Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Just a little behind the eight ball

Well, we didn't get everything we needed to done, but we're making headway. Our mock-presentation is Monday; real presentation is Thursday; paper due at the end of the month.

Tomorrow is a job fair; I have to skip my history class which bums me out. We're going to talk about WWII.

I did some cardio this morning, but I think I'm fighting a cold off because I had a really hard time getting through the whole workout. Food consumption was tolerable, but I ate too many carbs as usual. What can I say, I like starch. I like bread. Give me bagels!

I wish I had more exciting things to share with you. Unfortunately...well, I don't.

Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You?

Hobbit family
Your ideal Middle-Earth parents are Samwise and
Rosie! This makes you a hobbit. You have tons
of brothers and sisters, which means that there
is always somebody cool to hang out with.
However, it also means that you have to watch
your younger siblings more than youd probably
like. Your last name is Gardener and you get
to live in Bag End! Remember the Gaffer? He is
your Middle-Earth Granddaddy!

Your Middle-Earth mama is centered and strong, but
has been known to be a little bossy at times.
Dont get on her bad side and you should be just
fine. She is a very busy hobbit, what with all
you children to look after!

Your Middle-Earth dad is as wonderful as they come.
He loves to garden (and probably has you help
him with the flowers), is an excellent cook
(which comes in handy with the eight square
meals a day that hobbits eat), and has been
elected Mayor of Hobbiton on more than one
occasion. Also, he is an expert
spider-fighter, so if you see one in the middle
of the night you can count on your Middle-Earth
dad to protect you!

I hoped you like my quiz. Please rate it, okay?

Which Lord of the Rings couple would be your dream parents? Pictures and longish answers.
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, March 29, 2004

I'm back!

Yes, so that wonderful feeling of almost-accomplishment I felt late last week was quickly overshadowed by the discovery that my internship project got very complicated, very suddenly, and we need to get it all done by next Thursday. As is, all the raw data has to be prepared for this Wednesday. I shouldn't even be blogging now, I have so much to do. But I didn't want anyone to worry about me. Plus, staring at grade reports was starting to drive me batty.

I am sending out two packets of information in an attempt to find employment tomorrow: one middle school and one high school. Please wish me luck and highly lucrative offers.

Dieting and exercise went out the freakin' window this weekend, but I am more or less back on schedule today. I consumed dairy, much to Kelly's dismay, but the dairy was low fat and therefore limited in cholesterol. Calcium is supposed to help you loose weight, so I've got to get it somehow. Countered dairy with high fiber oaty cereal, carrot sticks and raisins. I did have some goldfish crackers as well but...well, c'mon, they're GOLDFISH. Ya gotta love goldfish. Also worked out for almost an hour, alternating cardio & weight training as per the evil Blue Lady's instructions. My legs really hurt, and my back is still a little sore, but I felt better after having done it. So yay. Exercise always feels good (especially when it's done) I just have the hardest time getting started.

I'm going to be missing my history class two Thursdays in a row: once for a job fair (this Thursday) and then the following week for my internship presentation to the Board of Governors. I feel really bad about skipping, but since I haven't figured out a way to clone myself yet, I guess this will just have to do.

Your South Park Quote: by Melraad
Lucky Number:
Favourite Colour:
Yer South Park Quote:"Now children, this is a planetarium, not a Bangkok brotherl, behave." - Mr Garrison
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

Friday, March 26, 2004

We're having Thanksgiving Dinner tonight

Yesterday's meals:

Breakfast: Women's oatmeal, soy milk; grape juice
Snack: Apple
Lunch: Roast beef w/veggies on whole wheat wrap, carrot sticks, 4 thin mints
Snack: apple
Dinner: 1/3 frozen pizza, salad, veggies from yesterday; 2 tagalongs
Water throughout
Walked around campus, as usual. Starting on Monday, back to exercising hardcore, mummy or no mummy.

Handed in my last paper for History yesterday. Felt kind of good. Now I can focus on my internship paper this next week, and then my paper on Diarmuid and Grannia throughout April. This on top of all the other homework I have to do and, of course, trying to find a job.

Been very lazy lately. Kelly whines, I'm just lazy. Haven't written, haven't read. I need better weather, I need warmth. I was built for warmer climes, I think. 'Cause yesterday it was in the 50s and I was still walkin' around in a sweater & winter coat. Today is supposed to be in the 60s, but I don't really believe them. They lie, lie! If it's warmer, anyway, I can sit outside and force myself to do work because there's no TV. TV is my huge downfall. Well, that and the internet.

The dog is eating the catfood. I hate dogs. Cats are so much better. They purr, they meow, they cuddle. They rarely deficate or urinate somewhere they aren't supposed to.

I got my car back last night. Went in for an oil change, came out with a new water pump. Need new brake pads the next time I go in. Woohoo, car ownership. Where is my flying car, btw? The Jetson's lied too!


Which high class ho are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

White Dragon
You are a white dragon, pure and noble, you would
help humans if they desprately need you. YOu
are kind and wise with a heart of gold.

Which Dragon resides in your soul? (cool pictures!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Thursday is almost Friday

Incidentally, "Friday" is named after the Norse goddess of Fertility, Frigg. Just FYI.

Anyway, yesterday looked like this, food wise:

Breakfast: low-carb wheat bagel w/cream cheese, soy milk; grape juice
Snack: Apple
Lunch: Weight Watchers Veggie pizza, water
Snack: Apple, abt. an ounce of cheese, 2 low-fat crackers
Dinner: Veggie & chicken ratatouille thing, ice cream
Walked up and down the road w/mom for exercise. I'm going to start the videos up again next week I think. Need to make headway.

Had a classmate look over history paper, she helped me with some clarity and possibly making it a little longer as well. So that was nice and helpful of her.

Saw bf as well, which cheered me up a little more out of my funk that I had been in. Not that I need a man to cheer me up, but it is nice to see the bf during the week, 'cause we usually don't have the time.

Anyway, off to do homework that I didn't do last night.


Which woman of Shakespeare are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
She's from "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Anyone remember which one she is?

the virgin mary
The Virgin Mary

Which bad girl of the Bible are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
I suck, I'm not really a bad girl.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Update of sorts

Okay, first of all, mood has improved 75% since yesterday, so any of you who talked to me and were worried can relax a bit. But wait a few minutes, like New England weather, it'll change.

Am writing my paper at this moment (well, not THIS moment; I'm procrastinating right now, and looking for MLA stuff simultaneously. Whee for multi-tasking). It's not going too badly *knock on wood*, but I'm fooling myself by typing it single spaced; I won't double space 'til the end and then I'll find out how much bullsh** I've gotta put into it.

Since this seems to be the trend:

Breakfast: large bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios w/soy milk; grape juice
Snack: Apple
Lunch: Roast beef on whole wheat tortilla w/lettuce, tomato, green peppers & a bit of mayo; carrot sticks; oatmeal cookiee
Snack: Orange
Dinner: Ham, 2 helpings of salad; apple pie w/tiny bit of ice cream for dessert

No official workout today, but I did lug myself and my books around campus all day, so that should count for something.

I'm Yuna
Which FFX-2 Girl Are You?
Brought to you by Clever-Girl

It isn't a poem
Non curo. Si metrum non habet, non est poema.
"I don't care. If it doesn't rhyme, it isn't
a poem."
You are a type A personality. You like bright
things, you don't call in sick to work, and you
have devastating opinions about art.

Which Weird Latin Phrase Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, March 22, 2004

Sleep, sweet sleep

I actually got good sleep last night; no dreams or undue mental stress keeping me awake. All the factors of the stress are still around, but I made some headway on my paper that's due Thursday, and might actually have a topic, so that's good.

Still, I am not in a happy place right now. Blame it on hormonal shifts, which is partially accurate, but I am feeling overwhelmed. School is dumping a lot on me right now, which I could probably handle, if I didn't have this all-consuming, gripping fear of not being employed AGAIN when this is all over. I just put myself into more debt (another source of anxiety) to get a job, and if it doesn't work...I don't know what I'm going to do. You know the B+ in student teaching might be a sign saying I'm barking up the wrong tree, but I *want* to do this now. I miss some of my students from the fall; I'm eager to get kids to read and write and talk about things. But there is that nagging fear...once again, I've made the wrong choice; once again, I've wasted another year and more money on something that won't pan out.

Your a dog.
You are the Dog. Brave and Strong

What Pet are you like?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're Gandalf the White!

Which Gandalf are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Bizarre dream

Okay, I had a wedding dream last night. It was being held in France, I think. Some European country at any rate. At the rehersal, bf (yes, this bf) was wearing a read cape with a hood and he wouldn't take the hood off. Then it flashed to the wedding day, and the wedding was behind held...I think in a shopping mall. There were a ton of people dressed in jeans who kept peaking over this railing above where the ceremony was being held. We were held up, though, 'cause my maid of honor (best friend) wasn't there yet, along with one of my two close friends from high school. There was this bride's maid that I didn't know, too, a blonde woman. She was wearing a blue dress. Maid of Honor showed up, wearing a red dress. The dresses didn't even have the same style. So we're more or less ready, even though high school friend still hasn't shown up. So they start playing the music, and this weird procession begins. I don't remember a lot of the details, but then all the "civilian" spectators swarmed onto the scene, trying to get a better look at the wedding. Then I realized I didn't have any flowers, so my mother and I were picking flowers from this flower shop that just showed up. And we finally got some silk flowers in red and blue and white. I was holding them in a blue wine goblet looking thing. The flowers kept changing colors from red to blue to white, and then they all fell out of the goblet. I was standing I guess with the wedding planner. Then bf shows up (without a tux jacket on) and he's going to walk me down the aisle, but then the wedding planner shoos him to the altar. My father was standing up there waiting. Bf said something sweet, apparently, into the microphone at the altar, but I couldn't hear him. Then I realized that I couldn't remember getting a blood test or a marriage license. I never actually made it down the aisle.

Anybody? Anybody?

Chinese Element of Wood
You are the chinese element of Wood. People who
are under the element of wood are practical,
focused and like to learn. Wood, you are a
natural leader, but you also like to control a
lot, you're never still and especially hate to
lose. The color of wood is blue/green and your
symbol is the dragon. Spring is the season in
which wood shines, and it's months are
January/February. Your weather condition is
rain. Wood is the direction east, and your day
is Thursday, while your planet is Jupiter.
Animals under your element are usually scaled.
People under you are the Mongols. Your sense is
sight, your taste is sour, your sound is
calling and your virtue is benevolence. Your
organ is the liver. You were created by Water
and you control Earth.

Which of the 5 Chinese Elements Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, March 19, 2004


This is the result of not working your abs in a week; they hurt for two days after the workout.

I have a paper due next Thursday that I have not even started. I also have the write the paper for my project (with help from my group-mates) by the first week in April. 'Cause I like to pile all the stuff I need to do into two weeks. Oh yeah, and my Celtic paper that's still really not going anywhere. Why did I decide that going back to school was a good idea?

Today is the bf's birthday. He is 25. He can now rent a car and get lower car insurance rates. Woohoo.

We are at about day 5 of the never-ending snow. I am probably going to have to shovel the driveway before I can go anywhere today. And I do have to go out. More internshipy goodness.

Not feeling my normal chipper self. Although I suppose I'm not usually chipper. Maybe it's this strong desire for winter to be over, but I'm finding myself in an unpleasant emotional state. I'm wondering if getting some of this school work out of the way if I'll feel better.

Okay, you can all pretty much tune out at this point; I have to complain about the webboard I'm a member of. 2 months ago, the owner & one of her closest friends on the site at a falling out; mass exodus of membership followed. Now that friend has re-joined part of the site because she missed some of the people & discussions, but didn't want to get involved all the way again. Well, people are still pissed at her. I don't know everything that happened; I think both sides are to blame, but both sides are right too. And it's not liberal bull-crap, that's the way I see it. Then people jumped down MY throat when I said that to someone bitching about this other member's re-joining of the site. The bitcher doesn't even frequent that part of the site, so wtf is the problem? Gah, it's so stupid and of course I shouldn't give a rat's ass 'cause it's just a website. But still.

Pirate Monkey's Harry Potter Personality Quiz
Harry Potter Personality Quiz
by Pirate Monkeys Inc.

You are Galadriel's Mirrorball.  A gift to her from Sauron in the days when he masked his evil, you wreak havoc among the weak-minded.  The elven queen herself has been seen sneaking aw
You are Galadriel's Mirrorball. A gift to her from
Sauron in the days when he masked his evil, you
wreak havoc among the weak-minded. The elven
queen herself has been seen sneaking away to
her secret glade to dance the night away to
wicked music. You may be the downfall of

Which completely non-existant Lord of the Rings object are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mother f'er

My laptop is being stupid. I am pissed. My tab & control buttons are not working at the moment. Also, all my internet "buttons" (Refresh, Home, etc) are not lit I'm offline or something. Which, obviously, I am not. Son of a biscuit!

We got snow. Lots of snow. I still have to go to my internship today. Blah.

Cordelia just broke up with Xander. Poor guy.

Speaking of vampires, I finished "Dracula" last night. Let me say, the ending lacked something. Someone dies (hope I'm not spoiling it for anyone) and it was kind of...well, weird. Anyway, I wish someone would make a movie that was pretty true to the book because it would have some great scenes.

You are Moloch. You trick people into believeing
you're someone else then hit them where it

What Buffy Bad guy are you??? (with pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

You're human Inuyasha! When out of demon form (and
consequently, out of your comfort zone), you
feel vulnerable, awkward, and confused. This
self-hatred of your human state leads you to be
tempremental and self-conscious, ultimately
distancing you from your friends. You tend to
associate being human with being a weakling,
and you hate nothing more than feeling
helpless. Keep in mind that this so-called
weakness isn't one at all; merely another facet
of your fascinating personality. Your friends
will continue to be there for you if you'll
only let them. Besides, it's only one night out
of each month, you big whiner. So chin up.
Sunrise isn't that far off ^_~

Which Inuyasha Are You? Now with pictures! ^_^
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

I'm late, I'm late...

Well, what I should be doing is getting dressed and finishing packing my lunch so I can go be studious at college. And yet here I am blogging about how I won't be around all day.

Question for all: is it okay that I just want to be a teacher? That I don't see myself wanting to be an administrator or anything like that. I don't have the personality for it. I believe that you can do more in the classroom than sitting in an office separated from the students. Does this make me bad, or unmotivated, or lacking something? Kiefer movie...drool.

Take the Spirit Quiz and visit Castle Diqueria. Who's Your Anime Boyfriend?

Monday, March 15, 2004

The fun is over

I'm not sure if last week was "fun" but it was a nice break. I actually didn't get all of my history homework done, so I'm going to have to plow through that today. I've got about 5 pages of a chapter and two articles of unknown length to read. I think I'm going to spend most of my day tomorrow at the school, especially in the library. Gotta beat the undergrads to the more interesting topics for the next history paper. Also have to attempt a new angle for my Celtic & Norse paper.

I think I should be more worried about finding a job. Right now though, I'm kind of confident, even though I'm not seeing a lot of the jobs I'm really interested in. English teacher positions abound, but mostly at the high school level. High school, as you all know, is my second choice. Though I suppose if they told me I'd only be teaching freshmen it would be different. Especially at the beginning of the year. Anyway, make sure to remind me of this moment in May when I can't find work and I'm terrified ;)

Maybe I shouldn't give too much insight into my parents but....well, they watched "Sleepy Hollow" last night 'cause there was nothing on our 40 million stations. Dad asks if he will like it. Mother says "Christina Ricci is falling out of her dress most of the movie. Of course you'll like it." I thought that was kind of funny.

More non-unique answers for quizzes.

Take the What's Your Song? quiz and visit Castle Diqueria.

Take the Which of the 7 deadly sins are you? quiz, and visit Castle Diqueria

Sunday, March 14, 2004

You may already be a winner.

Last night was a good ol' fashioned hootinaney at my father's club. I walked away with a cake dish, a collage picture frame, and two candle holders. BF took the picture frame home to put in his office, once he goes through my pictures of us and has his father make copies. Felt kind of special, I have to say.

Today I'm celebrating St. Patty's day early with my brother's godfather's family. Their daughter is a year and a half...very cute. Has the name I always wanted to name a little girl. So I named the main character of my opus that instead. Every bf I've ever had didn't like the name. *sigh*

BF is going on two trips in the next couple of months: one to Iowa and one to Orlando. Don't want to go to Iowa; want to go to Orlando, but it's all businessy so I can't. He's going to stop in Minneapolis for the first leg of the latter trip; I told him he must purchase me Viking gear if he is in Viking land. I may attempt to treat myself to tickets to a game this year if they're playing anyone in the area. I'll definitely be on TV; I'll be one of the 1/2 dozen purple jerseys.

I'm posting quiz answers, but I'm a little upset that I can't get any original answers. Feeling quite sheepish in that regard. Or lemming-ish. Whee, making up new words.

What's your life as a movie? Made by

Hero; congradulations! You always save the day,
even though you may be an inch away from death,
have no fear, the producers can't make you die

Who do you play in in a typical movie?
brought to you by Quizilla

Take the Which Evil Demon are you? quiz, and visit Castle Diqueria

Friday, March 12, 2004


1. List in order, your top 5 most desired super-human powers: I think if I say "The Force" it sums it all up; oh, and being able to freeze things
2. What do you like best about yourself, emotionally?: Sensitive to other's feelings
3. What do you like best about yourself, physically?: My lower back
4. Do you bathe in the mornings?: if I work out
5. Do you bathe in the evenings?: shower, usually
6. How many times, in a week, would you say you've washed yourself?: 7
7. Do you flex in the mirror?: Uh, no
8. Do other people find you attractive?: Rumored to be true
9. Do you find yourself attractive?: On my good days
10. List 5 things you hate about yourself: my weight, my hair, my skin, my teeth, my indecisiveness
11. List 10 things you like about yourself: intelligence, sense of humor, organizational, I don't have a lot of things I like about mysef
12. List 5 people you care about online: Just online? Josh, Alan, Carol..that's it for people I don't know offline too...pretty much
13. List 5 people you care about in real life: Kelly, Sar, Jer, Brett, Katie
14. Overall, do you love yourself?: On good days
15. Are you more happy, than not?: split down the middle
16. Have you ever been hit before?: by my brother, yes
17. Where were you hit?: all over
18. By what?: sibling's fist
19. Did it hurt?: i'm sure at the time, yes
20. Is the glass half-empty or half-full?: it's a glass, with stuff in it
21. In what color do you see the world?: Technicolor
22. Why?: *shrugs*
23. How often do you swear?: several times daily
24. How often do you swear at other people?: once or twice daily
25. How does this make you feel?: Rather stupid sometimes
26. Are you on some kind of medication?: Yes
27. Do you think you need it?: Well, it's either that or enter the world of parenting
28. Right now, who/what do you feel like hugging?: my cat
29. Name 3 songs you'd listen to right now: "This Land is Mine" by Dido, "Sunday Morning After" by Amanda Marshall, "Big Balls" by AC-DC
30. List 3 people who's voices you'd like to hear right now: Brett's, my best friend's, my cousin's
31. What is your favorite noise?: kisses
32. What is your favorite word?: aseinasinasylic acid (totally spelled's Asprin)
33. What is your favorite color?: blue!
34. What is your least favorite noise?: It's not you, it's me
35. Least favorite word?: loneliness
36. Least favorite color?: yellow
37. Do you value your friends?: Clearly, otherwise I wouldn't keep 'em around
38. Do you value your family?: 99% of 'em
39. Do you value your stuff?: Well, yes
40. Do you self-mutilate?: Does shaving count?
41. Do other people mutilate you?: I think I'll refrain from comment ;)
42. Have you ever been beaten up before?: By Tom Hanks
43. Have you ever beaten anyone else up before?: Not with any lasting reprecussions
44. What's your favorite animal?: Cats
45. What's your favorite desert?: Ice cream
46. How old are you... mentally?: probably fluctuate between 16 & 30
47. What's your favorite "smiley face"?: ;)
48. People most often refer to you as: me?
49. What is your favorite quote?: "Didn't the Oedipus bells go off?"
50. What will you do now??: help mom w/dinner

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Silence...of the lambs

No, I didn't dream about Hannibal Lecter or anything like that. I actually don't remember anything I dreamed about last night. Actually a nice change of pace.

Have to bring the brother to another doctor's appointment today. This time he gets injected with radioactive dye so that three hours later to be bone scanned. We're not sure what the dye is going to do to him, hence the driver required. I can't decide whether to bring school work or my notebook to write in. Perhaps both. We'll be at mom's hospital, so she'll probably stop up at some point during the scanning.

Saw the bf last night. Looks much better than the last time I saw him (see 7.Mar.04) and was able to consume food without regurgitating immediately. Today is our 4-year anniversary. 4 years is a really long time. ;)

I would post a little cube-of-wisdom, but memegen site was being too slow.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Another doozy

Okay, so last night's dream started out like I was subsitute teaching at an all-girl's high school somewhere. From the dream, it seemed like I had been there before; the faculty knew me. My father was there too, so it had this summer-internship feel like when I worked with my dad. Anyway, lunch was over, and I couldn't get out of the cafe quick enough. So the new principal/headmistress/whatever didn't know who I was and I got stuck playing/engaging in this very weird sort-of ice-breaking type game.

Then we had a switch of venues...sort of. Now the kids were instead at a camp and I was a counselor. So we're marching through the woods and then we got to this weird river/ford thing. We cross without problem (although it's a problem later) and then the kids are starting to leave in their parents' cars. Then this boy (!) comes up to me with a green bundle--you guessed, it's a baby. So I try to give it to the headmistress/principal lady and she tells me just to deal with it. So I re-cross the river (still not a problem) and I run into a whole bunch of other guys. Now for some reason I have to cross the river a thrid time and now it's a problem...either the bridge was out or whatever. So now I'm chest deep in REALLY COLD WATER and I've still got this infant and I'm stuck. (Now the weird part) Kobe Bryant comes to help me, followed by Georgia-Ex-Boyfriend (names removed of those people I actually know) and ilikeswords. The bf was a little farther out on his way to rescue me.

That's it. That's all she wrote. WTF???

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

The closed captions don't always censor

Today was not nearly as productive as yesterday. I did mail out a letter of interest and my visa bill, but I didn't get much reading done on my Norse myths. Missed a call to work because I had too many noises going on in my room, so I probably won't turn on my humidifier tonight in case I get another call.

I wish I could afford to join an ediets-esque plan. I think that might be something I do once I become gainfully employed. I might even buy a personal fridge to put in my room, that way no one eats my food! Cooking for one can be a pain in the arse, but I'd probably live. But that's for the fall, when I have money.

Tonight will probably be more bizarre-dream inducing reading, 'cause I like doing my homework during the day.

You are COOLER RANCH! You are my favorite! lol you
are a chip with a kick. No one knows what you
are gonna do next!

What Kind Of Doritos Chips Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

What Mutant Powers Do You Have? by Frisket17
Dominate Mutant PowerEmpathic Vampirism
Secondary Mutant PowerAnimal Mimicry
Rank LevelNovice
Affiliation/TeamOwn Team
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!


Okay, let me just say that I had a weird night. I've been reading Dracula and read about 30 pages of it last night before going to bed. For some reason, my brain was positively in overdrive afterwards. This used to happen to me when I was younger and read "scary" stories. Or, for that matter, when we had fire safety day in school. I'd get home at night, lie in bed, and think of all the horrible in-home catastrophes that could happen to my family. It wasn't that bad last night, but my brain just get rolling with ideas.

So I finally get to sleep and then my father wakes me up. At first I think I'm dreaming, but no, he's actually talking to me. It's almost 11, so my parents should be in bed. The bf called on the main house line, which is very weird, because he never calls that line after 9 o'clock 'cause he knows my parents are in bed. And he didn't even know what time it was.

So then I get into bed and start to dream. It involves my grad classmates, the alien from "Alien" and Ian McKellan. Oh, and a little terrier dog. It started out in class, I think, but then we were all running away from the alien, and it was like a couldn't see us if we weren't moving. We ended up in this reception/conference room and one of my classmates (but not one that I recognized) was singing. Ian McKellan was playing piano and was, apparently, part of the group I was with. One of them was pregnant too. Anyway, the alien kept lurking around outside the room, and when the song was over we all ski-daddled out of there. In comes the terrier, who lead us into this maze of rooms, one of which looked like a radio station. They were all very sleek-lined though; no furniture, all chrome. Actually, it was just me following the dog at this point. Then it led me outside and I was on Main St, America and the dog was just lying down on the sidewalk. This little girl went to pet him and he nipped her. Then she started throwing snowballs at him, and the dog was chasing them. Anyway, she followed me back to this door that apparently led into the maze of rooms, but looked like a store front. She snuck into the building and now the room that had been all chrome looked quite a bit like a regular livingroom. All my classmates were in sleeping bags or on furniture, and I had to charge my cell phone.

Yeah, okay, someone figure THAT one out!

Sunday, March 07, 2004

Weekend recap

So, let's see...Friday I went to see "Starsky & Hutch." Funny movie, kick-ass soundtrack. I am beginning to understand why women find Owen Wilson so appealing.

Saturday, went and bought a cat fountain, the kind specifically made for cats to drink out of. Cleo was bein' a bit of a prick about it earlier, but she did drink out of it this morning, so all is not lost. Then, Mom & I went into a Goodwill store and I found a dress that I was a 7/8. IT FIT! Now, to the men, this means nothing, but to the women (all two of you) you understand. I haven't been a 7/8 anything since high school. Psyched-ness was occuring. After that, my parents had some company, had a good meal.

Sunday. BF stayed over last night, woke up this morning and didn't feel well. This couldn't have ANYTHING to do with the fact that one of the first things he put into his stomach yesterday was 2 glasses of white wine and some cheese. Anyway, he ate & drank merrily last night and has been paying for it ALL day. After expelling most of the previous night's dinner, wine, and the little breakfast he had consumed, I got him to drink some Gatorade. This too he expelled. Then he wouldn't eat or drink anything else. No soda, no dry toast...I told 'em it'd help but...well, what do I know, right? So he was at my house until around 4 o'clock before he finally decided he could drive home.

Now, after having watched "Life as a House" and "Serendipity" today, I am now watching Indiana Jones...the first one. Tomorrow the plan is to read, write, make a few inquiries about some possible jobs. Looks like there might be an opening next year in my old middle school. We shall see.

At your ten year high school reunion... by robbiewriter
Your school name
Your name
Your job will beWriter
You will be worth$837,956
Everyone will think youare really hot
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

Which Marauder are you?
quiz made by Robyn and Angie.

Friday, March 05, 2004

Where's the sun????

I know I should work out this morning, 'cause my back hurts. But I don't wanna. I will probably motivate myself to do it at some point before 1:30. In theory.

Anyone want to play a little blogger game? It's a conversation with song titles (likestrek's latest title made me think of it). Basically, you put song titles in an order that tells a story; makes a conversation. For example:

The Itch (Can't remember)
You Make Me Sick (Pink)
It wasn't me (Shaggy)
I did it (Dave Matthews)

See, it tells a little story (and Dave Matthews comes out as the bad guy, but that just makes me happy ;) ) If anyone's got a good title to start with, tag me!

Movie Partners (Girls Only!) by churchbabe
Your Username
Lord of the Rings PartnerGandalf
Star Wars PartnerAnakin
Pirates of the Caribbean PartnerWill Turner
Finding Nemo PartnerNemo
Harry Potter PartnerSeverus Snape
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Midterms are finis!

I tried to put together a mostly-French sentence, but I could not think of the verb. Ah well.

So yeah, after spending some time at my internship tomorrow, I'll be on spring break. Of course, the bf starts work on Monday so I'll be mostly sleeping and writing. Yes, writing. Ideas are kinda rolling around, and now I'll have some time to get that done. Whee!

Yay for Dendera's last day in a month. Go you!

Your Moulin Rouge Status: by pinkrobelover
Your Name:
Your deepest secret:You extracted Herpes from all the whores.
The Bohemian Ideal You hold true to most is:Beauty
Your Job at the Moulin Rouge:Man in pretty skirt
What the customers think:You're quite the seductive little wench.
Favorite Quote:"The Show must go on."
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

Are you a God? by Demonac
God/Goddess type:False God
Worshippers:Holy Men
They show devotion by:Denying your existence.
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Geek Rant

Okay, so I saw the episode of "Charmed" that I'd missed and...I WAS RIGHT! I knew Magic-School guy was bad. He was just a little creepy whenever I saw him, and not in a good way. Yay for Piper & Leo, but sad for Leo too. Do they write Chris off the show now? Wouldn't it be REALLY annoying to have your unborn child hovering over your shoulder as an adult saying "should you eat that? Don't do that!" all the time.

Second geek rant--they're releaseing Voyager's first season on DVD. With extra stuff. I am SO psyched! It's probably going to be a gazillion dollars, but still.

Hey, anime ladies--have you heard of the series "Witch Hunter Robin?" Know anything about it?

Sagittarius Drinking style
When battered, they'll spill all your secrets and
many of their own. Tactlessness aside,
Sagittarius is just plain fun to drink with.
This is a sign of serious partying (what else
would you expect from the sign of Sinatra,
Keith Richards, the Bush twins and Anna Nicole
Smith?). They're the people who chat up
everyone in the room, then persuade the entire
crowd to travel somewhere else -- like a
nightclub, or a playground, or Cancun. Good-
natured hijinks are sure to ensue (including a
high possibility of loopy groping; spontaneous
Sag is a brilliant booty call).

Alcohoroscopes- what do the stars say about your drinking style
brought to you by Quizilla

Phlegmatic: You are phlegmatic. The element that
describes you is water, and your endocrine
balance tends toward the pituitary gland. You
are loyal, and tend to master the activities
you pursue. Your joy lies in play, and you tend
to rebel or cry when angry. Your healthy diet
would see you drinking less milk and eating
less dairy, and getting more protein and
vegetables into your meals. Your sleep patterns
most likely average around 8-9 hours a night,
and you probably like milk and fruit with your
meals. You find choleric types most attractive.
In Jungian terms, you are a Sensory Introvert.
Your comprehension mode is

What is your Humour?
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, March 02, 2004


I got an A- on my paper that I wrote for History. Hot freakin' damn! That made my day on a lot of levels.

Tonight I took "off" after my exam, but I shall be back to the grindstone tomorrow, writing out my four short-answer questions and prepping for my other exam. It's going to be...hard. There's a LOT to remember. I'm just going to study my little brains out. Gosh, that'll be a mess on the floor.

My father is redoing my closet tomorrow night. The built-in is kinda fallin' apart, so he's gonna work some testosterone-y magic and fix it. Whee!

Are you Charmed? by kya_jane
How are you relatedA friend of the family who turns out to be a demon in disguise
Your powerNowsight (You can see the Present)
Your manAndy
Good/EvilReally really bad but not quite yet evil
How you meetAt Magic School
RandomYou gain a new power
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

Responsible Lady
Fulfilling Duty. Whether this is based on what
society has taught you or your own sense of
right and wrong, you have a strong sense of
duty that you need to fulfill in order to feel
right about yourself. This doesn't necessarily
mean you're driven by guilt, though. It could
just as easily be the tickle of pleasure you
get from doing the right thing. ^_^ You just
have to be careful not to forget that other
things are also important sometimes, like
looking after yourself. Please rate my test, if
you liked it.

How do you seek fulfillment in life? (for girls) [with pics I found]
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, March 01, 2004


Yeah, I have midterms this week. I haven't taken a "real" exam in...2 years? I am very nervous about this. My history one will seemingly be easy, what with the 3x5 index card we can bring in, but my Celtic Mythology one....oy, it's not looking good. There are like 15 possible essay questions, but not all of 'em will be on the test, and we won't have to answer all of those. Plus side--the short answer questions we can bring in already typed up if we want. So yay for that.

I'm hoping to get my ass in gear by 9am so I can finish typing up my notes and continue reading "The Quest of/for the Holy Grail." If you've never read this...well, parts of it are really boring, but it's actually really entertaining to read around Lancelot boffing the Queen, 'cause they can't actually SAY what they've been doing.

Also, does anyone know what happened to the resident ogre?

Your Ideal Episode of the Simpsons? by davisj8
HomerHas a fight with Barney
MargeDyes hair orange
Bartworks for Apu
Lisafalls for new boy
Maggiestarts walking.
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