing
You may hear the cosmos humming
But I promise you, my sister
They're not here, they're not coming

To this garden we were given
And always took for granted
It's like my daddy told me, “You just bloom where you're planted.”
Now you long to be delivered
From this world of pain and strife
That's a sorry substitution for a spiritual life

Well, it's a cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold
Post, postmodern world
No place for sentiment, no room for romance
Bring back the Duke of Earl

They're not here, they're not coming
Not in a million years
Turn your hopes back homeward
Hold your children, dry their tears
You may see the heavens flashing
You may hear the cosmos humming
But I promise you, my brother
They're not here, they're not coming

They're not here, they're not coming
Not in a million years
'Til we put away our hatred
And lay aside our fears
You may see the heavens flashing
You may hear the cosmos humming
But I promise you, my brother
They're not here, they're not coming

I'm only sunburned on 1/2 of my face; talented, no?

Tested out the MP3 player at the gym. The biggest problem is the headphones, but that has more to do with my tiny ears than anything else. Still, it shuffled through the music, had enough volume and it was nice to have no commercials interrupting my workout.

My cat was just harrassing the hell out of me to feed her. So I got up to do so. Now, less than 2 minutes later, she's back in my room licking her lips. What, did she eat A crunchy and find herself satisfied? Yeesh!

I am almost finished with Druids (my gym book) and I must say Ainvar has made some dumb ASS choices. On the whole, it is an enjoyable book, from a historical fiction perpsective as well as the "hey, druids!" perspective.

The writing bug is slowly worming its way back into my brain, but my perfectionist and inner critic are telling me not to bother and that I suck. I hate my perfectionist and inner critic.

Tomorrow is the best day for me schedule wise, but I also have a 50-minute meeting after school, which means I probably won't get to the gym. Tomorrow also marks the last day of the cycle, so I get my freshmen (yay!) and seniors (boo!) back. I know that it seems weird to say that 12 days is too long to have a group of students, but when you're only used to seeing them for 6 days at a time...well, it's tiring for them and you.

4 more days 'til vacation.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Sunday, Lovely Sunday

I just spent 6 hours out-of-doors on my back deck, reading Sister of the Dead, the third book in the Noble Dead trilogy. I thought this was going to be the final one, but apparently the authors have bigger plans. All & all, an enjoyable read, as evidenced by the fact that I read roughly 300 pages in one sitting.

Now, of course, I have a sunburn on my face, have not accomplished anything today, and now must deal with actual work. I'm still not doing anything for school; I'll have plenty of time to plan for my Freshmen & Seniors on Tuesday. I did get music onto my MP3 player, and it will be taking its first test drive tomorrow afternoon. Now I'm going to sort through my winter clothes, bag up the stuff I didn't wear and change over to the spring/summer wardrobe because, well, I'm ready. If it gets cold again, whatever, I'm sick of sweaters--time for spring!

Of course, this also means I get to choose another book to read from my ever-growing pile. Hmm....

Off to eat more Dark Side M&Ms.

Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Forgive me, I channeled Bono there for a moment.

Anyway, it's Sunday. The hilight of my weekend thus far has been 1. Washing my car and 2. Buying an MP3 player. I have not yet attempted to use said player, but that is on the list of things to do today. First, however, I must load a lot of music onto my computer so I can then put it on the player. It's an iRiver 512MB, by the way--over 17 hours of music; I think I can handle that. Very compact, and it comes with a sports band so you don't have to worry about it floppin' around while you're on the treadmill. A definite plus.

Just one more week until vacation. I have to change my cat's vet appointment because I'm PRETTY SURE Anathema and I are off to the great state of main for a shopping excursion next Wednesday.

My grandparents will be here this Friday. Whee!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Have beer, will correct

Yea, it was one of those kinda days.

Happily, though, The West Wing is on tonight, although it is the season finale, so a tear must be shed on that account. But Wednesday night means the next day is Thursday, which is always followed by Friday, which causes me much joy and merriment. I think the stress is mostly due to PMS, 'cause I'm like...arg.

So now I must frantically correct papers in an effort to get everything done for my students by Monday, by when grades must be entered. I was correcting out on the deck, but need my computer to enter the grades, so I've trudged back to the in-of-doors to do just that. I am looking forward to my April vacation and summer, when I hope to do much reading and writing and exercising!

Three cheers for the middle of the week!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


So I had a student almost get into a fight today before school started. Swear to freakin' God, these kids are on crack.

Went grocery shopping with Mum after work to replenish much needed supplies. I love grocery shopping, which probably indicates there is something fundamentally wrong with me.

Feeling wholly uncomfortable with everything in my life lately--I haven't been going to the gym because of papers that need grading, so I'm feeling blah about my body. I'm not overly happy with work, as my students appear to be getting dumber, not smarter, as the year goes on. Everything just feels...wrong, or slightly off. Kind of like the arteries of the dead guy at the beginning of Timeline. Hopefully not as fatal, but still.

I got a prize in the mail today! Amanda, who apparently forgot to mention her presence in our homestate, sent me two CDs of music to write to. First of all, it was like being in college again, because my mom used to send me prizes. Second of all...hey, a gift for no reason! I feel obligated to return the favor, of course, but that is okay...I like buying gifts I think more than I like getting them.

So that's my life. I need to correct papers, but the weather is SO beautiful and I have no desire to do anything so tedious. I want to bask in the sun instead.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Hard-ass? You betcha

The complete lack of preparation my students possess is astounding. I want to throttle them sometimes for just being so daft. I mean, I remember being this air-headed, but I was in 5th grade. There is no excuse at this point in time.

Grr. Arg. Etc.

Anyway, that was my day. Now I correct instead of being at the gym. Here's a song to ponder:

"The Right Kind Of Wrong"

I know all about,
Yea about your reputation
And now it's bound to be a heartbreak situation
But I can't help it if I'm helpless
Every time that I'm where you are
You walk in and my strength walks out the door
Say my name and I can't fight it any more
Oh I know, I should go
But I need your touch just too damn much
Lovin you, That isn't really something I should do
I shouldn't wanna spend my time with you ya
Well I should try to be strong
But baby you're the right kind of wrong
Ya, baby you're the right kind of wrong

It might be a mistake
A mistake I'm makin'
But what your givin I am happy to be takin
Cause no one's ever made me feel
The way when I'm in your arms

They say your somethin I should do without
They don't know what goes on
When the lights go out
There's no way to explain
All the pleasure is worth all the pain
Lovin you, That isn't really something I should do ya-hey
I shouldn't wanna spend my time with you ya
Well I should try to be strong
But baby you're the right kind of wrong
Ya, baby you're the right kind of wrong

I should try to run but I just can't seem to
'Cause every time I run your the one I run to
Can't do without what you do to me,
I don't care if I'm in to deep yeah

I know all about,
Yea about your reputation
And now it's bound to be a heartbreak situation
But I can't help it if I'm helpless
Every time that I'm where you are

You walk in and my strength walks out the door
Say my name and I can't fight it any more
Oh I know, I should go
But I need your touch just too damn much
Lovin you, yeah, isn't really something I should do
I shouldn't wanna spend my time with you ya
Well I should try to be strong, I should try to be strong
But baby you're the right kind of wrong (right kind of wrong)
Baby you're the right kind of wrong
Baby you're the right kind of wrong

Yeah baby you're the the right kind of wrong

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Okay, done after this, really

If I didn't know him, I would think he was a god!
because he's honest, he won't have any problem
letting the world know that he likes you!
despite that, he's strong and kind, so other
men can back off when he comes to your rescue,
but he'd respect your privecy. U R MY IDOL!! >
< lol

The anime guy for you... #2 (for grlz)
brought to you by Quizilla

You are beautiful because of the pure, sensitive,
good hearted, unexperienced vibe you give out.
You most likely haven't done much such as sex,
drugs , and alcohol. If you have you were
probably just experimenting out of pure
curiousity. Your curiousness may lead to danger
if you cannot control it! People like to be
around you because of your young personality.
You like to have fun and be happy. You are well
liked by most people but some may find you
slightly immature. Don't let people bring you
down, for you are a wonderful and beautiful

You're Beautiful...but why? ( PICS)
brought to you by Quizilla

Love, Actually

Has anyone seen this movie? This is a great movie. Funny, sweet...the bf and I were laughing hysterically and said a few "awwws" together too. This was after watching Girl with a Pearl Earring, which I had difficulty explaining half-way through. But I got a double dose of Colin Firth, so I'm sure Dendera would be very proud of me.

As you can imagine, I didn't get very much done in the way of work today. I corrected some papers by seniors, busted two more kids for plagirizing (one kid it is a second offense) and am ROYALLY pissed about that. Do they think I'm that stupid? Do they think I'm that OLD that I wouldn't know?

I feel...weird about the Pope dying. I mean, I don't agree with the man on a lot of things, but he was still a person of IMMENSE power in the world, and to be respected for his spirituality. And, well, this is the first time in my life that we've changed popes. I feel like I should be paying really close attention to...something.

COLE is coming back to Charmed next week. Yay! Huzzah! He's SO hot.

Hope everyone "enjoys" Monday.

What is this work you speak of?

I've got papers to correct. Lots and lots of papers, as the quarter closes either Monday or Tuesday (no one's quite clear on which). I am not so much with the looking forward to said paper correcting, as I have only been up for about an hour and would much rather be back in bed with my two cats. But as I totally blew yesterday off in favor of all things social, I am now forced to face the bitter truth of the real world.

I slept in late-ish yesterday, got up, took a shower, had some breakfast, went to the bank, got myself a Vanilla Chai Latte and then headedout to Wally-world to see the boyfriend for 10AM. Of course, when I arrived at said house, everyone was still asleep and I felt rather foolish, but no matter. I then drove to the mall-area and spent about two hours wandering around The Sport's Authority as bf tested, tried on, and otherwise browsed the store. We then had lunch, and went to Target. At Target, I purchased for myself both Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker, because as the mailed advertisment promised, they were waiting for me. I struck up a lovely conversation with some late 20-something gentlemen about my $1-off coupon, the fact that I was cool for buying the Darth Vader figure, and then would Darth Vader need a shield if, after all, he is a Dark Lord of the Sith. We decided no he would not, as this other figure would suggest, but one of my conversation companions noted that the shield would look really cool hanging from a rearview mirror. I then drove back to Wally-world, dropped off the boyfriend, and then headed to Anathema's place. [End Act I]

I arrive at said apartment and we bitch about adolescents, the parents of adolescents and questionably qualified adminstrators. We then decided to rent a movie and so headed to Blockbuster, only to discover that particular branch was "Temporarily Closed." So off we went to another branch, but before that we stopped at the new Price Chopper and, as Anathema would say, "experienced visual overload." There was, indeed, a LOT of stuff at this play, some of it tres cool. You know, if you're into grocery stores. So we pick up our things, swing by Blockbuster and head back to the apartment for dinner. (Side note--I now have a bag of Skittles with Darth Vader on them. Sweet!) At the apartment, Anathema's roommate cooked us dinner and we watched The Princess' Diaries 2. Actually quite cute. I was not as enamoured with the leading man as my viewing companion, but whatever. We then packed ourselve's up and headed to Murphy & Scarletti's in Farmington for a gathering. [End Act II]

So we get there, find Anathema's co-worker and chat it up for a little while before this band starts playing. They sound pretty good (albeit a little bass-y) so we head over to the dance floor to check it out. The band, called Hard Knoxx was an EXCELLENT cover-band. The guy could sound like ANYBODY, from Steven Tyler to Tone Loc. The crowd was almost better than the band, however, with the wannabe lesbians drawing all the men's attention, some really not-so-fly white guys and two very large women well into their 30s. Not that I have any problem with women "of a certain" age having a good time, but this one...oh my lord. Pink Shirt Lady was VERY scary. She got down on all-fours at one point and I was quite surprised she didn't end up doing a face-plant in the middle of the dance floor. We had some minor confusion when I checked my cellphone and the time said 1:30 but everyone's watches said 12:30, but then we realized my phone is super smart and changed for daylight savings time. By the end of the night, Anathema had been serenaded to either "Busta Moove" or "Push It" and I got smacked on the ass with a microphone during an instrumental interlude for "Can't Touch This." We left there, very tired and I drove home to crash at 2-no-3:30. [End Act III].

So now do you understand why I don't want to grade papers?

Friday, April 01, 2005

I heart the Quesedilla maker

No sooner had I posted about how horrible a friend I am than my friend called me to announce that the baby had indeed arrived. Went to visit for about 20 minutes after work today (the hospital is right by the school) and saw a cute little baby.

Sophomores were positively obnoxious today and I had to remove several students from class. At this point I don't care what they (the rest of the staff) think about me because my class runs without the kids in it and there you have it.

I'm going to see "Sin City" tonight with the bf. It got 4 stars in the local newspaper, which surprised the be-jesus out of me. I am hoping good things, especially with the really wonky cast they have put together.

Oh, and I made quesedillas and I am happy. Or at least my tummy is.

Here's to the weekend!